Sentences with phrase «child control»

This philosophy gives children control over the direction of their learning and is based on principles of respect and responsibility.
The main principle of positive parenting is to help child control his emotions in an acceptable manner.
• Assisted parents in child control and family management.
Our child directed approach gives children control in a world where they have little.
Look for large handles that can help children control the toothbrush.
Other feeding practices, such as using food as a reward, parental monitoring of children's food consumption, teaching children about healthy eating, parental modeling of healthy habits, or allowing children control over feeding have been less studied, but may be important in the parent — child feeding relationship.
Striking a balance between parental and child control by involving your child in decision making, creating personal power and autonomy in your child.
For children who are impulsive, parents can praise good behaviour (when children control their impulses) and be gentle with discipline.
Helping young children control anger and handle disappointment.
The ability to think before acting helps children control impulsive behaviour and make better decisions.
She also noted the need for children's digital books that give children control over the narrative, that support 21st century skills, and that encourage exploration — ending with the famous Steve Jobs quote, «You've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards towards the technology, not the other way around.»
For children who are impulsive, parents can praise good behaviour (when children control their impulses) and be gentle with discipline.
of course not until he did a sit and down «first» for my son (who was around 4 years old at the time), happily doing sits and downs got the game going again, and that gave me great pleasure watching a young child control the family dog in a «play» time format, rather than rolling around screaming and creating a dangerous situation.
However using positive discipline, which identifies boundaries and helps children control and modify their own behavior, can be valuable for parents as well as children.
As difficult as it may be, it's important to give your child some control — and you may be surprised to learn how well children can self - regulate when it comes to food.
During this time you may notice your child controlling his impulses and negative behavior and lengthening his attention span.
A separate container of fruit that can be mixed in allows your child control at lunchtime.
Don't be afraid to get tips on how to help your child control his temper, getting her to sleep more soundly or if it's time to potty train yet.
On the other hand, I firmly believe that it is human nature to want control — and one way to give children control is to make them responsible for themselves.
Give your child some control by offering a variety of foods and allowing him to choose the amount of food he wants to eat.
Bottom line: Like Ellyn Satter says, parents control what is served and the child controls if he eats it.
Independent self - soothing gives children the control to calm themselves and fall asleep under their own power.
Here's a chance to give your child some control over the situation.
The more your child controls of his own art experience and artistic expression, the more he will think of himself as a doer, achiever, and problem solver!
When you bring your child to see a specialist in the Division of Nephrology at Floating Hospital for Children, you can rest assured that we will take every step to help your child control his or her bladder.
As difficult as it may be, it's important to give your child some control — and you may be surprised to learn how good children can be at self - regulation when it comes to food.
Once you break the rules, you open yourself up to the child controlling their safety, and we know of no toddlers who can make that decision wisely.
How easily can your child control the features by himself?
This will give your child some control of the situation and is a lot more effective.
Your rightful successor has appointed his daughter into his administration with the rest of the children controlling state oil business all over.
The Guardian: «The husband - and - wife Tory backbenchers were last year found to have breached House of Commons rules after claiming # 80,000 in parliamentary allowances for a flat owned by a trust their children control.
The main principle of positive parenting is to help child control his emotions in an acceptable manner.
In kindergarten, children control their own spaces and choose their own technologies.
Greene shares tips for helping «explosive» children control their outbursts.
Bender, who also is the author of A Parent's Guide to Child Control or Who's the Boss Here, Anyway?
User - specific settings are in the Child Controls app, which is found in the parent mode.
Parents can add more sites to the preapproved list in the Child Controls app.
The second trouble is child control / discipline — my comment is if you are firm with them as parents were prior to 1950, you should have no problem, but consult your local statutes to figure what you have to hide from.
At the age of majority, the child controls the unrestricted use of funds.
As previously mentioned, the child you control is relatively young, and therefore isn't as physically capable as an older character would typically be in a game.
The gameplay is explained simply: «Children control their Zack or Mary Martha character to avoid adversaries and solve puzzles that lead them to an animation of each part of the story.
You can chose to give your child control of the trust when he or she turns eighteen, meaning that the trust will be available on that birthday, regardless of your situation.
Monitoring correlated positively with creating a positive environment, modeling, and encouraging balance and variety, and negatively with food for emotion regulation, food as a reward and child control.
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