Sentences with phrase «children learn»

Sensory play helps children learn to react to what they experience through their senses.
In other words, our children learn best by imitation.
Conflict is a part of every human relationship, and children learn essential skills when they encounter conflict and resolve it.
When most children learn to read, the best book choices for pre-readers, how to make reading fun, and more
Because children learn in different ways, they are arranged by learning style.
Study after study has shown that children learn more, retain knowledge better, and maintain their natural curiosity and love of learning when they are allowed to learn through a combination of unstructured and guided play.
Reading helps children learn about their world.
Young children learn about the world around them by using their five senses while being mentored by a caring adult.
A connected approach to discipline helps children learn the skills they need to be successful, resilient, happy, empathetic, cooperative and well - adjusted for life.
Jane Nelsen says, «Children learn best when they feel connection.
«When children learn as early as possible where their food comes from, they are more likely to eat fresh, nutritious foods that will sustain healthy choices that spread to families and communities.»
(As one of many examples of her ability to view life through the eyes of a child, I found her discussion on how children learn about sharing to be quite helpful.)
So most of what children learn about how to behave is from what we model.
The key difference between BLW and traditional weaning, when you think about it, is in the order that children learn to eat.
Young children learn to stay on track by talking to themselves — out loud or internally.
SOCIAL SKILLS TRAININGcan also help children learn new behaviors.
Because children learn in different ways, they're arranged by learning style.
It's a fact: not only is breakfast considered the most important meal of the day, but eating breakfast at school helps children learn.
My focus is dedicated to helping families with young children learn independent sleeping skills through education, encouragement and support.
If children can not look to the nation's leaders as role models, adults involved in youth sports, knowing that children learn by example, need to step in.
In these environments, children learn that they're in control of their own destiny.
That kind of style adds to more bullying because children learn that aggression wins and my way is the only way to win.
Children learn to be bullies and the first place you learn to be a bully is at home.
Children learn how to...
Because they have grown through early infancy with a secure home base, these children learn to separate more easily than others and with little separation anxiety.»
Many parents think that walkers will help children learn to walk.
Children learn best from interacting with others, so give your child's brain a boost with unplugged play.
There is no better achievement than to see your little one rise and shine; thanks to the creative and innovative toys, the daunting task of making children learn has become a complete fun activity for both, the parents and children.
Discovery Toys is the premier learning toy company dedicated to helping children learn and grow through Pure Play, play that is hands - on, child - directed, multi-faceted, safe and FUN!
The Potty Duck is a creative and fun way to help children learn and build confidence while potty training through pretend play, modeling, and imagination.
Healthy eyes and good vision play a critical role in how infants and children learn to see.
Learning often includes more than one subject and in groups, allowing that children learn at various levels and using different methods.
Children learn words more easily when they hear them often.
Gottman spent years studying how parents can best help children learn how to effectively manage their positive and negative emotions.
Through positive discipline, children learn to resolve conflicts devoid of violence.
The Care Bears can help young children learn about their emotions, that their actions have consequences, and that spreading care and love in the world is really important.
Fingerspelling Blocks help children learn the ABCs of sign language.
Consider the following milestones as you help your children learn how to use the computer, how to communicate online, and how to remain safe.
Likewise, helping children learn the value of saving for a desired item and waiting for it teaches them a life skill that will serve them always.
Children learn quickly how to roll over and can fall off the moment you turn away looking for a diaper.
Lessons build over the weeks as the children learn rolls, jumps, leaps, balancing, stretching, climbing, and other motor activities.
Besides developing motor skills, this toy also has a purpose to make children learn what the challenge in life and healthy, positive competition is.
Activities that involve active physical motion help children learn faster and retain more information.
Word games are a great way to help young children learn how to read and spell or to help older children really fall in love with words.
This is also the age when temper tantrums or meltdowns occur and when children learn to test limits.
Our children learn how to love by how we treat them and others.
Children learn the grayscale through direct and indirect teaching.
Through outdoor adventures, art and cooking activities, books, music, and movement, children learn emergent math, science, and literacy skills as they investigate stimulating natural history topics.
We are lucky that the school my daughters attend, host workshops to teach parents more about the ways and things their children learn at school.
And since many kids aren't being educated about food at home, the school setting can play a very important role in helping children learn to love the stuff that will love them back.
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