Sentences with phrase «children in the class»

A display poster to make other adults in the school aware of the number of children in class today.
At the big, evangelical church it was almost unheard of to have children in our classes who didn't attend church with both parents.
Find out names of other children in class and then keep mentioning those names and the teacher's name a week before school.
They go to school with identical routes and enter through the same door, while finding it extremely difficult to talk or communicate with children in their classes.
It spreads to every other child in the class in a matter of days.
Chances are you will have a gifted child in your class at some point in your career.
Classes will run during school term time (approximately 10 week blocks) until the youngest child in the class turns two years old.
He then got accepted in an art school, from which he graduated after a year and a half, the only child in a class of adults.
A seemingly frivolous news story that was easily dismissed by adults surrounding them had, according to the teacher, actually affected many children in the class.
Do you mind that your child may be one of several children in his class or street sharing the same name?
The knowledge level is certain to vary between different children in the class — from not having even heard the word «president» before to knowing exactly who the current president is.
She's got this very small, 10 second window with every single child in the class.
She said the minority children in her class were more or less evenly distributed among the groups.
Here is a social story I created for a little child in my class who would find it difficult to cope with her anger emotions.
Then they go to school and are often condemned for failure to complete assignments that other children in the class completed.
It's not unusual to find children in your class who are falling behind their peers, either academically or socially, but you rarely know exactly why or what to do about it.
We predict that ensuring a good foundation in oral language will also improve reading and writing in later school years, even for the oldest children in the class.
Please see below for our notes on children in class.
These assistants provide all kind of support to the classroom teachers in preparing lessons and controlling children in the class.
Your child doesn't need to be the most popular child in the class to be happy, confident and accepted by other children.
Due to the physical proximity between teachers and students, teachers are also believed to form relationship - specific models for individual children in their class.
I teach precious adopted children in my class — one family has adopted 3.
I asked my son, a very social child who easily engages other children in play, after his first week of kindergarten whether he knew any names of children in his class.
A blended program means that there will be children in the class who are typically developing and others who have special needs.
Most methods involve asking kids what they think of the other children in their class.
You can connect because you are aware, which makes you emotionally available to the young children in your class.
She has been a different child in my class from that day until now.»
I know that my daughter's class is completely nut - free (a few children in her class have nut - allergies) and it can be challenging to find things they will eat that comply with the nut - free zone.
You will have experience of working in KS1 and / or KS2, with your passion for supporting children in class matched by your desire to build on your leadership skills and make a strategic difference across a whole school.
In an effort to improve the achievement levels of their most disadvantaged students, the Dade County schools have launched a large new program this year that will place more than 17,000 elementary - school children in classes of 15 or fewer.
A 10 percent drop in scores, for example, could mean that two new children in a class of 20 affected the outcome, said Lawrence Rudner, director of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation.
The Mississippi Senate has voted to give school districts the option of keeping children in class five fewer days for each of the next two academic years.
For example, using national data, we calculated that a summer - born boy who is in the bottom third of the national height distribution will be, on average, the fourth - shortest child in a class of 24.
Or do you think a school shouldn't be able to track down a computer some kid stole from the library just because certain school teachers molest children in their classes?
In addition to having a GF and DF free child in our class, our entire school is nut free.
Now, signs outside of classrooms warn parents that there is an allergic child in the class and list the foods that can not send in with their non-allergic children.
No sane, rational educator wants a dead child in their class / school, and you'd have to be living under a mountain, not just a rock, to not know that childhood obesity is a problem.
Whether its a classmate who's having a bad day or just a random child in class, drawing or writing a happy note to someone can have a very positive impact.
The Oscar nominee will produce and star in «The Kindergarten Teacher,» a feature film in which she'll play a kindergarten teacher, frustrated with the monotony of her life on Staten Island, who risks everything when she becomes obsessed with a prodigious child in her class.
Their weekly lessons serve as a loose calendar around which the film visits other facets of Poppy's daily life: flamenco classes with a quirky Spanish teacher, a visit to her heavily pregnant, highly - strung sister Helen, kindly counseling a possibly abused child in her class and so on.
Other children in his class talked to neighbors down the street, Skyped with grandparents in their native languages, and reminisced with parents about hunkering down in the basement.
Discover where in the world children in the class came from originally — locally, elsewhere in Britain, another country?

Phrases with «children in the class»

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