Sentences with phrase «child as an organ»

«It is important for parents to know that registering their child as an organ donor will not negatively affect medical care in any way, nor would their child experience any pain,» Freed says.

Not exact matches

Of course, any suggestion that children should be cloned for directly instrumental purposes, such as organ harvesting or providing the military with more soldiers or a basketball team with more talented players, should be rejected out of hand.
For example, to condemn lethal organ harvesting, or pre-viability removal of an unborn child from its mother, it is not necessary to claim that the surgeon «must» have intended the foreseen death for the unborn child or the organ donor — as a result of what he did intend for the object of his assault.
I must refrain from saying more about it until we arrive again at a proper understanding of what the Mass is and what it is for... I am not speaking of the old foundations which were established for the children of the nobility... I am speaking of the new foundations...» There were too many, and as things were at these smaller places their incumbents all got reduced to «anthem singers, organ wheezers and reciters of decadent, indifferent Masses».
The chandeliers are made from wheels of wagons that once carted five - ton loads of sugar beets; milk cans are used as trash barrels; and parents help their children into skates and onto the floor, then settle down in tractor seats to listen to recorded organ music.
Other challenges less common but that do exist, are other birth defects or physical and intellectual challenges that can occur with duodenal atresia, such as other physical issues like constipation and organ issues, possible motor coordination issues, and conditions such as Down Syndrome, which will affect learning and growth of the child.
Taking care of your skin is an essential part of caring for children as it is their largest organ!
You will hear this often from people who can only view breasts as sexual organs and not in their biological purpose as a source of nutrition for your child.
Although teens are often able to register as organ donors when they get a driver's license, just 24 percent of parents of teens ages 15 - 18 said their child had registered.
Children in need of an organ transplant often wait longer than adults for available organs, as in many cases, they require organ donations from another child of a similar age or size.
Parents also recognized major benefits of having their child registered as an organ donor, including having their preferences known in advance (51 percent), having an opportunity for their child to help other children (70 percent), and increasing the number of child - sized organs for transplant (67 percent).
About a third of the population is at risk for anemia, which can cause neurocognitive deficits in children, organ failure and less serious effects such as chronic fatigue.
In plants where multiple seeds are made from a single pistil (female reproductive organ = mother), all the seeds in the pistil are considered as children of the mother.
Problems arise, however, when low - birth - weight babies are fed diets rich in sugars or fat, which stress their smaller organs, such as pancreases, for example, leading to diabetes — or when fast - growing children face famine.
The children can also develop problems with other organs, such as the kidneys.
Watts also expects his group will wrestle with whether the mitochondrial donor — the much - touted «third parent» — should have any legal rights to the child or be treated as an organ donor, and whether mitochondrial genes affect a person's «identity» in ways that are yet unknown to science.
Children need a steady supply of animal protein, and plenty of fats, to fuel the development of their brain as well as the growth of all of their organs, bones, and tissues.
This helps organs, joints and vessels «stretch» for a growing child, such as the rapid growth of the uterus.
Eating a nourishing, traditional diet while pregnant and breastfeeding and ensuring that growing children receive regular and sufficient quantities of optimal growth encouraging foods such as cream, butter, ghee, egg yolks, fish eggs, grassfed and organ meats for development of a sturdy intestinal system is the best insurance policy against ever needing any sort of special diet to combat allergy or other autoimmune issues.
Additionally, a generous amount of natural animal fat in the diet provided by raw milk, grass - fed meats, organ meats and egg yolks will support a happy disposition and a strong immune system, as well as help children build strong muscles and sturdy bones.3 Be forewarned, good fats also provide these little ones endless amounts of energy!
Never Let Me Go Rated R for some sexuality and nudity Available on DVD and Blu - ray Children at an English boarding school come to grips with their relationships with one another as well as the fact that they are only alive in order to provide organs, leaving them with no prospects for the future.
This way, the children will have a better idea of the various organs in our body, their likely diseases as well as ways to overcomes them.
People, especially children, who ingest such eggs can develop serious health problems, such as blindness, encephalitis and other organ damage.
Second Life Toys was created by Dentsu employee Akira Suzuki and a colleague, in association with Japanese organ transplant group Green Ribbon Campaign, as a unique way to introduce child organ donation to kids.
A «birth injury» is defined as any damage done to the tissues and organs of a child as the result of the complications during childbirth.
A «birth injury» is defined as any damage done to the tissues and organs of a child as the result of complications during childbirth.
OK, so nobody can long - range scan for your implant, but how serious are you about protecting your database so it doesn't get sold to bounty hunters extorting your password and organ harvesting, as well as your wife and child?
Position Head Start as a value - added, highly respected and accepted program for young children and families in which Head Start grantees are a high performing organ and every child receives a comprehensive, high quality and early care education.
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