Sentences with phrase «child murderer»

The phrase "child murderer" refers to a person who has intentionally and unlawfully taken the life of a young person. Full definition
He'll play the shapeshifting child murderer in New Line's adaptation of Stephen King's acclaimed novel
Harvey's painting of child murderer Myra Hindley, composed of a repeated child's hand print and created as a critique of the media's exploitation of the Hindley story, remains the most divisive work in the RA's exhibition history.
Jackie Earle Haley, as another psychopath, playing child murderer Freddy Krueger in the upcoming remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Marc Quinn's cast of his own head made from his frozen blood, or Marcus Harvey's portrait of child murderer Myra Hindley made with tiny images of a child's hands, attracted more publicity than conventional art.»
There are some people (cold - blooded child murderers / rapists, that kind of thing) who do really need to be removed from the gene pool for our own safety and the safety of others.
Gone is the vicious child murderer of the past: he's been replaced with a type of almost scary court jester.
He delivered a particularly chilling performance in the latter, as longhaired psychopathic child murderer Vivian Thompson, that arguably ranked with his finest work.
This tale of a wily German child murderer from legendary director Fritz Lang is still one of the all - time greats.
Redemption glitters on the horizon when Finkel learns that an accused child murderer has been using his identity.
Attacking «soft» targets like the Bible / religious iconography or child murderers for instance is nothing more than a turkey - shoot, and how glorious can that be.
Years after being burned alive by a mob of angry parents, child murderer Freddy Krueger returns to haunt the dreams and waking hours of small - town teens in this spine - chilling slasher classic from director Wes Craven.
He urges that the child murderer Robert Latimer be freed.
If I die due to child birth does that not make my child a murderer?
James for going to give spiritual counseling to a child murderer in the local jail, Fr.
He was a child murderer before he died, and after he died... well, he became something worse.
Chris Cooper was supposed to be featured in a small role as a child murderer.
That's mostly because of the eventual child murders (and child murderers) that grow out of the lack of adult supervision.
In 2009, Tucci received his first Academy Award nomination for his turn as a child murderer in The Lovely Bones (2009).
This edgy supernatural relationship intensifies with the arrival of the Valentine Killer, a child murderer who dresses up his or her victims with toys and paper valentines.
None of the work in this shortlist has for a major theme «the Bible / religious iconography or child murderers» by which I take it Stephen is referring to artists like Damien Hirst (religion) Marcus Harvey (Myra Hindley).
It tells the story of a child murderer in Germany and the police hunt to track him down, resulting in a «staged» trial used to force a confession from the accused and obtain a conviction, making the point of the importance of legal representation in criminal trials to ensure justice, even for the most abhorrent crimes.
And when these corporations stand with the NRA, they stand with the child murderers that allowed this to continue.»
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