Sentences with phrase «child gets into trouble»

If your child gets into trouble with the police or has to go to court, support them, but let them cope with the consequences such as paying their own fines.
If your child gets into trouble at school, behind the wheel, or otherwise, you can still take away the car keys as punishment.
It's important, however, to take action so you can reduce further behavior problems at school — especially if your child gets into trouble often.
Instead they blamed outside forces for causing both unhappiness and relationship stress: Spouses became ill, lost jobs, got depressed, children got into trouble or created marital stresses by their financial and emotional demands.
Does your child get into trouble for not listening or lacking focus?
If you find out your child got into trouble on the bus three days ago, the consequence will obviously need to be delayed.
Therefore, I am more worried when my children get into this trouble.
All children get into trouble, get cross and won't do as they are told some of the time, especially children who are under 5 years old.

Not exact matches

An example of God's love is like a child who rebels against his parent, gets into trouble, the parent again shows love for the child, the child then realizes how much the parent loves him / her and then tries to be a better person.
Rather than promoting positive qualities (like verbal skills), poor parents tend to let children go their own way and then use harsh punishment when they get into trouble.
Any of these choices is better than taking prom and graduation parties away altogether, and better than taking the risk that your child may get into some serious trouble.
And make it clear to your child that he has the option to put himself in time - out before he gets into trouble.
If your children traditionally get into trouble right after you bring them home in the evening, try getting down on the floor to play with them right when you walk in the door and re-establish your relaxed and warm connection with each of them.
The eldest boy, a 15 - year - old, has become depressed and refuses to go to school altogether, while the middle child, a boy of 12, has started to get into trouble at school as his frustrations boil over.
If you are having trouble getting your child into a car seat, this might be a great place to start.
When children have been punished, they've learned that those big emotions that drove them to misbehave get them into trouble, so they try to stuff those «bad» feelings down.
Poor decisions at school: I've worked with many parents whose kids get into trouble at school for the way they acted, but instead of letting their child face the music, they try to bail their kid out.
The crib is low enough that you shouldn't have any trouble reaching into it to pick up your little one but tall enough to keep your child from being able to clamber out of it, even when he or she gets a little older and bigger.
When you misbehaved or got into trouble as a child, how did your parents discipline you, and do you think that helped you to change your behavior?
According to Dr Sears, children between 12 - 24 months have the mobility to get into all types of trouble and, at the same time, lack the ability to control their impulses.
You need to take a tour of your home from a child's perspective and notice every little thing that may get them into trouble.
You let your children be and intervene when think or see your children getting off track or getting into trouble.
Trust me; this challenge will seem like a dream once your child is older and getting into more trouble.
Sometimes children with conduct disorders will go for several days or a week or two without incident, and may even act quite charming during this time, but few can go an entire month without getting into trouble at least once.
And children don't need to experience poverty or witness family stress to get into trouble.
Keeping your children busy with after - school programs will also stop them from getting into trouble instead.
Let's face it - children have a habit of getting into trouble.
The best way to make sure that your child can't injure herself is to take a tour of each room in your house on your hands and knees and look for trouble — the kind your child could get herself into.
Wanting to teach / redirect their curious child who's gotten into some sort of trouble or another as they explored the world around them (you know the kind — five thousand cheerios all over a newly cleaned kitchen floor, a chair that is not to be climbed being climbed anyway and tipping over, brushing the family dog with mom's hairbrush of course, etc) but fearful of spoiling, they sternly respond with a «NO!!!»
This means he's either in a crib or in his room, with a gate or some similar item to keep him from getting into trouble while you're putting the other child to bed.
The good thing is your child isn't going to view travel as a disruption and again can't run around and get into trouble.
Now is the time to make sure your mobile child can't get into trouble!
These gates can effectively prevent very young crawlers from getting into trouble and are a great way to create a room sized play pen for children.
There is no such thing as a home that doesn't need to be childproofed or a child that is the exception to the rule - who will listen every time and never get into trouble around the house.
A child proof car may be the last thing that you think about; but it can take only a minute for a baby to venture to your car, climb in and get into trouble.
The answer quite simply is one that is safe where adults have taken all the necessary means to make sure their child does not get into any trouble.
Another reason is that older children who can read can get into a lot of trouble on the internet, reading emails or in areas otherwise that are none of their business.
We work with 50,000 children and young people across the UK and our projects are still seeing increasing numbers of families who are at breaking point and children who are at risk of neglect, entering the care system, or are getting into trouble with the law.
Investment would go into early years support, getting troubled families «back on track», pupil premiums for poorer children and recognition for marriage in the tax system, he said.
In this juxtaposition, a young girl named Moonee (Brooklynn Prince in one of several terrific performances by unknown actors) creates her own happiness in the shadow of the Happiest Place on Earth, and gets into trouble, as she's raised by a single mother (Bria Vinaite) who in many ways is a child herself.
The metaphors in Vincenzo Natali's bio-horror aren't exactly subtle: their experiment becomes their child, which they whisk away from the lab and into the (broken) home of Elsa's troubled childhood, and the would - be parents get a rollercoaster trip through family issues and growing pains.
Yet two or three more children have fallen through what appears to be a huge tear in the safety net that is supposed to catch them before they get into so much trouble.
The report, released this month by the Colorado Foundation for Families and Children, a Denver - based nonprofit organization, showed that 8 percent of the 1,452 students expelled in 1993 - 94 got into legal trouble within a year.
If you have a mortgage and young children why risk everything to become head of a school that may well get into trouble with Ofsted?
A very curious child, he got into trouble — a lot.
So this show is called Debt Free in 30, we talk about debt and issues relating to that so what happens if I get into financial trouble and I want to cash in the RESP before my child goes to school?
If you are required to pay legal obligations such as back tax bills or child support, you can get into serious trouble for defaulting on even one payment.
But unemployed herding breeds, such as Border collies, cattle dogs (heelers), collies, and Australian shepherds, can get into a lot of trouble by practicing herding behavior on children, cats and cars.
Just like a child if left to its own will get into trouble.
X pens are great (like a play pen for children) to help contain your puppy and limit its ability to get into trouble..
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