Sentences with phrase «chemical reactions like»

Instead of burning a fossil fuel for the heat needed to drive the thermal chemistry process, for chemical reactions like splitting H2 (hydrogen) from H2O, scientists have been testing various kinds of reactors heated by the thermal form of solar, using mirrors to concentrate the solar flux.
It must depend how the oxidation is being generated as well eg mitochondrial type energy processes, or chemical reaction like eicosanoid production, and where if at all do the two meet.

Not exact matches

Nor is it simply «housed» in certain neighborhoods and «contexted» in certain social «matrices,» like a chemical reaction in a test tube.
Since the only thing believed to exist was hydrogen and energy, it doesn't seem to me like there could have been a chemical reaction, maybe I am wrong about that.
Not mold but it looks like some chemical reaction.
I'm no chemist, but it almost sounds like a chemical reaction... maybe some minerals reacting?
I usually use the recipe from the Post Punk Kitchen, and they stress the importance of mixing the oil and sugar thoroughly to make a caramel, as this is when an important chemical reaction takes place, or something like that.
I wanted to point out that I don't think you need to mix the wet and dry separately since there's no chemical reaction going on (usually baking soda / baking powder plus something like buttermilk or other acid).
Highly acidic foods, such as sauces like BBQ and ketchup, have a higher risk of changes to their chemical composition due to their low pH. Both acid hydrolysis (decomposition) and the reaction of additives and substitutions are accelerated and dictated by the temperatures that the ingredients are exposed to.
Plus, the millet flour in the crust starts to have a chemical reaction with the butter, and develops a cheesy - like scent and flavor, which means that you must bake or freeze that particular dough within 20 minutes of combining the ingredients.
And if you're a wine lover, the pairings can create magical chemical reactions on your tongue, like a mineral - heavy Chenin blanc paired with the fresh crudo is the taste bud equivalent of holding a seashell to your ear — you can taste the ocean!
Simple desserts like custards and puddings fare best, because they're not reliant on sweeteners for leavening and other chemical reactions.
It is completely different in the most important ways, which is it does NOT feed cancer cells in the way highly processed white sugar does and it does NOT cause chemical reactions in the brain (exactly like heroin)-- keeping you craving more sugary foods / drinks like highly processed white sugar does.
I think if you love being a Mum and love your child so much like you say, you will love a second child, i can understand not loving all children of course, but it is built in you to love your own, its a chemical reaction.
Some babies are more sensitive than others, and this chemical burn or reaction can range from redness everywhere the disposable diaper is touching, to severe burns and even systemic reactions like rashes and eczema all over the baby's body!
(If you would like more information about the chemical reaction while cleaning with baking soda & vinegar, click over to Everyday Einstein.)
The best way for you to nourish your baby's skin is using the purest products around, as these are the products that will provide the greatest benefits without drawbacks like chemicals or potential allergic reactions.
Cons: Although there have been no studies that show that the chemicals (like dioxin), dyes and gels used in disposables cause harm, some parents might be leery of all that stuff next to their baby's bottom — and some babies can have an allergic reaction to these types of diapers, which may mean more diaper rash.
Allergies occur when we are exposed to stimuli that will trigger our body's antibodies to release immune chemicals like histamine that will, in turn, cause allergic reactions.
The nanowires collect sunlight, much like the light - absorbing layer on a solar panel, and the bacteria use the energy from that sunlight to carry out chemical reactions that turn carbon dioxide into a liquid fuel such as isopropanol.
These are features needed to make a TNA enzyme that, like RNA, could control a chemical reaction.
Like modeling complex chemical reactions or monitoring the electric power grid.
Our group of writers serves up juicy topics like genetic engineering, gut bacteria and the chemical reactions that occur during cooking.
Materials like titanium oxide, known as semiconductors with the wide band - gap, are traditionally used to convert sunlight to chemical energy for the photocatalytic reaction.
