Sentences with phrase «child or grandchildren»

Family trusts, for example, are often used to make provision for children or grandchildren in a tax - efficient manner whilst also protecting the assets that are subject to the trust.
Planning for the needs of children or grandchildren may be at the top of your list.
Many people with children or grandchildren with special needs consider a single - premium policy.
An inexpensive life insurance for parents over 50 is also available and an excellent way for helping children or grandchildren financially.
If you have adult children or grandchildren who will depend on you indefinitely for financial assistance, you might choose a longer - term policy.
This policy can be purchased for children or grandchildren under the age of 17.
They rarely mean to hurt anyone but if you have small children or grandchildren this is something that you will need to take into account.
New beneficiaries, like new children or grandchildren, come along, others may die, assets may change, plans may change, and those need to be updated as needed.
Probably the most common scenario I hear is children or grandchildren considering purchasing a life insurance policy on parents or grandparents.
Juvenile term is also available, providing coverage up to $ 5,000 for children or grandchildren ages 3 months to 18 years.
Those would be important to look out for among children or grandchildren.
Anyone with children or grandchildren likely going to college, whether they are babies or teenagers, may want to consider investing in a 529 savings plan account.
You can open a joint account with anyone, including children or grandchildren.
One can nominate children or grandchildren to receive the benefits.
Do you want to help children or grandchildren with their education or leave an inheritance?
We may also have children or grandchildren who may believe that we should be spending the remainder of our days on the porch in the rocking chair.
Any requirement for how the money should be spent, such as paying off a mortgage or college tuition for children or grandchildren, should be specified in a will.
If you have moved, divorced or had new children or grandchildren, you should be sure your estate plan has been updated.
If you have children or grandchildren ages 17 and under, you can open a certificate for them to start saving towards their future.
If you designate your spouse or common - law partner or financially dependent child or grandchild as beneficiary of your RRSP, the proceeds from the plan will be taxable in your beneficiary's hands in the year they're received, unless they are transferred into his or her own tax - deferred plan.
Below are some destinations and events you may want to include on your summer itinerary if you're visiting Santa Barbara — as a single, couple, or with children or grandchildren in tow:
Airfare Home for Dependent Children or Grandchildren who are left unattended if you're unable to care for them due to your hospitalization.
Business owners can only split income with their adult children or grandchildren by paying them dividends once they are 18 years old, but some high - income employees can engage in income splitting with toddlers.
The school year's end is a good time to think about Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), especially if you have young children or grandchildren.
[Up][10 Commandments Of Personal Finance][18 Ways To Teach Children or Grandchildren The Value of Money][Allowances?..
Subject to certain limits, RRSP / RRIF proceeds can be rolled over to an RDSP for the benefit of the deceased's financially dependent infirm child or grandchild.
* Included in medical evacuation maximum ** Daily limits apply *** With purchase of upgrade only **** Plan includes both emergency medical reunion and bedside visit — the maximum shown here is for medical reunion; $ 1,500 for round - trip airfare is included for emergency bedside visit as well ***** Inclusive with return of minor children or grandchildren benefit maximum
Our store policy on stacked charms: We understand that many customers would like children or grandchildrens name place in birth order from oldest to youngest but that is not always possible due to space issues, We can not fit a long name on a smaller disc, as in a 10 letters name can not be put on a disc that holds 5 letters.
«I want to ask Judge Wood,» Ms. Walsh said, «would she be willing to have any of these teachers teach her own children or grandchildren, and I would bet my life she'd say no.»
I really did, only because I have several friends who have autistic children or grandchildren and I see how much they struggle with this - so I guess I identify with them, not so much their children (Ginny)
Asking you to name your favourite Christian romance author is like asking you to choose a favourite child or grandchild.
But I think it's a strong enough possibility to be worthwhile for a «gift of a lifetime» to a newborn child or grandchild.
These awards may be used for the volunteer's own education or transferred to a child, foster child or grandchild.
However, second hand asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma among children or grandchildren whose parents bring home the fibers on their clothes, boots, and other items.
The laws of the land are being watered down just enough for the bleeding hearts to unknowingly kill both your children and mine.God forbid there children or grandchildren should ever need to use a safe injection site.At least they will have a chance to continue there addiction in a safe and sanitary enviroment and let's not forget that they will have no problem breaking another law by purchaseing the drugs or commiting a sexual act the laws of the land are being comprimised.
Finally, it's critical to keep your life insurance beneficiaries updated whenever there's a big life event such as when you get married, experience a divorce, or when a new child or grandchild joins the family.
The London and St. Thomas Association of Realtors (LSTAR) has given four scholarships to university or college bound children or grandchildren of LSTAR members who have demonstrated academic excellence.
However, if the plan is to travel or help children or grandchildren with their education, expenses may actually go up, especially in the early years of retirement.
With all of the various decisions to make when it comes to purchasing a whole life insurance policy for the special children or grandchildren in their life, many people opt to consult a financial professional who can evaluate their personal situation and help navigate the options available.
For clients with children or grandchildren, ScholarShare can help.
Honestly, if you have children or grandchildren who like to write stories, why not use Createspace to create their very own printed book?
AARP has traditional offerings that include permanent life insurance, term life insurance, guaranteed issue and a unique young start policy for those who have young children or grandchildren.
In addition, proceeds in your RRSP may also be able to be rolled over to an RDSP for the benefit of your financially dependent infirm child or grandchild (see topic 111).
Wealthy employees can gift or loan their savings to a trust and have the income taxed to their minor children or grandchildren, who often have little to no tax payable.
Example: If you have an infirm financially dependent child or grandchild, you should consider if any changes need to be made, either in your will or by way of beneficiary designations, to accommodate this new rule.
Some riders can include coverage for children or grandchildren, some remove the requirement of premiums in the event of extreme illness or injury, some add cover for accidental death, and many more.
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