Sentences with phrase «children and families receive»

As a Head Start Director, you are responsible for ensuring that the children and families receive high quality services, that your program is fully compliant with all regulations, and that you provide great leadership to your staff.
What early intervention services do participating children and families receive, and how are those services delivered?
Kristi is passionate about strengthening the quality of IECMH services our children and families receive.
California's Child Support Services Program works with parents - custodial and noncustodial - and guardians to ensure children and families receive court - ordered financial and medical support.
About 6,500 children and families receive home visiting through services outside of the HVSA.
Children and families receive services from service providers and other professionals who are fully prepared to work as partners with families.
I have been explicitly clear that I feel the current system for supporting children with SEN and disabilities is too adversarial and does not have children's needs at its heart, and we need to look at how to improve the services these vulnerable children and their families receive.
Additional scoping activities were undertaken to gain a better understanding of the support children and families receive in general practice when a parent presents with a mental illness and identifying further opportunities.
a better understanding of the support children and families receive in general practice when a parent presents with a mental illness and identifying further opportunities.
By doing so, the program increases the caregivers» awareness and understanding of the child's experience, and ensures that the children and their families receive the special assistance they need to thrive.
With this method the children and the family receives help in training cognitive ability and solving problematic situations.
Thus, the target population served by this project was children and families receiving in - home family support or family preservation services due to the identified need in their CFSR findings.
The clearinghouse provides a searchable database of programs that can be utilized by professionals that serve children and families receiving child welfare services.
The SOC grant provided an opportunity to move the agency and the community toward a family - centered approach, and the CFA grant helped achieve that goal by enhancing assessment practices for children and families receiving in - home services.
As required by the Act, the Children, Youth and Families Department and providers of home visiting services jointly developed an outcomes measurement plan to monitor outcomes for children and families receiving home visiting services.
As a result, a growing number of new initiatives and programs are being implemented within California counties that support the delivery of an array of mental health services to children and families receiving child welfare services.
Furthermore, the sample size did not allow for a careful analysis of children and families receiving bibliotherapy alone to determine which families benefited from that treatment specifically.

