Sentences with phrase «child was in distress»

If you can learn how to calm yourself down while your child is in distress and model an appropriate response, they will learn to work through it.
At times, caregivers may seem frightened and unable to cope when their child is in distress.
If the child is in distress, consider calling 911 and getting the child out of the car.

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«If sometimes our poor people have had to die of starvation,» she said, «it is not because God didn't care for them, but because you and I didn't give, were not instruments of love in the hands of God, to give them that bread, to give them that clothing; because we did not recognize him, when once more Christ came in distressing disguise — in the hungry man, in the lonely man, in the homeless child, and seeking for shelter.»
We now know that, in all socioeconomic groups, children raised outside of intact two - parent families are significantly more likely than their peers to drop out of high school, end up in prison and experience serious psychological distress.
It's distressing how many of my students still deal with the fearsomeness of God, not because they have encountered it at church, but because they've grown up in households in which one or both of the parents were highly critical of who their children are.
A mother chastises her child for running near the fire; this kind of rule making is born out of love in the knowledge of what is best for the child and what will prevent distress.
What he found, to his distress, was that the child was incredibly backward in her speech as she grew older.
One last thing for now... Ursula I agree there were insults being thrown about when comments were made about inconsistency and also implications that were being made that I was doing something wrong but not wanting to leave my child crying in distress.
I feel there is a big difference between a temper tantrum and a child crying out of distress and in need of comfort or support.
However, if you consistently soothe your child's distress and take any anguished crying seriously, highly effective stress response systems are established in the brain that allow your child to cope with stress later in life.
Children also naturally feel empathy, and a five - year - old who sees a friend in distress might say, «I'm sorry you are sad.»
Furthermore, since the impact of father absence on child development is often negative; since absent fathers can loom large in their children's imaginations, often unhelpfully as «heroes or villains» (Kraemer 2005); and, since father absence can cause their children substantial distress and self - doubt (Laumann - Billings and Emery 1998), current thinking is moving away from the idea of severance of unconstructive father - child relationships as a simple solution.
Unfortunately, many of the families in the study who were informed of the strangulation hazard preferred to continue to use them because of their irrational fear of seeing their child in distress.
The Playgroup Altercation, Part 2: When Your Child Is the Victim Judy Arnall, Canadian author of Discipline without Distress, returns with her second part in the two - part series on handling the playgroup altercation — this time, your child is the victim and the other parent isn't sympathChild Is the Victim Judy Arnall, Canadian author of Discipline without Distress, returns with her second part in the two - part series on handling the playgroup altercation — this time, your child is the victim and the other parent isn't sympathetiIs the Victim Judy Arnall, Canadian author of Discipline without Distress, returns with her second part in the two - part series on handling the playgroup altercation — this time, your child is the victim and the other parent isn't sympathchild is the victim and the other parent isn't sympathetiis the victim and the other parent isn't sympathetic.
When children act out, it is a natural alarm signaling to us that something inside of the child or in the child's environment is distressing to them.
BF was long, distressing, and my child was losing weight, but apparently latch was ok and milk was ok — neither seemed ok to me, nor did my child, she was losing weight for no reason well over and above expected loss in the first few days, and they kept us in 10 days (checking for maternal competence as a reason for my child doing so poorly, and doing tests to see if there was some illness making her so poorly) only to release us with her still not stablised with a referral to a lactation consultant.
A child with a secure attachment will be less distressed if they are separated from their primary carer, more confident mixing with others, and develop stronger social skills as they venture out into the big scary world, secure in the knowledge that there is a safe haven with you if they need it.
Your child is visibly uncomfortable being left in a soiled or wet diaper and becomes fidgety or distressed within a short period of time.
In related news: a survey of full - time working mothers and mommy bloggers conducted by a thermometer maker found that when their children got sick, 33 % of moms pretended to be sick so they could stay home with their child, 62 % of them called on parents or in - laws for child care, 57 % of them took unpaid leave to care for their child, and a distressing 34 % of them took the kid to school or day care anyway — where they could infect your chilIn related news: a survey of full - time working mothers and mommy bloggers conducted by a thermometer maker found that when their children got sick, 33 % of moms pretended to be sick so they could stay home with their child, 62 % of them called on parents or in - laws for child care, 57 % of them took unpaid leave to care for their child, and a distressing 34 % of them took the kid to school or day care anyway — where they could infect your chilin - laws for child care, 57 % of them took unpaid leave to care for their child, and a distressing 34 % of them took the kid to school or day care anyway — where they could infect your child.
It's especially hard to help a child in distress in the Emergency Dept when you're not even sure what kind of med they ingested.
Any dad who has had to take their kids temperature in the night to check for fever will know this can be disruptful to the child and can cause excessive irritation and crying leading to further distress.
