Sentences with phrase «chew stuff up»

During this transition period, your foster pet may not be himself — dogs may be anxious, chew stuff up, bark at noises in the hall, etc. while cats may hide or hiss.
During this transition period, your new pet may not be himself — dogs may be anxious, chew stuff up, bark at noises in the hall, etc. while cats may hide or hiss.
What if this assumed confident dog actually becomes anxious when the resident dog starts to pace, howl or chew stuff up?
«We're having problems with barking, wanting to play all the time, running through the house with dirty feet, jumping on people, chewing stuff up, excessive interest in human food, constant pulling on the leash to get to things, and digging holes in the garden.

Not exact matches

When you add up the one hour commute each way and the lunch hour I usually use to do housework, nine of my usual «doing stuff» hours have been chewed up.
For my sister and I, it was a routine: stuff face with 3 to 4 Munchkins; fall asleep chewing to the sounds of Billy Joel; wake up; repeat.
Stock Up on Playthings If your pup has his own stuff, he's less likely to chew on any cute baby toys you received as gifts.
I once tasted some of that bitter spray used to keep dogs from chewing up stuff and whew - wee!
Fabulous production design and art direction — at least the stuff that doesn't get chewed up by Jack Nicholson as the Joker — can't disguise the film's utter lack of conviction, revisionism or not.
This is the kind of stuff I need to know so I don't get chewed up and spat out.
He will not relate to the fun he had chewing up your stuff with the attitude and actions you are now displaying ten minutes later.
It is not uncommon for dog owners to provide only stuffed squeaker toys for their dogs, who then shred them, and then the humans get mad when the dog chews up the couch pillows.
But if you give a stuffed animal to a dog who's known for chewing and destroying things, well, you're pretty much giving up that stuffed animal.
Elevated beds are typically easier to clean as well and they probably will not end up in a mess of chewed up fluff and stuffing, like some of the overstuffed comfort beds can.
Its best to get one without any stuffing like the [xxx] so it does end up everywhere if your bunny chews a hole in it.
To minimize the mess, some toys are made with low levels of stuffing, so even when your pooch chews through the fabric, you're left with little to clean up.
She's still overall very good - never chews up stuff in the apt (unless I leave something dumb out that looks like a toy) and rarely even barks, and great with kids and other dogs.
You should never leave soft, stuffed toys or squeaky toys with your puppy, as she is likely to chew up and destroy them, and could potentially ingest pieces of them.
Dogs have to be walked, and given stuff to keep from chewing up shoes and other items.
I have a 4 month old pitbull she's beautiful but she chews up all my stuff she has toys everywhere and she still chews up my stuff and she too friendly
But pick one up and the difference is clear — the fabric on Wild Knots is super-soft and cuddly, and instead of being devoid of any stuffing like other fiberfill - free toys, they have knotted rope inside, which helps to create a varied mix of textures and chewing resistances that dogs find irresistible.
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