Sentences with phrase «children cried during»

4) Children have Reacted Viscerally to the Tests: We know that many children cried during or after testing, and others vomited or lost control of their bowels or bladders.
An open letter to parents from nine principals authored on Nov. 16 and signed by more than 3,100 principals of New York schools reads: «We know that many children cried during or after testing, and others vomited or lost control of their bowels or bladders.

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Children's voices, even when crying, make «the most beautiful choir of all,» Francis said during a service in which he baptized 32 cChildren's voices, even when crying, make «the most beautiful choir of all,» Francis said during a service in which he baptized 32 childrenchildren.
During my natural birth classes they were pretty much attachment parenting advocates (within limits) but they showed balance by saying that sometimes after you have done everything to calm and comfort a crying baby to no avail, if it you gets to the point where you are frustrated to the point of snapping and possibly harming the child, it is better to put him or her down step back and possibly call for help (grandparents, trusted friends) if available.
If your child falls asleep in the stroller or your arms but wakes up during the night in a crib, she will be surprised and start crying.
During these times of transition away from our child while we ourselves are usually crying (you know, those moments where you trying to hold it in and the second someone starts talking to you, you burst into tears?!)
I find it hard to see children really crying in class, or being that affect by, kids believe they are resilient, and I don't care how many times you tell them it is bad for them, most will continue on doing what they love to do, especially eating hot Cheetos during class.
Though you may be tempted to cry and throw yourself on the floor, too, the best thing to do during a temper episode is keep your cool, stay close to your child, and let him release his feelings.
Although it was once believed that letting your baby cry it out during the night was the only way to train him or her to sleep through the night, it's now believed that doing this can raise stress levels in your child and make your little one fearful of sleep instead.
Parents also enjoy watching their children during these play experiences and do not want to see their kids frustrated or crying when playing, because they can not get clothing on correctly.
I also think it's strange that people will let their children cry themselves to sleep but so many parents won't listen to them cry during tummy time or during other activities that they need to grow physically or developmentally.
That is just Big Pharma trying to steal your money and make you cry during the fly faced children commercials!
During a night terror your child will wake suddenly and may scream or cry.
When he wakes up during the night — as all children and adults do as part of the natural sleep cycle — he'll become alarmed and cry for you instead of being able to go back to sleep.
She also says her son cried nonstop during his first day of preschool, possibly the origin of her blanket condemnation of child care.
There are babies who cry during advertising while watching TV, but the opposite situation often happens — children like advertising and stare at the TV screen like hypnotized.
If the only thing that will stop the crying is to give the child what he / she wants so his / her brain cells aren't killed off during those minutes of crying, is to create a monster - child.
You also need to know that devices can show the temperature with errors if a child is crying procedures, eating or simply can not sit still during the procedure.
It enabled my daughter to thrive and grow, freed me from the breast pump and the crying jags I was having during pumping sessions, allowed me to take appropriate medications without fear of them affecting the baby, assisted me in my return to work, and gave me more time and energy to spend with my children.
Before I read the many articles regarding the above methods that was just how I felt, I believed leaving my child to cry and not responding to his needs during the night would have negitive effects on my child.
Explain that you want your child to feel safe and sleep well in her bed without crying or calling for you during the night.
These happen during deep sleep, which means that even if your child seems somewhat awake (eyes open, crying out «Mommy!»)
You need to have an eye on the infant during the crying period to ensure that the child is not awake.
During the first of these, while pregnant with my first baby, once the sound was turned up in the small room, and I was gazing at what looked like a high - def video of my child right in front of me, I cried in a doctor's office for the first time as an expectant mom.
Sobbing on the phone to a good friend, I cried about what a failure I was as a mom and how my children were officially going to be in diapers until the time they graduated from college (I'm nothing if not rational during times like these... aren't we all?!?!?).
Night terrors are characterized by frequent recurrent episodes of intense crying and fear during sleep, with difficulty arousing the child.
Even holding a crying baby as well as an older child, does so much more, not only will your child know he can express his feelings and it's okay to cry but they also knows you're there for them during what is to them a really tough time.
If your baby vomits from crying, wets the bed during potty training or spits up after a feeding, changing the crib sheets can take a long time and really stretch out your child's wake - time in the night or before a sleep period.
But keep in mind that the short periods of crying during the Progressive Waiting is not the same as letting a child «cry it out» all night until he falls asleep.
If your child is sleeping in a separate room during the night, you have to get up to tend to him or her every time you hear a cry.
If the child's room isn't hot and there are no other reasons for crying (food, water, skin, stomach, etc.), i.e. he is screaming at night because he has slept enough during the day, then you shouldn't let him sleep during the daytime.
In cultures where babies are held almost constantly during their early months of life, children are observed to be calmer, happier, and cry less.
Children begin to understand cause and effect during their first year, and they thrive on empowerment — something parents can readily hear as toddler cries of «I do it myself» fill the home.
I witnessed children crying within the first 5 minutes of the reading test and fall to pieces during the maths.
After her grandmother dies, the child follows the beckoning cries of two crows that lead her on a journey, during which she encounters people who attempt to break her spirit, as well as those who open their hearts.
You will be grateful for any small comfort during the flight and distraction during 10 + hours in flight with crying children, engine noise, and uncomfortable seat.
Sleeping problems Child doesn't want to sleep alone; has trouble getting to sleep; has nightmares; resists going to bed at night; sleeps less than most children during day and / or night; talks or cries out in sleep; wakes up often at night (7 items, each rated as «often true,» «sometimes true,» or «never true»; Cronbach α =.68)
He spoke of how during his grandmother's funeral his mother remained unemotional and advised her children to «be strong»; reminding them that crying showed weakness.
During this period, it's highly likely that there were few of those family things, and less and less of any «joint» anything between the parents, one of whom is likely to have been shouldering the bulk of the child caregiving and responsibility, while the other was off feeling alienated, crying over beer to an understanding «friend,» taking on extra business trips, or resolving the dissonance by avoiding it.
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