Sentences with phrase «child enough room»

You should make sure that the clothes you provide for your newborn are large enough for easy dressing and also provide the child enough room for his or her environment.
It can fit through single size door ways and still gives two children enough room to wiggle.
We also need to strike a balance by providing children enough room to experience some hardship or face a risk of failure in order to cultivate the skills to overcome setbacks and the ups and downs of daily life.

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Incidentally, the ability of your child or youth to communicate negative feelings toward you and articulate vigorous disagreements, probably is a sign that you have succeeded in giving him enough room to become himself.
Her vehicle of choice these days is a Chevrolet Suburban, which has enough room for her, her husband and four children.
Recently, Marta and her fellow workers made hundreds of blankets to hand out to every sponsored child in Viloma, enough to fill two rooms, floor to ceiling!
Twenty - five years ago, almost to the day, my family moved to a less cool part of New York City (I think that was my fault; there wasn't enough room anywhere in Greenwich Village, apparently, for a child who cried as loudly as I did).
They have enough room in their hearts for every child and they push their children to be the best.
Rooms in the 14, 15 or 16 block are great for being really close to everything (all though everything is still quite close) but our child still naps so we requested a walk out and were able to put our chairs in the sun and be close enough to take turns strolling to the beach bar or jumping in the ocean or pool for a dip.
As long as she has a safe car, with enough room for all of the children to fit safely, I would have let him go.
The Urban Glide stroller made by Thule provides enough leg room for tall or older children, but also offers storage space underneath the seat, and a large canopy.
Is each house large enough for each child to nap in their own room?
Baby proofing a Play Room The play room is probably the area of the house in which your child will spend most of his awake time, so it's important that it be baby proofed well enough to allow your baby the freedom to explore the world without the fear of him coming across something that may harm Room The play room is probably the area of the house in which your child will spend most of his awake time, so it's important that it be baby proofed well enough to allow your baby the freedom to explore the world without the fear of him coming across something that may harm room is probably the area of the house in which your child will spend most of his awake time, so it's important that it be baby proofed well enough to allow your baby the freedom to explore the world without the fear of him coming across something that may harm him.
Such clinics provide constant supervision and a separate and safe sleeping area for the baby until the mother is well enough to have her child stay in her room.
I know rear facing for as long as you can is better, but what if your child is tall and he does not have enough adequate leg room with the carseat rear facing?
Since my child is my great niece, who I didn't meet face to face until she was 7 months old, I would have to say that the most magical moment for me was when she had learned to like / love me enough to cry when I left the room.
And exciting too in the revelation that my children are all old enough now that I can actually leave my wheel out, in my cozy spot, in the living room, without fear of little hands or fingers messing with it too much.
The child sleeps there until he or she is big enough for a separate bed in another room.
The headrest can be adjusted to grow with a child, providing ample head protection while allowing enough room for wider shoulders.
It's safe enough for supervised use by younger babies and toddlers, so your child will have plenty of room to grow into it.
It has enough room so that your child wouldn't feel compressed in any way, and even allows them to kick as much as they want.
Once the child is old enough for a bed, a physical barrier like a gate may be your best option to keep them in their room.
Giving your child enough liquids to drink is ideal too, and even using a cool - mist humidifier in his room will surely help to relieve the condition.
Even if your personal reason is that you aren't getting enough sleep at night, be sure your child knows that it's because he or she is getting a bed and a room.
It also supports 88 pounds with enough room for 2 children to ride comfortably.
Use your best judgment to make sure your child has enough room to breathe: tight straps are good, but you don't want them constricting to the point that your child is uncomfortable or has difficulty breathing.
Again, it is not enough that they think that your child hears because he responds to a loud clap or bell in the doctor's office or because he comes when you call him from another room.
My son is a bit older than most children are when potty training and he needs a seat with a splash guard, but it has to be big enough for him to sit on and still have room in front to go.
The Skip Hop Baby Zoo Little Kid and Toddler Lunch Bag is a cute and colorful lunch bag that offers just enough room for your child's edibles.
Hop on the toilet far enough back to leave some room for your child, get her situated and hold onto her while she goes potty.
This is very light and easy to carry yet it has enough room for two children.
Holding back can leave enough room for your child to develop a new skill of her own.
And also the correlation between your truly - terrified - of - poop friend and your own fears — your imagination is generally worse than reality, and even when reality IS pretty gross (like that time my baby had an explosive poop all over my lap at a restaurant that only had the tiniest bathroom ever, like there wasn't enough room between the toilet and the door for the diaper bag, much less a three - month - old) you just sort of... take it in stride and deal with it, knowing that the benefits of babies and children outweigh the occasional brush with grossness.
Measuring 7.5 x 9 x 5 inches, this lunch box is large enough to hold four standard beverages... which is plenty of room for a child's lunch and after school snack.
If your children share a room, consider moving the beds close enough together so each child can see the story as you read.
One last tip: make sure your child's room is dark enough at bedtime.
If you hold this space long enough, you might find your emotional child melting into your arms rather than your angry child, retreating to their room feeling upset and confused, blaming YOU and your reaction to their upset as the cause of their angst.
And I kind of went back to the reception and when oh, Devon is not here, and I just had this feeling like mhm, I better go and check what's going on, and sure enough I walk in the room and there she is, in her bridesmaid's gown breastfeeding my child.
The standing platform should have enough room to stand steady, with an obvious place for your child to hang on to while standing up.
There is not enough room to fit my child and it is hard to get him out of the chair when he is done.
The rear dial is adjustable and offers much flexibility and there is enough room for your child to grow in.
If you still can't get enough bonding in during the day, have your child sleep in his / her bassinet or crib in your room at night.
Oddly enough I actually quite enjoy cleaning my house under the following two conditions 1) I get to play my choice of music super loud and 2) there are no children making incredible messes for me to clean up in the adjoining room.
Do not cosleep is you are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, if you are obese because you have a greater chance of having sleep apnea, if you are suffering from sleep deprivation, if you have a water bed or other cushiony surface where it's easier for your baby to fall towards the middle of the bed, if you bed isn't big enough, if your other children are sleeping in the bed with you and there isn't enough room, or cosleeping on a coach or sofa.
Getting children through crowded areas isn't too much of a problem, as it is sleek enough to get through narrow passageways easily, while still having ample room to carry two children.
The play mat is large enough so that the child will have ample room to play.
If it is close enough to the school year, sometimes the teachers are in the room and your children can meet them before the first day and introduce themselves.
If your child is old enough to go out and hang out with friends at night, then he or she is old enough to sleep in a separate room.
A child who has been co sleeping for too long may even develop such an attachment to sleeping in the same bed with you that staying in the same room with you isn't going to be good enough.
It is important to create enough space in your child's room so that it remains safe for your child.
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