Our mission at Kids In Distress (KID) is to prevent child abuse, preserve the family, and treat children who have been abused and neglected.
The parents are even less able to provide stability and psychological strength for them after a divorce, and as a result the children are even more prone to become clinging but inconsolable in their distress, as well as to act out, suffer mood swings, and become oversensitive to stress.
Proponents of this idea argue that raising the threshold would keep free meals from going to kids who aren't actually economically distressed, while critics charge that doing so would harm children legitimately in need of assistance because the 40 percent threshold doesn't come close to capturing all the impoverished kids in a given population.
A child that is in distress may not make splashes or noises so don't rely on those as signals of distress.
Although it may be tempting to get started on the packing well in advance, this may make the experience more distressing for your children.
Predictors of distress and well ‐ being in parents of young children with developmental delays and disabilities: the importance of parent perceptions.
If you have other children to care for or need to work to pay for medical bills, then NOT being in the NICU 24/7 feeling helpless and being distressed looking at your tiny, sick infant may be the best thing you can do for your baby and yourself.
If your child is easily distressed, gets regular headaches and stomachaches, worries about upcoming events weeks in advance, or is very self - critical, she may have high anxiety.
• promote tolerance of uncertainty and discomfort by finding the balance between outright avoidance and «white - knuckling» through a fear • find lighthearted ways to release tension in the moment, labeling stressful emotions on a child - friendly scale • tackle their own anxieties so they can stay calm when a child is distressed • bring children out of their anxious thoughts and into their bodies by using relaxation, breathing, writing, drawing, and playful roughhousing
It can also help to keep reminding yourself that although it may be distressing in the short - term, ignoring attention - seeking behavior will help your child in the long - term.
Sneaking away and leaving without your child knowing that you're leaving, or telling your child you're going to the other room when in fact you're leaving the home, might solve the issue in the short term but can be distressing in the long term because it results in your child not predicting what times you really are going to leave and what times you will be available.
According to an article on Psychology Today, a sudden or negative difference in your child's usual sleep pattern could be the result of emotional distress from bullying.
Another thing to keep in mind is that while it may be advisable to shield very young children from particularly distressing news stories, this is not likely to be an option for older children.
Abstract Interest in mindfulness - based interventions for children and adolescents is growing, but despite substantial evidence that parental distress and psychopathology adversely affects children, there is little research on how mindfulness - based parenting interventions might benefit the child as well as the parent.
In fact, a child this age is likely to react more to her parents» distress than to anything else.
Since Cummings has repeatedly found that yelling is extremely distressing to children, and since we know that children learn from what they witness, it seems unlikely that simply «making up» in front of kids would ameliorate the effects of yelling or disrespect.
For a diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder, a clinician looks for distress in being separated from — or anticipating separation from — parents or caregivers that's excessive for a child's age and prevents him from participating in age - appropriate activities.
While mothers are more likely to form secure attachments by comforting their children when they are distressed, fathers are more likely to provide security in the context of the controlled excitement of play or discipline.
Bullying is common among children with food allergies, and is associated with lower quality of life and distress in children and their parents.
Manifestations must be present ≥ 4 wk and cause significant distress or impair functioning (eg, children are unable to participate in age - appropriate social or scholastic activities).
When you feel the pain of not responding when you know your child is truly in distress, that is your instinct as mother telling you something is wrong.
«Letting babies get distressed is a practice that can damage children and their relational capacities in many ways for the long term.
What I don't understand is how a child in distress (short or long term) is learning how to connect sleep cycles.
be a responsive parent by listening to your child's cues and dealing with your child respectfully while supporting any distress, in an effort to build and nurture trust;
While infants and babies (and children in distress) should be responded to promptly, I believe it's alright for us to ask our children to wait a bit for our attention at times.
«There have been, and still are, clinicians and others interested in children who have found it difficult to believe that accessibility or inaccessibility of an attachment figure can of itself be a crucial variable in determining whether a child (or an adult for that matter) is happy or distressed... These separations occurring when the child is young play a weighty role in the origins of many adult emotional problems.»
Mothers reported more symptoms of psychological distress24, 25 and low self - efficacy.26, 27 And, although mothers report more depressive symptoms at the time their infants are experiencing colic, 28,29 research on maternal depression 3 months after the remittance of infant colic is mixed.30, 31 The distress mothers of colic infants report may arise out of their difficulties in soothing their infants as well as within their everyday dyadic interactions.32 The few studies to date that have examined the long - term consequences of having a colicky child, however, indicate that there are no negative outcomes for parent behaviour and, importantly, for the parent - child relationship.
Names in this country are banned if they are considered to be offensive or obscene, if they are deemed to cause a child distress (like Spinach), or identify a rank (like Princess, Queen, Empress, Mother, Lady, Saint etc.).
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