Sentences with phrase «chicken dance»

T.Y. Hilton caught his first touchdown pass from someone besides Andrew Luck and he celebrated with his own Bluth - like chicken dance.
Would Munich royalty take offense at the chug - a-lug and chicken dance spectacle Oktoberfests have become?
The goal is to celebrate your child's successes and give him an incentive to continue, so the dance can be anything from a modified end - zone chicken dance to a full - on rumba with accompanying song — whatever feels right to you.
«Produce birds» is science speak for saying that the funky chicken danced by males, which puff out their chest and make loud noises, is attracting females, and nature is taking its course.
And a decapitated chicken dancing erratically around your frame is a softly destructive ballet.
They scurry around in an eternal headless - chicken dance whose purpose is to make sure that someone gets the blame.
Petz acknowledges that «it's quite easy [for someone] to do the chicken dance and fake [their] way to the restroom, hence ending the meeting»; but even if that does happen, you'll at least get out of that conference room.
I'm not in a place where I can put on a white dress, throw a big party for my friends and family, and force them into doing the Chicken Dance, nor am I in a place to be someone's wife, with all the challenges and joys that brings.
Customers can test their «beer bicep» in the stein holding contest, challenge the limits of their liquid - holding capacity in the stein drinking contest (with non-alcoholic beer), bite into the bratwurst eating challenge, or cut loose like a crazy fool in the chicken dance contest.
After intentionally walking Lauren Haeger late in the game, this Florida fan broke out a chicken dance:
Do the chicken dance across the stage!
First, everyone discussed their Thanksgiving weekend plans and then we broke out a favourite Oktoberfest classic and all did the Chicken Dance with our babies!
Did meat - eating dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex do a chicken dance to woo their mates?
You're such a dear blogging friend... I look forward to doing the chicken dance with you.
We're a fun community... and don't worry, you won't be doing the chicken dance alone.
Weddings are infamous for their corny dance music - do the limbo, dance the mashed potato and the chicken dance!
We stuck around for about 10 minutes and then made a beeline for the door when «The Chicken Dance» came on.
In between doing a chicken dance down the street and blue - ing ourselves, we made it down to the... Read More
Carrie Preston This Emmy winner («The Good Wife») appeared on the Season 2 episode «The Chicken Dance» as Miranda's interior designer Madeline Dunn.
Two kids collapsed of heat exhaustion during the school day, but teachers were kept for an additional hour after class to plan «Spirit Day,» where we'd perform cartwheels, electric slides, and chicken dances the next afternoon.
Barrett «danced» to Bad Bad Leroy Brown, You Talk Too Much, and The Chicken Dance.
I think, however, you've neglected a very important post (or video, even better) on your blog recently: the story of the chicken dance performed in a butcher shop.
Let's all do the chicken dance to celebrate Atooi launching it's first kickstarter campaign for Chicken Wiggle Workshop Nintendo Switch.
Linda Mary Montano, Chicken Dance: The Streets of San Francisco, 1972.
Featured image: Abramovic and Ulay — Relation in Time, 1977, Courtesy of Wikipedia; Linda Mary Montano — Chicken Dance, The Streets of San Francisco, March 3, 6, 9, 1973 (still); performance, in front of Reese Palley Gallery, 550 Sutter Street, San Francisco.
After about 200 of those, the recruiter starts to feel like she's got The Chicken Dance song stuck in her head.
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