Sentences with phrase «chief proponent»

He has been called «the intellectual father of the economic integration movement» in K - 12 schooling, and «arguably the nation's chief proponent of class - based affirmative action in higher education admissions.»
When Samuel first proposed this legislation to state representative Jason Bartlett, who became the bill's chief proponent in the legislature, he asked her, «Do you just want me to lose my career?»
Darby became a mentor of C.I. Scofield, chief proponent of dispensationalism in this country.
The chief proponent of the idea that cutting corporate taxes helps the middle class is economist Kevin Hassett, whom Trump has picked as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers.
, the chief proponent for Christianity just denied the day Christians designated to celebrate the birth of Christ.
One of the chief proponents of this view is Bruce D. Marshall (St. Olaf College), who in several essays and in his recent book Trinity and Truth maintains that theology must return to the rich trinitarian theism of Thomas Aquinas to get its bearings.
The bloody imagination of slaughtering most of the Jews seems not to matter as Jerry FaIwell, one of the chief proponents of such views, receives the key to the city of Jerusalem on his visit with Israeli leaders.
Ethan Nadelmann, one of the chief proponents of the harm - reduction approach, reports a Swiss experiment involving some 1,000 heroin addicts who had at least two unsuccessful experiences in a methadone or other conventional treatment program.
Its chief proponents are Henryk Górecki (b. 1933), the Estonian Arvo Part (b. 1935), and the British John Tavener (b. 1944).
One of that brand's chief proponents has been Kerem Demirbay, who...
Even Senate President Pro Tem Martin Looney, one of the legislature's chief proponents of raising taxes on the wealthy, said that it won't happen this year.
He later side - stepped a question from Arbetter about whether Schwartz remains the chief proponent of drilling on the second floor.
Democratic Sen. Eric Coleman, the judiciary committee co-chairman and chief proponent of the bill, said the measure would lead to «a much more accurate and much more fair system» in drawing the district lines.
Tonko was also a member of standing committees on Agriculture, Transportation and Education, where he was the original sponsor and a chief proponent of the College Tuition Savings Program that was signed into law in 1997.
At the famous Solvay conferences in 1927 and 1930, Einstein challenged his friend Bohr, the chief proponent of quantum mechanics, with thought experiments meant to reveal logical contradictions in the theory.
Milford Wolpoff, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan and chief proponent of the Multiregional Evolution hypothesis, disagrees, and tells audiences that he sees a Neanderthal every morning in his shaving mirror.
In New York City, the issue is further complicated by the personal dynamics between the new mayor and one of the movement's chief proponents, Eva S. Moskowitz, a former city councilwoman.
Rep. Michael Bileca, a Miami Republican who chairs the House education committee and has been a chief proponent of the legislation, said the bill sets «a very high bar» for the performance of charter school operators that would be eligible to qualify for the incentives.
But the bill's chief proponent, Rep. Rob Bryan, another Mecklenburg County Republican, has said he believes it could be a boon to some long - struggling schools.
One of its chief proponents, Californian artist Robert Irwin, now in his 88th year, has a solo show during Frieze Week at Bermondsey's White Cube.
Levy would go on to become one of the chief proponents of Surrealist art in America, showcasing the work of such heavyweight artists as Joseph Cornell, Max Ernst, Arshile Gorky, Frida Kahlo, Man Ray, René Magritte, Salvador Dalí, and Alberto Giacometti.
At this date, it's difficult to imagine that abstract painting was once a driving force of culture, a chief proponent of the avant - garde and, in the spacey heads of its earliest practitioners, a stimulus for social change.
One of the chief proponents of cap and trade was C. Boyden Gray, an adviser to both the Reagan and first Bush administrations.
Yet many of the chief proponents of energy efficiency make problematic assumptions about how effective such measures are, neglecting a growing body of expert literature.
One of the chief proponents of the LMA study was cited in a Crain's Chicago Business article in early 2014 which underscores the cultural shift:
TOKYO — Days after South Korea's chief proponent of regulating cryptocurrency, Jung Ki - joon, was found mysteriously dead in his home, South Korea apparently has decided not to crack down further on trading in bitcoin and other cybercurrencies.
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