Sentences with phrase «children are closer to their parents»

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Our priority will continue to be raising our children as devoted parents and the closest of friends.
This is perfect for parents that want to keep their children close to them or for children that need the extra pressure.
This is because the child is constantly close to the parent.
Baby carrying keeps your child close to you, so you are able to go through your day without experiencing the anxiety that comes with being their parent.
Close Monitoring: Special needs children have many medical problems and it isn't unusual for their parents to feel overprotective and afraid to leave them alone.
reborners, everyone of them, is absolutely clueless, brainwashed, has a book do all their thinking, reparded, is an imbecile, indoctrinated, duped by his parents, abused by priests, hates almost everyone, is a hypocrite, unthinking, addicted to religion, closed - minded, untrustworthy, greedy, two - faced, cheap, shallow, biased, republican, racist, uneducated, materialistic, boring, bland, judgmental, w / o love and knowledge of the bible, child abusing abortionists and genocidal cowboys and pro-slavery
(Think of the adults - only bridge clubs and cocktail parties, rare among Boomer parents, who are much closer to their own children.)
It closes with a quote from John Paul II: «In families where both parents are Catholic, it is easier for them to share their common faith with their children.
is like a parent searching for the children who have wandered off during a shopping trip; it is the desperation to be close again.
Doomsdayers aren't hurting Christianity, Mr Jeffres, as much as people like you are; you stole books from the Wichita Falls public library because they were trying to teach the children of gay people that their parents might be normal, loving human beings, and you accompanied it with a media campaign that raised $ 1 million that same year for your church through bigoted, close - minded sermons.
Bill, I feel sorry for you, you being a scientist and yet unable to create anything close to a human, or a constellation system, or a brain to think really logically with is amazing to me... if you want to believe that there was a big explosion somewhere in the universe beyond this world and that is how you came to be you can keep that theory but don't tell parents what to do with there children.
If euthanasia becomes a regular option for those aware that death is close anyway, knowledgeable that they are a financial and emotional burden to their family, what parent wouldn't choose to die quickly and easily, relieving their children of the imposition?
But I came to see that what was important was neither what I had been taught as a child when my brother and sister died at a very early age nor what would provide some immediate comfort to me when (as was bound to happen and of course did happen some years later) my parents also died, leaving me with no close living relations.
Would you allow him to Choose whether he would want to get close to a baby knowing it was conceived within an affair, and that the biological father and his parents may wish to also be part of the childs life and he'd have to accommodate them as well?
Some of those closest to me have lost children, parents, and are otherwise without any family to celebrate with this time of year.
I have seen children who had every possible advantage — two loving parents, a stable home, and a close - knit community — grow up to be cruel and violent.
§ 2 There must be the closest cooperation between parents and the teachers to whom they entrust their children to be educated.
Having been awakened to the wonderful awareness of his sexuality during this period, a child lets go of his fantasies and his close attachment to the opposite - sexed parent.
Nor can those Americans who actually serve, whether in the army proper or in any enterprise connected to their country's defense, have quite so immediate and close - quartered a connection as do Israel's soldiers to the wives and children and parents and friends they are called upon to defend.
However, much that is said will apply to other close relatives of alcoholics who seek help — husbands, parents, grown children, etc..
What I do know is that both of my children, one whom never experienced the CIO method, and one who may will be in align with the rest of my family as adults based on our all around parental methods and regardless of whether one CIO or not: Educated at the graduate degree level or higher, married with NO divorces, able to afford to maintain themselves and family with no outside financial help, respectful, grateful to our parents, loving, kind, compassionate, often volunteering and donating our time to numerous charities, RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE for all of our actions, independent, close to each other and our friends and most importantly HAPPY!
«Parents have to realize that when you have a close relationship with your child and your child knows what your values are, based on what you say and what you do,» Cohen - Sandler says, «there's very little chance your child will be led astray by some peer and do something completely antithetical to your values or their values.
Gaps in breathing can be common in the first few months of infancy, according to The Natural Child Project, and by being close by, a parent can arouse or assist a baby who might be having respiratory issues.
As much as you want to be close friends with your child, effective parenting means taking a step out of friendship and into authority.
All children want is to be physically close to their parents for the first 3 - 6 years.
