Sentences with phrase «childlike faith»

"Childlike faith" refers to the innocent and unwavering belief that a child may possess. It suggests having trust, curiosity, and openness to the world, just like how a child believes in something without questioning or doubting it. Full definition
She may have an idea of some of it, and have plenty of misconceptions as well, but, her simple childlike faith in me as the one who cares for her terrestrial well - being does not necessitate that she understand or even know all that I am, do, and have done in order to provide for her that well - being.
Even people like me, who tend toward childlike faith to begin with, finally give up at some point and stop blaming themselves for the lack of relationship.
It is difficult to convey how touching, for instance, the character of Orlando is in some respects: especially his utter naïveté regarding» and childlike faith in» women (the very characteristic that will lead, in Ariosto's epic, to the madness that gives the poem its title).
Cute, but says something about childlike faith.
There was no ctriticism of Jewish rabbi's; only of those who choose tradition over heart felt, childlike faith.
To what extent the well - known sayings on the lilies of the field, the birds of heaven, and similar words were really spoken by Jesus can no longer be determined; they express the childlike faith in providence found in Jewish proverbial wisdom and that of the Orient in general.
He desires our childlike faith to come running up to His wide open arms knowing just as my children know that I will always forgive them.
Our childlike faith often disappates as we move into adulthood, and we can start questioning what faith actually means.
etc.) Perhaps God desires a childlike faith in Him, complete with all the annoying questions, for questions reveal trust and humility.
This family is enduring «real» pain and you ridicule this father / family for having childlike faith.
One of the inescapable conditions for Merrick's childlike faith is his persistent questioning of divine justice.
However the childlike faith required by the Scientific Method and religion are helping people every day.
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