Sentences with phrase «chicken little»

Only the financialy dependent and eco warrior class really believe the chicken little story now.
I am suggesting that a «chicken little event» is an event with an accompanying «worst since 1930 etc. descriptor».
OK - the folks who accuse us greenies of being «Chicken Little» are going to have a field day with this one - but it's an important topic.
Have look at the satellite image in Chicken Little post.
Chicken Little, in contrast, was not ignored when she panicked over a falling acorn, but was joined by many others, who were then eaten by the fox who took advantage of their panic.
Oreskes et al. (2008)- «From Chicken Little to Dr. Pangloss: William Nierenberg, Global Warming, and the Social Deconstruction of Scientific Knowledge»
Green journalists cling to the hope of environmental catastrophe to continue with «chicken little» heaadlines.
Francesca, a mother of three youngsters, is no Chicken Little.
Let me preface this Chicken Little article by noting that I thought the Y2K hysteria was silly, and most solar flare hype is silly too.
Chrysler's chief economist Van Jolissaint has launched a fierce attack on «quasi-hysterical Europeans» and their «Chicken Little» attitudes to global warming.
When I was in college, Chicken Little's mantra was «The next Ice Age is coming!»
A project that's doomed to fail — as Chicken Little discovered.
Hansen joins a long list of «the sky is falling» superstition narratives perhaps best known by the Henny Penny (or Chicken Little) fable.
Thus, Emmott's tedious essay — which, in my view contains not a single original idea, but merely rehashes the standard Chicken Little exhortations found in books such as The Population Bomb (1968), Planetary Overload (1993) and Our Final Hour (2003)-- whispers the following into our ear:
Though Chicken Little ran amock And spread his squawkings far and wide The thunderbolt of Zeus has struck And Chicken Little is chicken fried
Oh, the certainty of fools, Predicting certain doom, Chicken Little prattles on, While Reason leaves the room...
Trust me, your combination of running around like a chicken with its head cut off while portraying Chicken Little isn't near as endearing as you think.
These models are meant to model an alternative reality — a scary, doomsday, Chicken Little, imaginary reality.
That's not chicken Little talk.
Chicken Little said the sky is falling.
2) In spite of the title of this email, I'm well aware — as are those who read this blog — that global warming alarmists have been exposed as fearmongering chicken little liars (not to mention hypocrites) for decades, but rarely has it been on a level where you actually have «scientists» and their associates caught on paper attempting to suppress data that is contra to their pre-desired result.
The climate warming Chicken Little's of today have had their dire 20 + year old predictions fail to come to fruition over and over again.
The Chicken Little approach does not bode well in conservative circles, as we sometimes have a tendency to be a little bit skeptical.
Malkin, M. Chicken Little Chuckie Schumer: America's Disease - Fighting Phony.
If you would like to argue for a rational (rather than a «Chicken Little») AGW hypothesis, you would find many here who would agree with you.
Playing chicken little does nothing but incite panic when none is needed.
Some benefit from a Chicken Little complex must exist, otherwise that story would not have survived.
With the likes of Al Gore running around in a near panic, pushing his awful Chicken Little film, honest scientific debate on the subject has become all but impossible.
Portrayal of concern for peak oil as a «chicken little», «Cassandra» and «boy who cried wolf» phenomenon by a credible news source effectively erases what nagging concern or belief about oil depletion someone had started to foment.
Even after the latest debacle of the «Tesla is about to go bankwupt» chicken little trolls like: ClownCIE, trollftf, Mental MadBro, WillTroll, dan with a very little d, Some clueless Troll way Out There,
Chicken Little went to Washington to stand - up for his friends at Minnesotans for Global Warming (M4GW), including Elmer - Welmer, Ducky Lucky, Henny Penny and other American patriots.
These sniveling little weenies make chicken little look daring.
«They have been playing Chicken Little and claiming the sky is falling in on climate science for a decade.
One more thing about Sher Edling's reference to Climate Files: Notice how the logo at the bottom right of the old ICE campaign «Chicken Little» ad is cropped at the bottom.
Many people, including me, were relishing the prospect of discoveries back and forth between Mann and Chicken Little.
«After 30 years of these «Chicken Little» alarmist scare stories independent scientists, specialists in a myriad of related disciplines, are speaking out about what they see is junk science.
It exploits people's «Chicken Little, the sky is falling» fears, demands an international solution, and most don't understand the science.
«From Chicken Little to Dr. Pangloss: William Nierenberg, Global Warming, and the Social Deconstruction of Scientific Knowledge.»
More hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, painful rectal itch, everything bad is supposed to be due to «Global Warming» That would be the «Chicken Little» part of the act.
Critics call people concerned about climate change «Chicken Little Alarmists.»
Something is happening and whatever it is it's not following the Chicken Little predictions of climate modelers.
What you interpret as chicken little stuff is simply a desire to start changing NOW before the crisis is upon us.
Rauner must ignore Illinois» «Dumbocrats» who are intent on imposing Chicken Little nonsense on the citizens of Illinois, as it's a recipe for disaster.
It's really pointless to live your life like Chicken Little.
Allowing the conference to pretend they are making «progress» on this stupidity only serves the interests of the ideologues that have made chicken little - ism their current career path.
Minnesotans for Global Warmingâ $ ™ s exhibit included a man in a Chicken Little costume, who security officer Larry Deiman initially mistook for a potentially disruptive protestor.
If you want to play Chicken Little may I humbly suggest you expend a bit of due diligence in choosing battles that are more likely and more winnable.
As you no doubt remember, Chicken Little Republicans have proclaimed the sky to be falling ever since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010.
CO2 is a thing of the past... and other Chicken Little warmist delusions.
One advert chimed «Who told you the earth was warming... Chicken Little
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