Sentences with phrase «child awake»

It can keep your child awake into the night and make it difficult for her to get up the next morning.
For example, some air mattresses have a tendency to squeak which may keep your child awake.
Coffee, tea, and soda are full of caffeine, which is a stimulant that will keep you and your child awake at night.
Try different methods of keeping your child awake until you find something that works for them.
The survey showed that many parents still believe they must keep a child awake after a suspected concussion.
Coughing is stressful when it keeps your child awake at night.
Fact: This can be the case if your child has nap late in the afternoon but it should not affect your child if they have nap in the morning or early on in the afternoon; keeping your child awake can be counter-productive because they will probably play up at bedtime because they are over-tired.
«The need to keep an injured child awake is a fantastic myth that has been perpetuated by some really bad television.
Between 12 and 14 months, kids start actively dreaming, and a dream can actually startle your child awake.
The result can be unaired anxieties that keep your child awake at night, a common problem for school - age kids.
To solve this problem, many parents try to keep their child awake during the day with the hope that they will stay asleep during the night.
She's also the first child awake, the most opinionated, wears her headbands on her forehead, and loves to wear bright red and pink lipstick every single day!
No matter how soundly the mother sleeps, she and the child awake at what seems to be the same instant.
Once conditioned, these sleep cues should be present at the onset of sleep and ideally all night (meaning when the child awakes in the night their comforters are present to allow them to fall back to sleep without parental assistance).
Depending on your child's age, it is often difficult for children to separate a nightmare from reality, even after your child awakes from the nightmare.
This routine helps very much after the child awakes.
Keeping children awake in class is one thing.
She felt a cascade of fluids move down her bowels as the child awoke.
Seventy - eight percent of mothers reported that their child awoke overnight at least once during the week, and of these waking children, 43 % (38 of 89) were reported to awake 4 or more nights per week.

Not exact matches

On the other hand, any parent who has ever woken a sleeping baby to stick a thermometer in her ear, mouth, or farther south only to log the perfectly healthy temperature of a now awake and screaming child knows that's not an ideal situation, either.
The very appetite proceeding from labor and peace of mind is gone: we eat just enough to keep us alive: our sleep is disturbed by the most frightful dreams; sometimes I start awake, as if the great hour of danger was come; at other times the howling of our dogs seems to announce the arrival of the enemy: we leap out of bed and run to arms; my poor wife with panting bosom and silent tears takes leave of me, as if we were to see each other no more; she snatches the youngest children from their beds, who, suddenly awakened, increase with their innocent questions the horror of the dreadful moment.
Children are awakened at from sleep by nightmares, but many adults are kept awake at night by questions like, «What is my life's purpose?»
Maybe keeping someone (a terrorist) awake for a few days to find out where hidden bombs are so that children won't have thier arms or legs blown off... is GOOD.
In fact, by the time they leave high school, the average child would have spent four and a half years of his or her time awake doing nothing but watching television.
My wife had awoken to the same reality, and in one of the most galvanizing moments of our marriage, with firm voice she informed the doctor that she would never consider aborting a child within her womb.
I bumped into it late one night after Dan had gone to sleep and I'd been awake for hours, worrying about what had happened to the hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children caught in the Boxing Day tsunami.
A few minutes later I was sitting across the table from one of my friends, the children's mother, watching comforting steam twining its way upwards from a mug of coffee and asking her how she managed to be awake at this hour every day.
So when I finally had to roll out of my toasty, warm bed (child was awake, otherwise I wouldn't have left my bed!)
To create like a child who is awake to the beauty of all things.
In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that if I am being kept awake at a time when I should be sleeping, it is most likely a drunken adult and not a playing child who is keeping me up.
My husband walked up to check it out, and emerged with our wide awake, red - faced, overheated child.
The child may seem wide awake with their eyes open but they are screaming / crying and they are not aware of their surroundings or your presence, which ultimately can be very alarming for the parent.
I can not imagine this is the case - if a child is hungry these parents are likely feeding them, when they are awake these same parents are likely playing with them, and when they need to sleep they are responding by showing their babies what they have figured out works to help the child sleep.
And don't worry so much about the future: happy, healthy, wide - awake children will have the energy and resourcefulness to create a rewarding life for themselves.
As long as the transfusion is not being done during surgery, you can stay with your child, who will be awake.
A consistent bedtime routine teaches children that they are making the transition from awake time to sleep time.
Unfortunately, this is not true, even if children are kept awake during the day, they will still wake up during the night with a grumpier mood.
Night terrors are different from nightmares, in that the child may appear awake, but is not rational, may scream or be frightened but not be consolable.
While children should always be put to bed on their backs, it is important to give them tummy time during the day while you're awake and they're in your line of sight to ensure they're safe and nothing is obstructing their airway.
IT also has an LED for monitoring noise level and alerts the parent when the sound is too high making them aware that the child is awake.
Though night terrors may frighten a parent, the child frequently doesn't remember the episode and is only partially awake.
Your child might prefer to have their door left open or tightly closed, and you should allow this if it helps them fall asleep rather than keeping them awake.
Watch the Diet You don't need to go crazy with it, but see if there are certain foods that make your child stay awake.
It wasn't until I was home with our third child that I started taking showers when my baby was awake.
That's where you lay baby down awake and occasionally soothe the child, but do not pick her up, even if she cries.
It is quite scary, but the child is not awake and doesn't remember the episode in the morning.
When your child is awake give them supervised time on their tummy.
You reach your loving arms out toward my sleeping child as if you're sent from above to hold him at the easiest point of his day, but once he's awake and demands interaction, I'll know to expect him back.
Young children can become easily frightened when they awake to find themselves in a location that they are not familiar with.
Baby proofing a Play Room The play room is probably the area of the house in which your child will spend most of his awake time, so it's important that it be baby proofed well enough to allow your baby the freedom to explore the world without the fear of him coming across something that may harm him.
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