The most striking phenomenon in the region, says Kao, is that 90 % of the DNA is methylated — a chemical reaction in which DNA is tagged and deactivated with methyl groups (like making a computer disk read - only)-- compared to only 60 % to 70 % in the whole genome.
But alternative approaches, like capturing CO2 directly from the air using chemical reactions or absorbing it with ground - up minerals added to soils, are just beginning to see their first real - world tests.
The radar detector makes it possible to «see» the quantum states of products of a chemical reaction occurring at the interface of a supersonic beam of gas and a liquid - like surface on a self - assembled monolayer, or SAM.
At Brandeis, Seth Fraden, professor of physics, and Irv Epstein, the Henry F. Fischbach Professor of Chemistry, created rings of synthetic, cell - like structures with activating and inhibiting chemical reactions to test Turing's model.
A new material that appears to be an ordinary liquid, but can be shaped, moulded and sliced like Play - Doh or plasticine, could be used to make novel lenses or mini-containers for chemical reactions.
The conversation was thrumming along, touching on the efficiencies of chemical reactions and the like, when Benner abruptly turned to me and asked, «How much do you think it would cost to create a self - replicating organism capable of Darwinian evolution?»
The new work, described in the Jan. 15 Physical Review B, could help researchers identify which 2 - D metals are most promising for various applications, like spurring chemical reactions or sensing gases.
Its basic parts, says the evolutionary biologist, are like a vast library of letters, spelling out the language of chemical reactions and the intricate cellular circuitry that leads species to be better, stronger, faster.
«Tiny details have amazing effects: A slight change in the substrate, like the removal of a small chemical group, is sufficient to practically stop the reaction
The LCLS is «like a high - speed camera with an incredibly bright flash» and can take X-ray snapshots that freeze chemical or biological reactions in time, according to the SLAC website.
Moreover, Carell's chemical reaction should work equally well with more primitive, RNA - like molecules, making it an excellent candidate for the prebiotic world, says Hud.
It didn't take long for her to confirm that the flashing was not, as most people assumed, a form of bioluminescence — a chemical reaction inside animals like plankton that produces light similar to that of a glow stick.
These are key steps towards creating a TNA enzyme that can control a chemical reaction, just like RNA.
Like the poet, microbes that make methane are taking chemists on a road less traveled: Of two competing ideas for how microbes make the main component of natural gas, the winning chemical reaction involves a molecule less favored by previous research, something called a methyl radical.
Each spectrometer was tasked with collecting a certain set of data throughout the elapsed reaction, like tracking specific ranges of chemical compounds.
The chemical reactions that produce the barbituric acid and melamine nucleotides don't require the use of enzymes and extreme parameters like high heat and pressure.
Enzymes aid chemical reactions in living organisms like synthetic catalysts do in industrial chemical conversions.
Nature incorporated quantum probabilities into things like chemical reactions.
RNA seemed a likely first biomolecule, because, like DNA, it can store information, and, like proteins, it can act as a catalyst to speed up certain chemical reactions.
The chemical mechanism, discovered by scientists at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and UC Berkeley, could also broaden our understanding of basic chemical reaction processes involving common helpers, called catalysts, like copper and gold.
Effectively, that's like a chemical reaction
What goes on in a cell, Keasling surmised, is a lot like what goes on in a chemical plant: Petroleum goes in, and after a whole chain of reactions, plastic comes out.
When basalt — a volcanic rock that makes up roughly 70 percent of the earth's surface — is exposed to carbon dioxide and water, a chemical reaction occurs, converting the gas to a chalk - like solid material.
Certain amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, essential molecules used by life to build structures like hair and skin and to regulate chemical reactions.
It may be that chemical reactions deep underground have given rise to some of the very earliest stages in the formation of life, like the generation of amino acids, or the building blocks of DNA.
These reactions play a huge role in the catalysis - driven creation of common chemical platforms such as methanol, which is produced on the order of 10 million tons per year as raw material for chemicals production and for uses like fuel.
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