Sentences with phrase «chemistry of the brain»

The chemistry of the brain refers to the study and understanding of the chemical processes that occur within the brain. Full definition
It can use reason and logic, it can look at chemistry of the brain, etc, but can't define conscience.
Divergent thinking is about harnessing the amazing chemistry of your brain and encouraging it to make connections and work all on its own, without you even trying.
Kehr, J. Monitoring chemistry of brain microenvironment: biosensors, microdialysis and related techniques.
Rock solid research based content integrating knowledge of the neuro - chemistry of the brain with an empirically proven approach to couples therapy.
Goal - setting actually changes the chemistry of our brains, and studies have shown that that activity can increase motivation and boost achievement levels by approximately 30 percent.
Speaking atheistic we don't have free will we are a product of evolution and the chemistry of the brain is responsible for our actions we have no choice in the matter.
In other words our actions are the product of the chemistry of our brains and we don't have a choice.
Or, moving up to a higher level, if the chemistry of the brain were altered, then the capacity of mental principles to function would be affected also.
Stress literally changes the chemistry of the brain, thanks to the release of hormones to cope within the body.
The chemistry of the brain can change due to genetics or when exposed to harmful chemicals that can trigger certain feelings and emotions in the person.
It's to put the study of the mind back in the study of the brain, says Solms: «What neuropsychoanalysis is all about is this: How does the actual stuff of being a person relate to the tissue and physiology and anatomy and chemistry of the brain
We currently do not know how these genetic risk factors affect the chemistry of the brain and cause specific symptoms, so it is not yet possible for scientists to design drugs to relieve symptoms shown by people with a particular genetic variant.
From the beating of our hearts to the chemistry of our brains, scientists are taking advantage of our bodies» natural energy sources.
We know that altering the chemistry of the brain can alter its output, don't we?
He knows that because his search for a better product has taken him through books on the chemistry of the brain.
Brain scans have revealed how a genetic mutation linked to major psychiatric disorders affects the structure, function and chemistry of the brain.
There is something going on in the chemistry of the brain that makes them behave like that.»
For anyone who has ever wondered how food affects our ability to concentrate and be productive, this talk will explain how the chemistry of food affects the chemistry of the brain, including all of the latest research studies about the subject.
In Kundalini Yoga, we use Naad Yoga - the use of sound - to create union, and to alter the chemistry of the brain, and thus the glandular & hormonal secretions in the body.
The study focuses on «neuronutrition'to determine the impact of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from many vegetables and fruits to alter the chemistry of the brain and halt degenerative disease.
The publication is a storybook communicating motor neurone disease in an indirect way so people can enjoy the read, as well as, learning information about the illness and how amazing the chemistry of the brain can be.»
In early childhood development, attachment is so important that a lack of connection to a secure attachment figure (most likely the mother, father, or other major caregiver) who was reliable and available results in physical alterations to the anatomy and chemistry of the brain, such as reduced brain activity and less developed cortexes.
Conversely, trauma — abuse, neglect, exposure to violence, lack of attachment, and other adverse childhood experiences — affect the structure and chemistry of the brain and can stunt its natural growth and maturation.
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