Sentences with phrase «chest discomfort»

Or, you might have some pneumonia - related chest discomfort because it's your lungs that are infected.
Ever been in the middle of a workout and experienced chest discomfort or pain?
New research shows patients with a history of chest discomfort due to coronary artery disease — a build up of plaque in the heart's arteries — who are subsequently diagnosed with depression are much more likely to suffer a heart attack or die compared with those who are not depressed.
You may wonder if it's just annoying for him or if the hiccups cause his teeny chest any discomfort.
But heart attacks in real life don't always resemble the dramatic clutching of the chest that happens in movies, so if you or your partner has any kind of chest discomfort, play it safe and postpone the action.
Twenty percent had nausea, and six percent had chest discomfort.
After being evaluated at the infield care center, Lazier was transported to a local medical facility with «chest discomfort
There are several noted potential negative health effects of polyurethane foam: cardiac arrhythmia, breathlessness, chest discomfort, irritation of mucous membranes, headache, coughing, asthma - like allergic reaction, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, blurred vision, and reduced pulmonary function.
Usually, the chest discomfort appear within a few weeks of conception, tending to decrease from the second trimester of pregnancy.
A study found four main reasons for the cessation of breastfeeding among which are: the perception of inadequate milk supply and chest discomfort, including nipple pain, which reflects breastfeeding difficulty [30].
and chest discomfort (heart attack!).
To track search queries, researchers analyzed how frequently people in the U.S., United Kingdom and Australia used Google to search for chest pain, chest discomfort, chest pressure or angina (a medical term for chest pain) between 2012 and 2017.
Migraine drugs all have some side effects, including nausea, chest discomfort, and sometimes rebound headaches.
If you're coughing up lots of green phlegm or blood, are short of breath and / or have chest discomfort, go to your doctor — or an ER if you can't be seen right away.
Symptoms of chronic bronchitis include persistent coughing with thick mucus, wheezing, chest discomfort or tightness, and shortness of breath.
Chest discomfort 6.
If you have chest discomfort that's mild or passes when you're at rest, an emergency visit may not be necessary, but Dr. Alexander Nickens recommends seeing a doctor as soon as possible.
It causes excessive salvation, chest discomfort and muscle tremors.
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