Sentences with phrase «child is afraid of»

In fact, they may unwittingly side with the alienating parent and even testify or produce evidence in court that the child is afraid of the father.
The defense mechanisms constructed to support the alienation take time to be broken through: they involve denying that the alienating parent is selfish and manipulative, denying that the targeted parent has positive qualities, denying that the child wants a relationship with the targeted parent, denying that the child is afraid of losing the love of the alienating parent.
For example if the imaginary friend is afraid of the dark it is likely that the child is afraid of the dark and learning to manage her fears through the friend.
If you can figure out what specific thing your child is afraid of, then you can figure out ways around it.
For example, if your child is afraid of being left with a babysitter, talk through what that scenario would be like and ask your little one to come up with ideas for playing with the babysitter and creating a countdown chart for mom or dad's return.
If your child is afraid of monsters, the dark, or being alone in their bedroom, talk to them about their fears and figure out how you can help.
For example, if you discover that your child is afraid of riding the school bus, set up an area in the house and do a «pretend» ride to school.
You don't want to be the person that your child is afraid of because he feels like he will never measure up.
If your child is afraid of being alone and is comforted only by contact with you, consider offering up a virtual you, in the form of a two - way monitor or a set of walkie - talkies.
Whether your child is afraid of the dark, or she is terrified to meet new people, help your child face her fears one small step at a time.
If your child is afraid of being alone and is comforted only by contact with you, consider using a two - way baby monitor.
(If your child is afraid of the dark, choose a night light that will keep her room as dim as possible.)
For instance, if your child is afraid of spiders, you might add a very small, non-threatening spider to the story (one that keeps its distance from the hero).
You needn't worry if your child is afraid of the dark as it is perfectly normal.
If your child is afraid of using toilet seats in public, this type of seat may prove useful.
Whether it's a fear of the dark, strangers, flying, or anything else, the first thing to do is to understand exactly what it is your child is afraid of.
As a child I was afraid of the church to the point of changing sidewalks.
Some children are afraid of flushing and are afraid they will be flushed down too.
Also, some children are afraid of public bathrooms (the loud flushing, the adult - sized toilets they could fall into...), so it might be helpful to have something portable in the trunk of your car to lessen the resistance.
I came to understand that, whether evident or not, most very young children are afraid of imposed isolation, even for a short time.
When we see that our children are afraid of something that they should not be, we respond by trying to talk them out of their fear.
When shopping, some children are afraid of using the big potty.
My children are afraid of one of our cats because she's «scratchy.»
Many children are afraid of swimming because they aren't able to touch the bottom of the pool or lake, or they aren't able to see what's underneath them in the water.
I believe punishment works because children are afraid of disappointing us and losing our love.
A Guest Post by Savannah Sanfield, LMFT Many children are afraid of visits to the doctor, but my daughter was TERRIFIED.
These children are afraid of making mistakes or not being accepted by their peers.
Estimates suggest that as many as 1 in 5 school age children are afraid of dentists.
Children were afraid of her — they were running away.
How do you stop that child being afraid of monsters?
According to the New York Daily News article dated October 4, 2011, the lawyer for the mother's family stated that the children were afraid of their paternal grandparents.

Not exact matches

She finds that adult kids tend to be afraid of stepping into financial discussions because the father had always maintained control and they were treated like children.
«They're not afraid of the children breaking things, and I've definitely seen a positive difference in their buying.»
Or, as Quora respondent Brent C.J. Britton puts in, labeling kids smart, athletic, or artistic creates «a dynamic where the child is afraid to fail for fear of losing the label.
Darwin's last words were to his family, telling Emma «I am not the least afraid of death — Remember what a good wife you have been to me — Tell all my children to remember how good they have been to me»,
people like you Pitt are the reason why people like me read this stuff, we are AFRAID that you will overrun our world, force your anger and hate down our children's throats, you like living in fear of your god, yup you do..
However, children already know dragons and fire exist metaphorically speaking, they need to not be afraid of them and know they can be slayed!
My husband said he told his Mom he was afraid of her as a child, and her response was, Good!
Was there any element where you were afraid that maybe you wouldn't be a good parent to your children because of the experience you had with your parents growing up?
Hitler was afraid he was too young to have a child / Hitler was afraid he would have to drop out of school?
It's downright odd to see a man go from being afraid of his wife and watching his children demoralized, to taking a stand at the pulpit teaching people good from bad..
In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum.17 Into the hands which broke and quickened the bread, which blessed and caressed little children, which were pierced with the nails; into the hands which are like our hands, the hands of which one can never tell what they will do with the object they are holding, whether they will break it or heal it, but which we know will always obey and reveal impulses filled with kindness and will always clasp us ever more closely, ever more jealously; into the gentle and mighty hands which can reach down into the very depth of the soul, the hands which fashion, which create, the hands through which flows out so great a love: into these hands it is comforting to surrender oneself especially if one is suffering or afraid.
If I keep weapons in my home and know how to use them and teach my children the power of those weapons no one should have the right to paint with such a wide brush as to eliminate my right to ownership of a weapon because this country is too afraid to tackle mental health issues.
May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants, while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.8
In religious terms, let me use this illustration: when we are little children, some of our parents comforted us when we were afraid of dying that God wouldn't let us die, that we would be safe... see you in the morning!
In the act of admonishing even he will say (for it is no rare speaker that is here introduced to talk, and just on that account the praise of the Good is so much the more glorious because it does not require the approval of eloquence, for here it is well to note that it is one of life's most tragically spoiled children who speaks admonishingly to a youth) even he will say, «Do not be afraid, be slow to judge others, but attend closely to yourself, hold firmly to willing one thing, to willing the Good in truth, and thus, from now on, let this lead you wherever for now it will lead you — because eternally it will lead you to victory.
It's akin to a 5 year old telling his / her imaginary friend on you... very child like mind set to be afraid of the invisible.
And if anyone is afraid that he is in for some kind of esoteric rigmarole, may I try to alleviate his fears by remarking that the lecturers are all children of the twentieth century as much as they are professing Christians, alive to the astounding advances of contemporary science and technology, alive also to the deep — seated moral and cultural skepticism which has developed side by side with an increasing moral passion and sensitivity.
It's like saying just because children for centuries have been afraid of something being under their bed that the boogie man must be hard wired into humans.
Aminata, like many other Ebola survivors now faces discrimination and stigma in her community: people are afraid of her and have refused to accept her and her children.
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