Sentences with phrase «children feel more»

Knowing that both parents will attend school functions will help your children feel more normal.
Whenever both parents agree and back each other up, children feel more secure, regardless of how much they resist.
Children feel more fear, aggression, instability, hopelessness and anger.
This keeps the doors of communication open so children feel more able to share the big stuff when they are older.
By working with the child and family in these four areas, the goal of CFTSI is to help children feel more supported, which will lead to improved post-exposure outcomes.
Children feel more secure when limits are set and respected.
Confident parents are more likely to succeed with their children, and children feel more hopeful when their parents are confident and optimistic.
Maggie's story will help children feel more comfortable, and guide them through the process of their first play therapy session.
Through treatment and open communication, children feel more reassured about divorce, and are better prepared to face adjustment complications.
As children feel more capable of completing activities on their own, parents and carers can reduce their involvement.
Routines provide a sense of security so that children feel more settled.
When the adults responsible for children take a positive interest in what happens at their service, it helps children feel more at home when they are there.
Keeping up normal routines as far as possible reduces the number of changes and helps children feel more secure.
The alternatives to punishment you find in this section will focus on real solutions and learning tools, to help children feel more connected, capable and cooperative.
Using humanistic and play therapy approaches, I help children feel more relaxed and calm.
These help children know what to expect and make children feel more secure and confident, eg.
Warm, affectionate care and consistent family routines can help children feel more secure.
Viva Piñata was supposed to change the way we think about Xbox 360 gaming by showing off a title that would make children feel more inclined to game on -LSB-...]
This new learning usually helps children feel more confident about classroom work, too.
When WINGS Leaders Fly High, So Do Children When children feel more connected to school, they're more likely to attend, work hard, do well, and remain in school.
We hope that this short visit will help children feel more comfortable beginning the first month of school.
Pleasant bedtime routines ease the transition from being awake to being asleep by helping children feel more secure and comfortable about what they can expect at the end of every day.
Children feel more secure when they know what to expect.
By being involved, children feel more empowered and like they are a meaningful part of the household.
While you can't take your old home with you, you can start familiar routines that will make your children feel more at home.
These medications helps make children feel more comfortable but may only reduce the fever by 1 °C to 2 °C (2 °F to 3 °F) and may not bring the temperature down to normal.
When parents are emotionally available their children feel more secure and safe and are able to going to sleep more easily.
Your guidance can make children feel more at ease with each other, especially if they're just getting acquainted.
Children feel more secure when there's a sense of knowing what's coming next.
Your guidance can make children feel more at ease with each other, especially new friends.
Children feel more secure as a result of being close to their caregivers.
When children feel more connected to their community, they are more invested in what happens there.
Making their own decisions helps children feel more confident and empowered, says Dr. Nicole DeVincenzo Garcia, a pediatrician and new mom herself.
My children felt more included in our meals.
Play acting the doctor and patient relationship with dolls and action figures can reduce fear and make the child feel more secure.
Asking your healthcare provider to try to build a relationship with the child can help the child feel more comfortable to this person attending you while in labor.
Help your child feel more comfortable about his new school environment.
Nothing makes a child feel more like a big kid than the first lunch box they can call their very own, and these lunch bags are a classic.
, and if the child feels more bold, «Can I play with you?»
Not only is it practical to teach these skills, but knowing how to get stuff done will help your child feel more competent and effective.
These comments, however well - intentioned, will only make your child feel more self - conscious.
a toddler - size seat that can be placed on top of your toilet seat that will let your child feel more secure and not fear falling in
They have a nice waterproof exterior that doesn't «crinkle» when my child moves; this might make a child feel more like they are wearing underwear, but I think they're too bulky for that comparison.
Your being in the classroom can help your shy child feel more comfortable at school.
Practicing the sport's skills can help your child feel more confident in what they are learning and applying to their sport.
Spend extra time together to help the child feel more secure, and encourage them to express their feelings.
Accommodations can help your child feel more comfortable with the testing process, knowing that his disability will not prevent him from succeeding.
Conversely, nothing can make a child feel more anxious and spoil an appetite faster than seeing a table full of «weird» foods (weird is in the eye of the beholder).
Finding a daycare where your child won't be treated as special because of the healthy diet you want them to eat will make your child feel more comfortable, and you, too.
The way a child is parented can make a child feel more secure and more able to handle anxieties.
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