Sentences with phrase «childhood roots»

So soon after Tim Burton revisited his black and white childhood roots in Frankenweenie, we get ParaNorman.
Add in some peas (mushy if you so wish) and you've got a throwback to your fishy childhood roots.
It's made with milk from grass - fed cows on family farms in Upstate New York -LCB- hey childhood roots! -RCB-
Those properties resonate with him particularly given his childhood roots.
Edward Hallowell, psychiatrist and author of The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness, says over-indulged children — whether showered with toys or shielded from emotional discomfort — are more likely to grow into teenagers who are bored, cynical, and joyless.
The childhood roots of adult happiness.
According to Dr. Edward Hallowell, a child psychiatrist and author of The Childhood Roots to Adult Happiness, «A connected childhood is the key to happiness».
The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness: Five Steps to Help Kids Create and Sustain Lifelong Joy.
However, most treatments for perpetrators are punitive and don't tend to address the childhood roots of violent behavior.
Director Claire Denis has returned to her childhood roots in Africa several times in her career, most notably with «Chocolat» (not to be confused with the film starring Juliette Binoche) and «Beau Travail,» but «White Material» taps into more contemporary hostilities.
Could it be that through this nostalgic portrait and the construction of his little white house in Canada, Still was trying to tap into his childhood roots and rural upbringing as a way to forget the New York City, «big city» drama and refresh his individual spirit?
The Childhood Roots of Cardiovascular Disease Disparities.
The link below provides video presentations from a conference on The Childhood Roots of Adult Disease: Exploring the Biology and Psychology of Early Life Stress, held at Children's Hospital Boston April 2008.
I then do what I refer to as a «depth dive» inviting the client to understand the childhood roots of the specific difficulties they are experiencing.
And yes, you did your childhood roots justice and then some!
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