Sentences with phrase «child maintenance service»

The statutory child maintenance service use a standard calculation (which depends on the paying parent's income) and some other factors to work out a weekly amount of child maintenance.
We can't arrange child maintenance for you, and we can't look into individual statutory child maintenance service cases either.
The statutory child maintenance services work out child maintenance payments using a standard formula.
Use an interactive dashboard to explore the latest Child Maintenance Service statistics by region.
This new Child Maintenance Service will handle cases where parents can not make their own arrangements — but it will charge for the service.
You can see the things the statutory child maintenance service takes into account by looking at our child maintenance calculator.
If you think your statutory payments are too high, you should contact the statutory child maintenance service straight away and check that they have the correct information about your circumstances.
The statutory child maintenance service takes great care to protect your personal information.
You don't have to use the statutory child maintenance service if you can sort out child maintenance between yourselves.
The Government's vision is for most parents to reach their own financial agreements, following the end of their relationship, without using Child Maintenance Service or Family Courts.
Lawyer and mediator Claire Colbert is «exceptionally good» and «extremely hard working» in family cases including in Child Maintenance Service appeals and Children Act relocation matters.
any obligation to pay maintenance to an ex-spouse due under a court order (not Child Support Agency arrears or Child Maintenance Service arrears); and
You can also get information about how the statutory child maintenance services calculate child maintenance at
If the statutory child maintenance service collects and passes on payments, the paying parent can pay:
the powers that Child Maintenance Service investigating officers have to arrange and carry out visits
From 11 August 2014, all parents using the Collect and Pay service operated by the now - called Child Maintenance Service (CMS) will be liable for fees (see Child Support Fees Regulations 2014 (SI 2014/612)-RRB-.
If you have a statutory child maintenance arrangement, you should report any changes to your circumstances to the statutory child maintenance service as quickly as possible
A statutory child maintenance arrangement means the statutory child maintenance service arranges child maintenance on your behalf.
maintenance (through the Child Support Agency or the newly created Child Maintenance Service, the court having jurisdiction to deal with the issue in only limited circumstances);
However, Child Support law states that the paying parent's responsibility to pay through a statutory arrangement begins on the date that the statutory child maintenance service notifies them (verbally or in writing) of the application.
The main difference between a Maintenance Direct or Direct Pay arrangement and a family - based arrangement is that the statutory child maintenance service decides on the amount — and this means it's legally binding.
We have published separate leaflets and factsheets for Child Maintenance Service cases, — «2012 scheme» cases.
Use the child maintenance calculator to work out how much child maintenance to pay - or see how the Child Support Agency and Child Maintenance Service work out maintenance, and the rates they use
For arrears of maintenance payments ordered by a court, Child Support Agency arrears, Child Maintenance Service arrears and debts resulting from personal injury claims, the court has the power to order that you do not have to pay all or part of these.
Please note, from 28 February 2018 the name of this statistical series changed from «2012 statutory child maintenance scheme statistics» to «Child Maintenance Service statistics».
You will need to make an alternative arrangement and the options include a private agreement with the other parent or application to the new Child Maintenance Service (CMS) for a maintenance calculation.
It was much the same thinking that drove the last Tories in government to set up the Child Support Agency, and the current bunch to abolish it and replace it with the Child Maintenance Service, which is taking over the role right now.
New applications are dealt with by the Child Maintenance Service.
The Child Maintenance Service is for when you and the other parent can't agree to a family - based arrangement.
You must talk to Child Maintenance Options before you can apply to the Child Maintenance Service.
The Child Maintenance Service ensures that financial support is provided by an absent parent.
«Data sharing between the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) and the Home Office will deter parents from using the service and allows non-resident parents to avoid taking financial responsibility for their child,» Frances Travena, from the Coram Children's Legal Centre, said.
The service will provide payslips for your employees along with reports that you will need for your accounting records and of course reports which enable you to make payments, not only to your employees but also to third parties such as HMRC, pensions companies, the CSA or Child Maintenance Service to name but a few.
In limited circumstances the Child Maintenance Service can write off arrears of child maintenance, including arrears in old Child Support Agency cases, if it thinks that it would be unfair or not appropriate to continue to pursue collection.
Contact us for advice about what circumstances allow the Child Maintenance Service to use its discretion to write off arrears.
Most types of debt except: student loans, magistrates» court fines, maintenance payments or maintenance arrears ordered by a court, Child Support Agency or Child Maintenance Service arrears, money owed under a criminal confiscation order, debts resulting from certain personal injury claims and budgeting or crisis loans.
Most debts except: fines, penalties, compensation and forfeiture orders imposed by any court; any debt that has been incurred through fraud; student loans; any obligation to pay maintenance to an ex-spouse due under a court order (not Child Support Agency arrears or Child Maintenance Service arrears); and money owed to a creditor whose debt is secured on your property (such as a mortgage or secured loan).
Although the Child Maintenance Service imposes obligations on parents to financially maintain their children, there are also claims that can be made on their behalf through the court for capital or top up maintenance where the assets allow.
The courts only have power to deal with child maintenance issues in very limited circumstances, for example, where one of the parties lives outwith the UK or in «top up» cases, where the payer is earning more than the ceiling which the Child Maintenance Service takes into account (currently # 156,000).
If agreement can't be reached or if maintenance is not being reliably paid then, where both parents are living in the UK, resort must be had to the Child Maintenance Service which has the power to assess and then collect maintenance.
Most people will negotiate about a suitable level of maintenance having regard to the amount which the Child Maintenance Service would assess.
If this is not possible an option is to contact the Child Maintenance Service who can calculate the amount.
In all other cases the Child Maintenance Service will take action if child maintenance is not paid.
The Child Maintenance Service, rather than the court, has almost exclusive jurisdiction to deal with child maintenance.
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