Sentences with phrase «chest wall pain»

Costochondritis, also known as chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome, or costosternal chondodynia, and is an acute and often temporary inflammation of the costal cartilage which is the cartilage that connects each rib to the sternum at what is called the costosternal joint.

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As the name implies, you'll start by applying pressure with the palm of your hand to the area closet to your chest wall that you feel pain.
Fellow detainees at the centre said he had been banging on the walls and complaining about pains in his chest, but that no - one came.
Over time, cholesterol deposits lodge themselves in the walls of these arteries, which can blocks off blood flow and cause chest pain.
Inflammation of the chest wall and of the cartilage that links the ribs to the breastbone (sternum) can cause chest pain, as seen in costochondritis.
My eyesight returned, I no longer got chest pains, my skin got clearer, my confidence went up the wall, my insecurities went away, my skin glowed, and my hair and nails got stronger.
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