You can't expect your little one to know everything about the weaning process without some assistance, and although baby led weaning is very hands - off in comparison to parent - led weaning, you'll still need to be there to help guide your child and keep a close eye on every meal to make sure things go smoothly.
Today we are enabling thousands of parents across the US and in Europe, Australia and other parts of the world to keep their children close.
What has made this parenting strategy even easier to follow is that I am able to find connections with my stepson that have allowed us to have a close relationship without overlap with his father — or with my other children.
For a parent to respond to their child with sensitivity and attentiveness — even when, at times, it presents many challenges — there needs to be a recognition on the parent's part that the child needs to feel safe and secure, be nurtured, listened to, and have close physical contact.
Store Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am - 6 pm, Thursday 9am - 9 pm, Closed on Sundays, 9am - 6 pm on Diaper Swap Saturdays Holiday Closures: Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas to New Years Note: As are many parents in this industry we are the mother and father of very precious children.
Most parents appreciate the opportunity to have a flexible schedule and an open space to work that's also child - friendly, and that allows them to have their kids close by.
Another form of attention for the helicopter parent revolves around a continual need to remind your child to be careful, watch out or stay close.
«I know as a parent that it can be difficult to watch how others become close to your child, especially when their way of doing things is different from yours, and different from what you think is ideal,» Gheaus, the mother of a young son herself, told me in an interview.
Others often struggle with having to care for an aging estranged parent and perhaps aging stepparents with whom they may or may not have been close, says Elizabeth Marquardt, director of the Center for Marriage and Families at the Institute for American Values and author of Between Two Worlds: The Inner Lives of Children of Divorce.
Even if men and women don't have children of their own — and many married couples nowadays choose to be childfree — almost everyone has someone who will likely need to be looked after at some point, from a parent to a close friend.
Close, nurturing relationships with parents or other caregivers, he writes, have been shown to engender resilience in children that insulates them from many of the worst effects of a harsh early environment.
While it is fine to leave a low - grade fever untreated, it is imperative that parents keep a close eye on their child for certain symptoms that may indicate something more serious is happening.
«We are passionate about supporting parents and helping them learn how to stay emotionally connected with their children through the inevitable conflicts and differences of opinion that are normal in close relationships.
Your article of family co-sleeping confirmed my personal belief that children do need to be close to their parents as children, and especially as teens.
Any kind of restraint, such as holding a door closed to prevent escape, is very frightening — often for the parents as much as the children!
Stronger sense of attachment: Many parents chose co-sleeping because they want to be close to their child and foster a secure attachment.
Research shows that if the parent responds to their baby's needs to be close to feel secure, it will actually speed up the child's independence, so don't feel bad about taking him up for example when he is crying in his crib.
But with increasing dissatisfaction over the high - stakes testing currently consuming mainstream education; the growing recognition of the many benefits a child receives through experiences with art, movement, and nature; a concern over a reliance on technology by younger and younger students; and the news that leaders in the high - tech industry are touting the lifelong benefits of low - tech Waldorf schools in educating their own children, more and more parents and educators are taking a closer look at the Waldorf approach and what it has to offer.
Parents learn to understand what their babies / children are communicating with body language, symbolic play, behaviors and words about their earliest experiences; families learn ways of interacting and activities that will lead to resolution of early trauma and closer, more loving family bonds.
Recently I had a chance to find out more about her story, including what's it like to live so close to your child's adoptive parents and about what advice she has for women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and looking at adoption as an option.
Adoptive parents who adopt through open adoption meet the birth parents of their child and can offer information to their children about them as they grow up by answering questions that will allow them to grow up without the strong feelings of loss that a lot of children who are placed through closed adoptions feel.
The Sears family's approach to sleep is rooted in «attachment - style parenting,» which emphasizes a close bond between parent and child through nursing, carrying your baby in a sling, and sleep - sharing with a family bed.
Overnight Visitation: Occurs when the children are very close to returning home with their birth parents or other members of the birth family.
Parental rights are transferred to the adoptive parents, so their decisions regarding visits with relatives and friends are up to them, although it is certainly right and good to be paying close attention to what is good for the child and what is kind to the other relatives.
Although they are likely to sabotage the relationship when parents are feeling emotionally close the child tries to engage the parent through manipulation when the latter is distant.
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