Sentences with phrase «child development outcomes»

Because few studies reported child development outcomes at follow - up, we were only able to conduct a meta - analysis for one of the follow - up outcomes.
Women reporting excessive depression, anxiety or stress are typically less positively reinforcing and interactive with their infant, thought to lead to poor child development outcomes [22 — 24, 96].
In the context of studies of early child development, the study of disruption in family functioning as contributors to early child development outcomes has emerged as a focal area of investigation.
Children were assigned to «positive» and «negative» child development outcome categories based on mean or median scores for the various tests used.
To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review of interventions that enhance health services to improve child development outcomes including social and emotional well - being outcomes in the very early years.
What effect do these parenting styles have on child development outcomes?
Assignment to «positive» and «negative» child development outcome categories was based on mean or median scores for the various tests used.
divergent views about the purpose of sport, with sport perceived as prioritising commercial goals over child development outcomes;
We strongly believe, as would many of you in your roles as primary teachers, that the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: HPE in the early years of schooling from Foundation — Year 2 is imperative to ensure that holistic child development outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework are transitioned into the Australian Curriculum through HPE.
Effect of an early perinatal depression intervention on long - term child development outcomes: follow - up of the Thinking Healthy Programme randomised controlled trial.
Through the Challenge, states focus on: creating high quality, accountable early learning programs through Quality Rating and Improvement Systems; supporting improved child development outcomes through health, family engagement and vigorous use of early learning state standards and assessments; strengthening the early childhood workforce; and measuring progress.
Table 3.4 summarises the relationships between maternal mental health and the selected child development outcomes that continued to show a significant independent relationship after controlling for variables with were related to each other.
However, there is now strong evidence that the length of leave in and of itself (beyond a minimum of perhaps four months) is not as critical a determinant of maternal mental health or child development outcomes as is the set of personal, family, and workplace stresses, resources, and supports that operate jointly and interact with leave experiences.
In an important study with first - time mothers, Chamberlin et al37 reported that the strongest predictor of child development outcome was the mother's reported use of positive contact with her child and that physicians» teaching efforts toward increasing parents» positive contact contributed a small amount to this prediction.
CONCLUSIONS: Psychosocial risks in pregnancy, but not in early infancy, contribute to the transmission of vulnerability from maternal ACEs to child development outcomes in infancy via maternal behavior.
However, there is as yet only limited evidence to convincingly establish this association as being causal, with few studies evaluating the effects of intervening in the perinatal period on child development outcomes.
Dana is a doctoral student in the Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology Department at Boston College, where her research focuses on the role of family environment and engagement in early child development outcomes.
Not only do increased self - efficacy and improvement in depression potentially buffer children from developmental risk, but increased risk in the control group is consistent with other studies that demonstrate that participation in regular TANF programming may be associated with poorer child development outcomes (Heflin and Acevedo 2011).
In South Australia, councils have been working together with their communities to improve child development outcomes in 6 key areas:
Maternal health risk in pregnancy indirectly confers risk from maternal ACEs to child development outcomes at 12 months of age through infant health risk.
Radin, N., and Russell, G., 1983, «Increased Father Participation and Child Development Outcomes,» in Fatherhood and Family Policy, edited by M.E. Lamb and A. Sagi, Hillside, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 191 — 218.
The combination of depression and AD use during pregnancy and postpartum has been associated with harmful consequences in terms of neonatal and child development outcomes.
In a 1 - year follow - up of this study, 38 physicians» teaching efforts were no longer related to mothers» use of positive contact with their children, although the latter was still the strongest predictor of child development outcome.
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