Sentences with phrase «chew deterrent»

consider adding a chew deterrent bad taste to the collars.
Each bundle includes a mix of popular pet care items from the company, such as shampoo, training pads and diapers, flea and tick spray, NO CHEW deterrent and cat litter box deodorizer.
Bitter Apple has been a popular dog - training device and chew deterrent since 1960.
Listerine is an effective chew deterrent for many dogs.
Extremely Bitter TROPICLEAN STAY - AWAY CHEW DETERRENT safe for wounds, furniture and plants How bitter you say?
This Dog Training chew deterrent is called «bitter apple» and it is available at most pet stores.
«The obvious choice is a chain leash — of course we recommend these as a fashion accessory rather than a chew deterrent.
Products in this category include toys that offer an outlet for chasing, pouncing or batting; scratchers, catnip, and scratching deterrents, like Sticky Paws, to teach kitty where it is OK to use her nails; natural calming aids like Rescue Remedy; chewing deterrents like bitter apple spray to stop kitty from eating wires or cables; and even special litters, designed to appeal to cats and help teach them the appropriate place to relieve themselves.
Using spray chew deterrents is helpful for some pups as long as it does not discourage use of the pad for elimination.
Aside from providing more stimulation, I would recommend coating the wall with a chewing deterrent such as Bitter Apple, which most dogs find unappealing, and also completely ignoring the behavior for a week or so to see if he will stop naturally without the encouragement of it attracting your attention.

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Some dog trainers recommend commercial taste deterrents for dogs to discourage chewing.
Bitter sprays & other spray on taste deterrents can be helpful in the battle to stopping your bunny chewing things.
If she sucks or chews specific items, spray them with a deterrent to make them taste bad.
Before creating a deterrent, it's important to understand why your dog or puppy is chewing on non-toy items.
If redirection and behavior modification do not stop the chewing, taste deterrent sprays are another option.
A deterrent can help with training, but only as part of a training regimen — it's not a miracle cure for all destructive chewing.
Specific taste deterrents can be used to discourage dogs from chewing or licking themselves, too.
After letting your dog taste the deterrent, spray or rub it on all objects you don't want him to chew or lick.
Spray the deterrent on all objects that you don't want your dog to chew.
Please realize, however, that successful treatment for destructive chewing will require more than just the use of deterrents.
Ideally, he will have learned the connection between the taste and the odor of the deterrent, and he'll be more likely to avoid chewing items that smell like it.
Taste deterrents are intended to stop dogs from chewing and licking things they shouldn't.
You want him to learn the connection between the taste and the odor of the deterrent so that he'll avoid chewing objects that smell like it.
Deterrents or Repellants — Helps keep puppy away from specific items and areas (chewing, biting, and establishing boundaries).
Just make sure the dog does not chew on or eat the leash, if they do, then you need to either correct that behavior, not allow them to wear the leash in the house, or spray the leash with a taste deterrent such as bitter apple or white vinegar.
If this does not work a stronger deterrent can be to keep a water mister to hand and when you catch your rabbit chewing or scratching spray a mist of cold water over them.
Use regular walks to pacify your Leonberger Use a spray bottle to zap the dog for barking Distract your Leonberger with a chew toy filled with food Fill a soda can with small pebbles and shake it as a deterrent to barking Keep your Leonberger inside with you more often as dogs often bark when board Use background or «white noise» to block out sounds that cause the dog to bark such as other dogs barking in the distance Use a collar that sprays citronella to discourage barking Some Leonberger dogs may bark as a territorial defense If what you are trying does not work change strategies Your veterinarian will be able to help if these strategies have not worked.
❑ Taste Deterrent Spray — puppies chew everything!
Taste deterrents like Bitter Apple can be sprayed on furniture to help keep your pup from chewing.
In some cases the compulsion is so severe that the dog will chew through bandages, ignore taste deterrents, or start licking an uncovered area creating another wound.
Deterrents or Repellents — Helps keep kitten away from specific items and areas (chewing, biting, and establishing boundaries).
With the holidays approaching, you could also use these deterrents on holiday tree skirts as well as the lower branches to discourage your cats from chewing on or climbing into them.
In a sense, it does promote healthy dog chewing, as it is a deterrent from chewing on inappropriate objects.
Excessive scratching, chewing on paws and legs and hot spots may be symptoms of stress, boredom or allergic reactions to pollutants, gardening products, grasses, pollen, household cleaners, detergents, shampoos, human hair products, over-bathing, hot hair dryers, flea and tick deterrents, and the chemicals used for manufacturing plastic pet bowls.
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