Sentences with phrase «child of separated parents»

Married men who get divorced are generally afraid of losing their kids, with good reason: over 80 % of children of separated parents live exclusively or mainly with their mother.
A family assessment is a professional forensic assessment undertaken to assist a court and / or the parties decide on parenting arrangements for children of separated parents or caregivers.
You are unlikely to know that 110 international experts agree with the conclusion reached by psychologist Richard Warshak in his recent research paper: there is no scientific evidence that justifies limiting or postponing overnighting until children of separated parents reach the age of four.
Children of separated parents always feel responsibility for the break - up.
This study focuses on children of separated parents, with shared residence or living with one custodial parent.
A dramatic list of consequences will befall any breach of court orders that flout court - endorsed arrangements for the care of children of separated parents.
At the end of the day, parental conflict alone is the best predictor in terms of the outcome for children of separated parents.
Children of separated parents can run the...
The Vermont Legislature has declared as public policy that children of separated parents should get as much support as they would if their parents were living in the same household.
In one interesting Ontario case recently, the court found that private school tuition was a reasonable and necessary expense for the two children of separated parents, despite the fact that it represented a «huge proportion» of the post-tax income for the family.
In 1975 Congress passed the Child Support Enforcement and Paternity Establishment Program, or CSE, in response to increasing enrollment in federal welfare programs of children of separated parents.
The Standards should apply to completed assessments where the family assessor offers recommendations concerning the longer term parenting arrangements for children of separated parents or caregivers.
This is critically important because it is extremely difficult and expensive to reverse «parental alienation» once it has developed in a child of separated parents.
Drawing on first - hand testimonies from the children of separated parents, Dr Neale says that in some cases arrangements for sharing time between the homes of Mum and Dad can be the product of insecure and over needy parenting, and a rather uneasy compromise between parents over rights to the children.
A comprehensive tour through the divorce maze, with both fictional scenarios and authentic comments and artwork of children of separated parents, illustrating their special needs and concerns.
It is well known in this profession that the most significant indicator of poor outcomes for children of separated parents is unremitting parental conflict.
Shared parenting as in the best interests of children of separated parents has become a crucial issue for practitioners and policymakers around the globe.
For children of separated parents, the categorization was based on the available parent's birth country.
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