Sentences with phrase «child protection order»

Abused Children Protection Orders (SB 1335 / PA 99 - 0349): Provides that the parties to the proceedings are also entitled to copies of unfounded reports.
She found the Child and Family Services Act did not allow for enforcement of extra-provincial child protection orders.
Kenny has always been described as «straight forward» and «a healthy boy with no additional needs» and this is because he was, thankfully, under a child protection order during pregnancy and in a mother and baby unit.
This arrangement is formal because a child protection order gives you formal carer status, like foster carers have.
Child protection orders are different to family violence orders.
These associations sometimes also help grandparent and kinship carers who have the care of a child without a child protection order.
A child protection order is used when there's been a report to the child protection authority that a child is at risk.
Almost half the children in out - of - home care with a child protection order are living in kinship care.
A guide for grandparent carers and kinship carers to formal and informal care arrangements, family court orders, child protection orders and financial support.
Informal arrangement This is when you have an agreement with the child's family about caring for the child, without a court order such as a child protection order or a family law order.
A formal arrangement with a child protection order A child protection order is made by the Child Protection Court in your state or territory.
If you have the care of a child with a child protection order, you can also contact the foster care association in your state or territory.
Alienation and isolation by a parent in the absence of a child protection order is damaging to a child, and is itself a child protection concern.
[144] The intergenerational impacts of past child removal practices (see Text Box 2 below) are reflected in the higher numbers of substantiation orders, child protection orders and child removal orders being made in the present day in relation to Indigenous children.
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