Sentences with phrase «child migrants»

"Child migrants" refers to children who have traveled from their home country to another country for a variety of reasons. They may be fleeing conflict or poverty, seeking better opportunities, or reuniting with family. These children often face challenges and need special care and support due to their unique circumstances. Full definition
The paper defines child migrants as under 18 year olds whose usual residence was in a different country or province five years prior to census.
Former Child Migrants arrived in Australia through historical child migration schemes (up until 1970) and were also subsequently placed in homes and orphanages.
Somewhere between theater and installation art, «Flight» tells a story of child migrants entirely through miniature models.
Piers Morgan has become the latest person to lay into the Conservative MP who called for child migrants arriving from squalid camps in Calais to have their teeth tested to verify their ages.
This includes his 2015 piece «Oracle,» which centers on protesters rallying against unaccompanied child migrants from Central America, as well as «The Indian Project: Rebuilding History,» also from 2015, that looks at how the Maine town of Skowhegan adopted an American Indian identity and name despite having no Native Americans in its midst.
Labour's Lisa Nandy called for compensation to be paid swiftly to former child migrants following a report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse - Mrs May said an # 8m family restoration fund had been established.
These are requests that have come up occasionally from Republicans ever since the 2014 child migrant crisis, but Democrats tend to worry that they'd result in people being deported back to mortal danger — and could run afoul of international law.
Brothers separated for 43 years by cruel child migrant scheme to Australia finally reunited in Britain after desperate search.
Hugo Weaving is another incredible addition to a wonderful cast, playing Jack, one of the first child migrants Margaret meets.
On 16 November 2009, the then Prime Minister of Australia, Hon Kevin Rudd, issued a formal statement of acknowledgement and apology, on behalf of the nation, to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants concerning the abuse and neglect suffered by many children in institutional or other out - of - home care during the last century across Australia.
In the days before they last left town, the House rallied to pass an appropriations bill aiming to curtail the influx of child migrants — legislation that's going to hit a wall in the Senate whether or not the president takes any executive action.
It undertook several projects, including one in partnership with Former Child Migrants and Forgotten Australians.
Follows unaccompanied child migrants, «the invisible ones,» from Central America, on the harrowing journey through Mexico to reach the United States.
Margaret and Merv went on to establish the Child Migrant Trust in 1987 to address the issues surrounding the deportation of children.
She and her social worker husband Merv (Richard Dillane) take on both the UK and Australian authorities and governments, who officially sanctioned the Child Migrants Programme.
The film is based on the true story of Margaret Humphries, an unassuming social worker and family woman who inadvertently stumbles upon the untold story of child migrants, who, having been told their parents had died, were piled into massive ships and brought to Australia where they endured hard work and often abuse.
Although «Measure of a Man» is less gut - wrenching than director Jim Loach's only previous theatrical film, «Oranges and Sunshine» — about the cruel fate of unwanted children shipped from England to Australia during the United Kingdom's mid-20th-century «child migrant» program — the British filmmaker shows himself to have an affinity for tales of the abuse of power.
Five fabulous play scripts which explore different periods in history: WW1 and WW2; Victorian mill children; Britain's child migrants and the histo...
According to the Department of Homeland Security, the median age of child migrants is 15; the majority are male; some are as young as 7 years.
The Australian Government has set up a national network of Find and Connect support services to assist Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants, including:
Find & Connect has been established to support Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.
Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants are those who, as children, lived in children's Homes, institutions, orphanages and other forms of out - of - home care.
Find and Connect is designed for Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.
The Find and Connect support program aims to improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.
Find and Connect is a national network of support services to help improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.
The Find and Connect service will help Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants to trace their history and understand the reason they were placed into care, reconnect with family where possible and to access counselling and other supports.
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