Sentences with phrase «childhood special educational services»

Not exact matches

This means early childhood education for all children, funding all schools so they can better serve those with special educational needs, access to health and well - being services for all children in all schools, and a national curriculum that insists that schools focus on the whole child rather than narrow academic achievement.
Examples of preschool programs included in federal data collection include preschool programs operated or administered by an LEA; Head Start programs receiving funding from the LEA or for which the LEA is the grant recipient; preschool special education services, operated or funded by the LEA or mandated under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; preschool programs and services administered or funded by the LEA through the use of Title I or similar government grants; or home - based early childhood educational services funded and administered by an LEA.»
School psychologists are uniquely suited to enhance student outcomes in early childhood special education contexts because of their ability to work across settings (home, early childhood, and elementary school settings) and across key stakeholders (educational professionals, related service providers, community members, and family members).
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