Sentences with phrase «child nutrition reauthorization»

Nonprofits and schools can embrace new provisions included in the 2010 child nutrition reauthorization law — the Healthy, Hunger - Free Kids Act — that support summer food expansion and outreach efforts.
To continue to keep Chinese - processed chicken out of school meals and other federal child nutrition programs, this provision will need to appear in subsequent annual appropriations bills, or it will need to be included in the five - year child nutrition reauthorization bill in 2015.
The AAP's priorities for child nutrition reauthorization are strengthening the WIC program, keeping the nutritional standards for the school meals program strong, and addressing childhood hunger and food insecurity during out - of - school time, especially in the summer months.
Politico's Morning Agriculture report tells us that on the Senate side, leaders «are continuing to work toward a bipartisan deal on child nutrition reauthorization, and staff are currently drafting bill text, according to aides.
We also are eager to address key issues including child nutrition reauthorization, career and technical education, and federal education investments.
To learn more about AAP's priorities for child nutrition reauthorization, see our one page fact sheet.
2004 FRAC, the Child Nutrition Forum, and allies obtain a child nutrition reauthorization law that strengthens school breakfast and lunch, summer food, child care food, and WIC programs.
«We are arguing that Congress should address CEP before passing any child nutrition reauthorization bill,» Daren Bakst, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said in an email.
Additionally, the Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) act, child nutrition reauthorization, and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) reauthorization may all see new life in the 115th Congress after failing to cross the finish line this year.
At a time when education is acknowledged as a priority for America's success and competitiveness, NSBA believes that it is imperative that federal policy — including implementation of the child nutrition reauthorization — assures that educational systems are supported, not undermined by unfunded mandates or under - resourced requirements.
Both the Senate Agriculture Committee and the House Education & the Workforce Committee have conducted hearings on the child nutrition reauthorization (CNR), including one featuring Indiana school board member and National School Boards Association (NSBA) Director John Payne.
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