Sentences with phrase «chemical pesticide residues»

These fruits and vegetables tested positive for a number of chemical pesticide residues, showing higher concentrations of pesticides than other produce on the market.

Not exact matches

When tested for pesticide residue, strawberries have an average of 45 different chemical compounds lingering on their surface.
This is key considering that strawberries and other soft - skinned fruits are at the top of the «dirty dozen» list» — foods that have high levels of pesticide / chemical residues.
People in general are not aware of the herbicide, pesticide and chemical fertiliser residues found in wines.
So we don't want to ingest any harmful residues from pesticide and synthetic chemical fertilizer which are used in conventional farming.
No need to worry about suspected carcinogens (sulfates, parabens, formaldehyde, synthetic fragrances and colorants and more) or pesticide and herbicide residues, as well as contamination from chemical fertilizers.
This means you can use it to find traces of chemical weapons such as sarin or to identify the residue of pesticides on food.
Also, sheep that are dipped in the pesticides often have a chemical residue on their skin that may taint the lanolin extracted from their skin, as well as the wool and the meat.
In creating the database, PAN linked pesticide food residue data with the toxicology for each chemical and made the combined information easily searchable.
Women can also opt for organic beauty products, which would not contain pesticide residues and a number of other chemicals.
In fact, if you could peek inside your body youd find fire - retardant chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, plastic particles, and dozens of other residues of modern life.
Choose fruits and veggies with lower pesticide residues (see the Environmental Working Group's guide at and scrub them with water to reduce surface chemicals further.
Nonorganic cotton can also harbor some residue from chemical herbicides and pesticides.
If there are pesticides and chemical residue on the produce you use, those, too, will be concentrated in your juice.
Vegetable oils also contain residues of the pesticides and chemicals used in their growth and manufacture and most often come from genetically modified sources.
I've been slowly trying to transition our family to organic fabrics in our clothing and bedding as much as possible after finding out that cotton is one of the dirtiest crops, sprayed with large amounts of pesticides and herbicides during its cultivation and residue of these chemicals remain in finished textile products.
We need to know ahead of time how to avoid the rayon, pesticide residue, GMO cotton, dioxins, chemical toxins, petrochemicals, and plastic often found in conventional feminine hygiene products.
Pesticide residue on vegetables and fruits are one of the most common ways we consume these dangerous chemicals.
These foods are full of strange chemicals, pesticide residues, and hormones that kill off the testosterone in the body, plus they're incredibly low on fiber.
By avoiding chemical pesticides, organic agriculture ensures greater biodiversity, naturally disease resistant crops, and drinking water free of pesticide residues.
You are most probably aware that commercially grown fruits and vegetables contain chemical residues of herbicides and pesticides.
First, as you know, the main aspect that most people talk about in the organic vs conventional food debate is simply whether the food in question was grown with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or chemical fertilizers, and whether that food contains pesticide / herbicide residues in or on the actual food when you eat it.
And that IS important... I mean, I know I don't want to be ingesting pesticide residues that are potentially carginogenic or even estrogenic and can possibly increase belly fat (due to the chemical xenoestrogens)... and I'm sure you don't either!
Pesticide residues have chemical structures that are similar to estrogen.
These toxins are many and varied and can come from a wide variety of sources, including chemicals and toxins in your food and water, pharmaceutical drugs, environmental chemicals (pesticides, etc.), alcohol residues, various forms of pollution and radiation and many other potential toxins.
They must be free of pesticide and chemical residues, harvested and distilled in clean facilities and be from first distillations not second or third batches.
Other causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome include pesticide residues, inhaled chemicals, environmental toxins, an excess of refined sugars in the diet, infections of fungi such as yeast, parasites or bacteria, chronic stress, food allergies, excessive caffeine, alcohol, and / or tobacco use.
We use organic produce to ensure no herbicide, pesticide or fungicide residues, chemical fertilizers or genetically modified ingredients were included.
Plus, there are other types of chemicals bombarding us from pesticides, herbicides, plastic residues and millions of other sources.
Poor lifestyle choices (7) such as smoking, consuming processed foods laden with trans fats and other harmful chemical additives, along with pesticide and other chemical residue, further add to your free radical burden.
In two - thirds of the items tested, residues of more than one pesticide were detected, with some individual samples containing as many as 13 different chemicals.
This way you can be sure that the flowers are free of pesticides or chemical residue.
It's just filler that they're not getting any nutritional content from, but probably are being dosed with pesticides and the residues of petro - chemical fertilizers by ingesting it.
Thanks, Lady E. I eat organic food because I don't trust conventional food with pesticide residue, GMOs and other unsafe chemicals.
«But as I commented at scienceprogress, the way I see the ledger, the religious Right gets a handful of anti-science points for views on evolution (and related rationalizations about the age of the earth, etc.), and for some dismissal of climate change theory, but the Left gets many more anti-science points for exaggerating the health and ecological risks of POPs; DDT; GMOs; plastics and plasticizers; pesticide residues; conventional agriculture; low - dose EM radiation; high - tension powerlines; climate change; population growth; resource depletion; chemical sweeteners; species extinction rates; biodiversity decline; and I'm sure the list could go on.
The broadest study yet of toxic chemicals that Americans absorb in their bodies showed a continuing decline in the clearest threats, like lead, pesticides and tobacco residues, but turned up numerous other findings that federal scientists and other experts called troublesome yesterday.
A scientist shows that baleen whales are consuming Antarctic krill contaminated by accumulated residues of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from pesticides and industrial chemicals.
Similarly, the TPP chapter on sanitary measures, if not drafted carefully, could be used to challenge food safety laws based on the precautionary principle such as pesticide residue, chemical additives or genetic modification.
Chemicals like those from pesticide residues that have moved through the plant tissues, just as they're designed to.
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