Sentences with phrase «chief among these»

The sooner you start, the sooner you'll discover its wonderful benefits, chief among which is that doing yoga makes you feel amazing.
You can't be reckless without exposing yourself to a lifetime of health problems — the deterioration of the brain perhaps chief among them.
But the next generation of leaders will come up through a system that selects for different traits — authenticity chief among them.
Drivers reported very few complaints, although the lack of folding rear seats ranks chief among them.
With this revelation, it comes as no surprise to find a number of SUVs on the market with driving dynamics chief among their palette of attributes.
Companies file patents for a number of reasons chief among them is to protect themselves.
He was a loving father, husband, and had interests besides art — music, cars, and baseball chief among them.
Posts describe the challenges facing federal district judges — insufficient funding of the courts chief among them — and share the author's memories from his career as a lawyer and judge.
Sure there are reasons why lawyers don't secure their computers — lack of know - how chief among them.
There are benefits from the existing crop of smart locks, remotely locking and unlocking the door chief among them.
On the one hand, it has a number of serious flaws, with poor build quality chief among them.
These couples have respectable priorities — their relationship is just not chief among them.
However, it's important to note that there are plenty of downsides — chief among which are the high interest rates.
There are many advantages to this approach, but perhaps chief among them is how it can benefit divorcing couples with children.
Seniors, Parking, Prior Contextual Rezonings and Skilled Labor Commitments Chief Among Concerns QUEENS, NY — Borough President Melinda Katz issued her recommendations to disapprove the proposed «Zoning for Quality and Affordability» (ZQA) and «Mandatory Inclusionary Housing» (MIH) zoning text amendments.
Seniors, Parking, Prior Contextual Rezonings and Skilled Labor Commitments Chief Among Concerns
In a bit of an everything - but - the - kitchen sink spot, Sen. Eric Schneiderman hits his Republican opponent, Dan Donovan, hard on three issues that have ermeged as chief among his criticisms of the Staten Island DA: Wall Street, mob - tainted campaign cash and abortion rights.
In addition to the great schools, Irvine also boasts several colleges and universities, Pepperdine, UC Irvine, and a USC campus chief among them.
Samsung chief among them will this year be looking to unveil the -LSB-...]
The Daily Telegraph states that chief among Tottenham's Bundesliga - based targets is Borussia Dortmund midfielder Sven Bender, with the international midfielder having struggled for regular first team action at the Westfalenstadion in 2014/15.
Investors aren't deterred by the challenges, with sustainability forecasts chief among their concerns and motivations.
There's only a few companies that have the resources to offer solutions to this need, Apple and Google chief among them.
Chief among Forrester Research's new market predictions is that the cloud consolidation seen over the past two years ain't over yet.
Chief among PREPA's gaffes is the $ 300 million contract it signed with Whitefish Energy, a tiny Montana company that was hardly equipped to rebuild Puerto Rico's fragile power grid.
But its roots are traceable to the end of the 19th century when influential cultural critics - Matthew Arnold chief among them - drew critical attention to deep concordances between religion and art with their predictions that, in Arnold's famous phrase, «most of what now passes with us for religion will be replaced by poetry.»
Eighteenth - and 19th - century liberalism, which generally rejected or radically reinterpreted the orthodox tradition, also adhered, with a few exceptions (Hegel chief among them), to the dogma of divine impassibility.
Like most agents Godsick has other clients, Seles and Lindsay Davenport chief among them.
Some of the most famous faces in the music industry are said to support the Gunners with Jay Z chief among them.
The front office recently rewarded Taylor with a contract extension, and he has the weapons — LeSean McCoy and Sammy Watkins chief among them — to put up a huge year.
There are thought to be a number of possible targets with Balotelli chief among them.
The 17 - year - old talent is set to be at the center of a bidding war this summer, with Tottenham Hotspur chief among those keen to land the Championship Player of the Year.
With the team often spearheaded by two strikers and fellow attacking midfielders Yaya Toure and David Silva chief among the undroppables during his time at the club, Nasri has remained comparatively peripheral.
Chief among Craig Shakespeare's problems is a lack of goals throughout the squad.
A performance in a 2 - 0 win over Sassuolo last month showcased many of his best attributes, with an off - the - ball run for the game's opening goal chief among them.
Chief among Nunziato's backers is NYC Councilman Eric Ulrich, who has been floated (by none other than Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos) as a potential opponent to Addabbo himself.
He might argue that his presidency is held hostage by events that no politician can control, the economy chief among them, and that he has to govern in the environment that exists, not one that he wishes WOULD exist.
Chief among McNicol's problems is the relationship between staff at the Labour Party's Victoria Street HQ and the leader's office.
Advocates — with the WFP chief among them — had been calling for a statewide system.
Twelve years of Mike Bloomberg seems to have been enough, thank you very much, and that also goes for his cast of supporting characters — Quinn and Thompson chief among them.
Cuomo, of course, has some counter examples of what happens when a Democratic politician who needs to govern — Bill de Blasio and Eliot Spitzer chief among them — try to go to war with Senate Republicans.
Silda Wall Spitzer has held a number of high - profile gigs in her life, former first lady of New York chief among them, but in February, she tried a less glamorous role: door - knocker.
Though opposition to abortion rights is held by some mainline Democratic senators in the narrowly divided chamber — Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. chief among them — NARAL's ad takes on Skelos, who does not want to hold a floor vote on the bill (Cuomo is yet to release bill language on his women's agenda, first unveiled at the State of the State, and he says he's still piecing together the abortion rights proposal with women's groups).
Former policy chief among signatories to letter asking candidates to stand down in Brighton Pavilion and Isle of Wight
Chief among controversial points is whether covering child sexuality is valuable or detrimental; the use of birth control such as condoms and oral contraceptives; and the impact of such use on pregnancy outside marriage, teenage pregnancy, and the transmission of STDs.
But most Americans experience significant tension at one or more family events each year — with Thanksgiving chief among them, says psychologist Leonard Felder, author of «When Difficult Relatives Happen to Good People.»
They're... 15 (UPI)-- Photos the Russian defense ministry Strategic Misrepresentation In Online Dating Chief among them is ROSCA, the Restore Online Shopper's Confidence Act... The suit asserted claims for negligence, wantonness, misrepresentation, and breach of contract.
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