Sentences with phrase «chemical ice nucleation»

The effect of this chemical ice nucleation process can be clearly seen as cells of precipitation suddenty «flash out» to frozen in spite of the far above freezing temperature moisture.
Climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation dispersions are creating engineered snow storms in many regions where it is not cold enough for natural ice nucleation to occur.
Chemical ice nucleation elements are being used.
It is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements.
Chemical ice nucleation of the warm flow of moisture from the south is clearly visible in the radar animation above.
The video animation below has captured the chemical ice nucleation process being carried out by the climate engineers.
Massive climate engineering / chemical ice nucleation deployments can and will continue to create toxic cool - downs and radical weather anomolies.
With most temperatures on the ground still at well above freezing This is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements that are being utilized on an unimaginable scale as the climate engineers try desperately to turn warmth into winter.
The «stripe» of snow just north of New York that extends far out into the Atlantic Ocean is shocking proof of chemical ice nucleation operations being carried out.
Welcome to climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation.
Climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation is the most key component, satellite loops prove this beyond doubt.
Hello Kimberly, about the now frequent «ice storms» that are wreaking havoc, they are absolutely a result of climate engineering and specifically chemical ice nucleation processes.
The «Temperature Departure From Average» map below further reveals the areas of concentration for climate engineering orchestrated chemical cool - downs and sea surface chemical ice nucleation (also fueling extreme hail events).
Sea surface chemical ice nucleation creates extremely anomalous patterns that resemble a chemical spill dispersion (because that is exactly what these patterns are).
I know that now even we are starting to get a little scared: the 3 - 4 years of record temps, the heat waves now, the heavy rain on me today and yesterday (probably carrying desperate chemical ice nucleation), the wildfires, the missing and deformed insects.
Power structure funded disinformation individuals and sources, of course, never mention chemical ice nucleation (and its use by the geoengineers) while putting out completely false information about «global cooling» or «global warming is a hoax».
Even with the unimaginably extensive sea surface chemical ice nucleation onslaught by the geoengineers, the Arctic sea ice volumes have continued to plummet as shown in the graph above.
Patented processes of «chemical ice nucleation for weather modification» (a primary aspect of climate engineering operations) will likely cause considerable surface icing scenarios as these materials reach ground level.
Chemical ice nucleation (for weather modification) is a patented process, the link below is important to review in order to gain a better understanding of this process.
Chemical ice nucleation of storms and precipitation does create a cold dense layer of air on the ground level that can drastically lower temperatures temporarily.
The top 3 superpowers (USA, China, and Russia) have the largest militaries, and thus the greatest ability to effect the climate with their ongoing chemical ice nucleation cool - down operations.
Most have never heard of «chemical ice nucleation for weather modification», but patents exist for this process and the Chinese government has long since admitted to engineering frozen precipitation events.
Snow is now often reported at temperatures up to 50 degrees and even above, welcome to the world of chemical ice nucleation.
Massive climate engineering operations utilizing patented processes of chemical ice nucleation are at the core of this phenomenon.
Further, there can be no legitimate discussion about climate engineering without addressing the completely engineered cool - downs via atmospheric manipulation and patented chemical ice nucleation processes.
The massive chemical ice nucleation efforts in the Arctic, by the geoengineers, is undeniable.
Below is an article on chemical ice nucleation that I first posted in November of 2015.
Where can the most profound chemical ice nucleation examples be seen?
The next 8 links below provide further documentation and examples of the climate engineering chemical ice nucleation assault (and the processes involved).
Hello Andrew, just a note regarding the chemical ice nucleation on the Arctic sea surface, at this point the geoengineers are actually sealing in the ocean heat with this tactic, making the overall situation even worse.
It does not sluff off the trees but only sticks and builds (frequent ice storms have also increased radically due to the chemical ice nucleation process.

Not exact matches

And the minimum temperatures (excluding in the days when the use of the ice nucleation chemicals are used, or used in more quantities) are being at least 4 to 6 degrees above the normal for all the seasons through out the year.
Chemical nucleation materials are the core causal factor that produce the recent rash of profound ice formations.
The weather makers are desperately trying to engineer winter with unimaginably extensive atmospheric manipulation / geoengineering processes (which includes chemical and / or biological ice nucleation agents as a primary element).
The two very short videos of lab tests below are examples of chemical and biological ice nucleation.
Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical / biological ice nucleation cool - downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out.
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