Not exact matches

Scroggin recommends clients ask their children and other family for a list of sentimental items they'd like to receive.
The CBPP found in a recent study that 16 million children in low - income families would be excluded from the benefit entirely, as their parents don't make enough to pay federal taxes and thus receive a refund.
Family Caregiver Tax Credit Caregivers of infirm dependants (including spouses, common - law partners and minor children) will be able to claim a 15 per cent non-refundable tax on $ 2,000 (indexed for inflation) if receiving a dependency - related credit such as the Child Tax Credit, Infirm Dependant Credit, or the Caregiver Credit.
But also be prepared for the enormous sense of fulfillment you receive in providing access to art education to students, families and communities, and in seeing children revel as their untapped creative capabilities come to light.
In 2018 families with a net income of less than $ 30,000 (as income rises, payments are reduced) will receive $ 6,400 per year for each child under the age of six and $ 5,400 per year for each child aged six to 17.
For example, the child and dependent care credit is nonrefundable, so a married couple with two children and income under $ 28,900 in 2017 can not receive the credit because the family has no income tax liability.
2014.03.13 Raising the Roof receives a $ 300,000 grant from RBC Foundation to support national Child and Family Homelessness Initiative Raising the Roof receives a $ 300,000 grant from RBC Foundation to support national Child and Family Homelessness Initiative...
As a middle child, you receive the least amount of attention from family and as a result, this family of your choice is your compensation.
2016.01.28 RBC employees and retirees raise record funds for Canadian communities With the assistance of community organizations, a child receives health - related services, a single mother is able to provide regular meals for her family and an elderly person can live independently in their own home...
With the assistance of community organizations, a child receives health - related services, a single mother is able to provide regular meals for her family and an elderly person can live independently in their own home...
An example: Under the current system, families with one child and with annual earnings of $ 30,000 would receive $ 4,852, after tax, if their child is under age six, or $ 3,916 if their child is aged six to 17.
Raising the Roof receives a $ 300,000 grant from RBC Foundation to support national Child and Family Homelessness Initiative...
Liberal MLA Mary Polak (Langley) was instrumental as a Surrey School Board trustee in banning gay - positive books from Surrey Schools: The book ban was later struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada which said «instead of proceeding on the basis of respect for all types of families, the Board proceeded on an exclusionary philosophy, acting on the concern of certain parents about the morality of same - sex relationships, without considering the interest of same - sex parented families and the children who belong to them in receiving equal recognition and respect in the school system.»
Families can stay at RMH as long as their children are receiving specialized medical care and can return as often as necessary for follow - up care.
«The inequitable distribution of the national revenue; the disparity in the scale of salaries (some dispose of emoluments which are an insult to the poverty of the country, while the immense majority receives a miserable pittance); the fact that a bare two per cent of the active population owns seventy per cent of the arable land; the system of recruiting our agricultural laborers, who do not even enjoy legal status; the fact that hundreds of thousands of school - age children lack basic education; the disintegration of the family; the growing immorality everywhere — all this demands bold and definitive change.»
The family is also responsible for seeing that the child receives further training in the school and the mosque where legitimate and illegitimate actions and beliefs are expounded so that when the child attains maturity he will have been guided along the way to a true understanding of Islam.
She condemns the ideology of what she calls «the nuclear family» (that is a wife and husband who have received the sacrament of matrimony and have children) claiming that it is, in some way, «a defence of capitalism».
He and Naghmeh are both converts to Christianity from Islam, and they received threats during the most recent family visit so she took the children home.
When children receive education, when families are able to fend for themselves, when communities come together to help their own, the result is empowerment — for this generation and for the next.
Lisa, and her two children receive $ 762 a month from the community to cover the family's expenses.
Stanley Hauerwas, an American theologian who has thought deeply about disability, wrote an essay on abortion that joins up biblical convictions to arrive at this conclusion: «The church is a family into which children are brought and received.
Peyré therefore feels that «bringing an adopted child into a society in which he or she will have the same rights and the same place as other children» as the Hague Convention provides» requires that the child be received into pre-existing family structures, already recognized as such, and not serve as an instrument for obtaining recognition of new family structures.»
We do it out of no special malice but because we have lately reorganized society so that even the children of prosperous families often receive doubtful care and meager attention.
edurelief works with local school systems across Mongolia to provide these textbooks to the neediest families ensuring that every child receives their right to education and a brighter future.
Driussi first joined River's legendary youth system when he was just nine years old, and not long after, having shown he was a level above his peers in the children's divisions, his family received an offer too good to turn down from the club.
It is my hope that as a result of segments like the one on 20/20 and the fact that more women are feeling comfortable speaking out about long - term nursing (as evidenced by all of the comments and Tweets I received), that others will not feel like they need to be «closet nursers» nor feel pressured by family, friends or society in general to wean before they feel it is right for them and their child.
All Our Kin does intensive community outreach to recruit these informal providers to enroll in the group's Family Child Care Network, where they receive, free of charge, regular professional - development training, plus biweekly visits from master educators who model high - quality childcare techniques for the providers and offer them long - term mentorship and guidance.
I would choose to abort any future pregnancies because of the family I already have, the children who are here now, who receive and deserve my time and attention.
As part of an ongoing project with the Children's Society, we are producing top tips on how to ensure fathers and father - figures in young carer families receive the support they need.
Mary Elizabeth Curtner - Smith received a PhD in Child Development / Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1991, a MS in Human Development from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas in 1981, and a BS in Family and Consumer Sciences from Baylor University, Waco, Texas in 1980.
The school has a high number of newly arrived families and EAL pupils, and a high number of children receiving free school meals.
Every child who receives one of our Night Night Packages leaves the shelter owning a book which encourages reading and family bonding, a security blanket which can be cuddled, and a stuffed animal which can become a cherished friend.
Each family will receive one kit for every child in need of diapers, as well as instruction and ongoing support.
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