Sentences with phrase «child born to someone»

Several studies have found that children born to mothers who used marijuana during pregnancy exhibit some problems with neurological development.
I'm more concerned about the number of children born to parents who never planned to raise a child together in the first place.
As a teen, she spent time working with children born to women in prison and volunteered at a relief camp in the wake of a devastating earthquake in 2005.
Legal paternity gives her children the same rights as children born to married parents, including child support benefits.
The study found greater rates of the mitochondrial DNA variants in children born to older mothers, as well as in the mothers themselves.
And two - thirds of children born to unmarried teen mothers live in poverty.
The findings suggest that because children born to older fathers tend to have more potentially harmful genetic mutations than those with younger dads, they're less likely to pass on their genes.
An analysis of child welfare administrative data found high rates of child maltreatment investigations and out - of - home care placements among children born to young parents in foster care.
The impact of early intervention on the school readiness of children born to teenage mothers.
There is likely more than one gene responsible because children born to two left - handed parents only have a 30 % to 40 % chance of being left - handed.
Children born to marriages outside of that marriage system are ineligible.
On the other hand, it would be disruptive to family life if children born to a husband and wife weren't presumed to be their biological children.
Children born to cocaine - addicted mothers are no more likely than other kids from similar backgrounds to have significant behavioral problems during their first three years.
Children born to youth in foster care have higher rates of child welfare services involvement than the children of adolescent parents in the general population.
This is no longer true for children born to less educated and less affluent women.
The study is following 5,000 children born to predominantly unmarried parents from 1998 to 2000.
What difficulties are faced by children born to parents who have accomplished great things?
See our new infographic that shows how children born to unmarried parents are exposed to stressful environments as newborns and even before birth.
As a result, adopted children are equally entitled to benefit from an inheritance as any biological children born to the couple.
Even in the face of the dangers implicit in «the population explosion,» all would view voluntary limitation of the number of children born to be the ideal solution.
On first look, children born to mothers over 35 did appear less healthy as adults than those born to 25 - to 34 - year - old moms.
Researchers said the findings of the study could encourage earlier diagnosis of ASD in children born to women with PCOS.
Why are children born to teen mothers at risk for adverse outcomes in young adulthood?
In South Korea, where 90 percent of children born to single moms are put up for adoption, single moms are becoming activists to fight back against societal prejudice.
Actress Maeve Price read a passage from Dan Barry's searing New York Times story «The Lost Children of Tuam,» about the tragic fate of children born to unwed mothers in Ireland's past.
Born in 1860, she was the first child born to Zlie and Louis Martin whose story is briefly described in the first pages.
Macrosomia — large body size at birth — is common among children born to obese women, particularly those who have gestational diabetes (high blood sugar during pregnancy).
At 21 months, nurse - visited children born to women with low psychological resources were less likely to exhibit language delays (7 % vs 18 %); and at 24 months, they exhibited superior mental development (90.18 vs 86.20 Mental Development Index scores) than their control - group counterparts.
Without intervention, 25 percent of children born to infected mothers contract HIV; with treatment, transmission plummets to 3 percent.
In the United States, more than 1.5 million children are born to unmarried parents each year.1 Many of these children will grow up in single - parent households, a backdrop that can adversely affect academic performance, emotional development, and long - term socioeconomic outcomes.2 Moreover, without specific legal action on the part of unmarried parents, these children will not share the same rights as children born to married parents.
As parents, we have been entrusted with the privilege to raise children born to other women.
One of nine children born to Catholic parents, Susan grew up in the small Scottish village of Blackburn.
A rapidly growing demographic in the United States are children born to immigrant families.
«Similarly, children born to pregnant women with obesity face higher risks of prematurity, stillbirth, congenital anomalies, macrosomia with possible birth injury and childhood obesity.
The Commission was told about children born to families in crisis, struggling with addictions, mental health issues, domestic violence and the many challenges of poverty.
But the new patterns of family formation also imply a polarization in the lives of children born to more and less educated women.
Dr. Westman wrote the book «Licensing Parents» in which he describes a number of problems with children born to incapable parents.
«We just want our children to have the same respect, protections and treatment that every other child born to married parents receives.
Even the legislative summary of the bill prepared by the Library of Parliament, somewhat surprisingly, appeared to criticize the amendment — noting in particular the problem of rendering stateless many children born to Canadians abroad:
The researchers found that children born to mobile phone users had a 27 % lower risk of having lower sentence complexity, 14 % lower risk of incomplete grammar and 31 % lower risk of having moderate language delay at age 3, compared to children of mothers who reported no mobile phone use.
According to a new study from Columbia University, researchers found children born to mothers who were exposed to high levels of exhaust fumes during pregnancy were more likely to exhibit behavior and attention problems in their school - age years.
Biography: Richard was born in Limerick in 1930, one of eight children born to Limerick farmer Ivan Harris and his wife, the former Mildred Harty.
Research has long shown a connection between father involvement and child wellbeing in the domains of academic achievement, emotional health, and employment stability.3 However, CFRP's findings suggest the impact of a father's absence may begin much earlier, with roughly 1 in 10 children born to unaccompanied mothers exhibiting health complications just three months after birth.
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