Sentences with phrase «childbirth pain»

You can manage childbirth pain without medications as well.
Just a childbirth educator who studied «the anthropology of childbirth pain» at the University of Massachusetts.
Interested in following a completely Traditional Diet during your pregnancy and potentially experiencing significantly reduced childbirth pain as a bonus?
If she is feeling pushed by a friend, her mother, a co-worker, etc. to do it their way (e.g., pre-natal vitamins, childbirth pain meds, weight gain), help her stand her ground with encouragement and, if needed, a request to the offender to back off.
He thought that by lying about childbirth pain (he simply fabricated his central premise that «primitive» women don't have pain in labor) he could convince them.
Fear doesn't cause childbirth pain; the agonizing pain of childbirth causes fear.
It is already known that pregnancy diet can play a crucial role in how much childbirth pain a pregnant woman experiences during delivery and whether or not she is successful in withstanding the tremendous physical effort and stamina required to have a natural birth.
I am an idiot who actually believes that epidurals can get you and your baby high and that childbirth pain is only a modern construct that can be overcome by screaming — er, vocalizing — water, massage, and accupuncture.
Although an antipathy to childbirth pain was often expressed, epidurals seemed to be a panacea for other uncertainties and gave an element of choice, control, and a feeling of relief.
It teaches that labor is a natural process and that childbirth pain can be alleviated through breathing; the use of medication is encouraged only when necessary.
Childbirth pain is carried by the exact same nerves, along the same pathways in the spinal cord, to the same pain centers in the brain, by way of the same neurotransmitters as every other source of pain.
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