Sentences with phrase «children learn quickly»

Because gifted children learn quickly, a fast - paced presentation is best suited to their learning needs.
Children learn quickly how to roll over and can fall off the moment you turn away looking for a diaper.
The child learns quickly when and how to use this defensive posturing.
My children learned quickly not to soil their bathing suit, even at a tender young age, or when they were swimming naked didn't soil the water.
I can imagine a situation in which a child learns quickly to downplay, or not share, their good news if their parent's reaction is usually critical.

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But Truman quickly learned they were cities packed with women and children, then asked his generals to halt a third atomic strike in the works.
World responsibility in education further entails serious attention to the teaching of foreign languages, beginning in the early years of school, when children can quickly and naturally learn another tongue in the same fashion as they learned their native language.
Our brains have evolved to recognize grammatical structures in sentences, which is why small children learn to speak so quickly when they reach that stage of development.
A mother with a sick child very quickly learns what needs to be done to make your child well again.
If we learn that Diehardsport has collected information from a child under the age of 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible.
She was immediately attracted to the mysteries of toxic plastics and their effect on children and quickly learned that avoiding endocrine - disrupting chemical in common household products can be overwhelming.
It's incredible how quickly your child will learn to behave adequately.
Some children will learn this skill relatively quickly and easily.
Around the 2nd or 3rd year of life, children begin to learn language very quickly and will soon talk your ears off.
A child who really wants to learn something is going to do so much more quickly and effectively than a child who has to do something to fit in with other children, or a curriculum, or to please his teachers or parents, or to get a sticker.
The most important step there is to be familiar with a model, learn the most important features on it and quickly decide if it is for you and your child or not.
These books have friendly letter characters that provide visual memory clues for your child, so they will learn and retain letter shape and the corresponding sounds quickly and easily.
Parents may learn quickly that their child has a unique personality that makes disciplining the child more difficult than other children or stressful life events may occur that create tension and frustration between the child and the parent.
Children quickly learn that apologies are a cheap -LSB-...]
Children develop skills differently, some more quickly than others, but if your child actively resists attempting any of the tasks above or shows no interest in learning them, talk to his pediatrician.
The very same parents who say they will never spank their children may have done so in the past but quickly learned that sort of discipline doesn't work for their family, or maybe they didn't like the feeling they got once they spanked their child.
This DVD is a new effective approach and is already proven — the child becomes responsive and learns quickly.
But what you tend to learn (usually pretty quickly, in the grand scheme of things) is that every child is different and the swathe of normal is actually pretty huge.
And while that's a beautiful process, it can also be difficult to imagine that anyone else in the world — even your child's other parent — could learn your baby's cues as quickly as you have.
Although this can be a challenging process, your child should quickly learn how to sleep independently.
Match your child's interests with projects, and see how quickly your tween learns new skills and takes pride in making a difference.
As your child will be able to learn walking quickly by using this kolcraft tiny steps 2 - in - 1 walker.
When you link arms with your children's mother in the responsibilities and opportunities that parenting can bring, you will learn quickly why it is important that you are part of the parenting equation.
However, most therapists do not believe that «practicing» these reflexes will help children learn to stand or walk more quickly.
Very quickly, you'll see how young children learn from each other.
Although parents usually learn quickly to decipher their children's less - than - perfectly enunciated speech, grandparents may have more difficulty.
After all, gifted children are cognitively advanced and learn quickly.
You'll be so busy meeting the staff, talking to the nurses and doctors, learning about the equipment and your child's condition, and just looking at your baby that the time may go by pretty quickly.
Gifted children tend to be fast learners, so often children who learn quickly are gifted.
As they do with learning language, verbally gifted children tend to learn to read quickly unless they have a disability like dyslexia.
And, a child who is raised to believe that their relationship with their parent (s) is based on power will quickly learn to assert their own in the realm of becoming pickier and pickier.
Child quickly learns that its not fun being the one ridiculed by everyone else, or being physically hurt.
Your young child loves to learn, learns quickly, and asks endless questions.
A verbally gifted child is one who passes through the stages of language learning more quickly than non-gifted children.
Mathematically gifted children will probably not show these early verbal skills, although in terms of reading ability, once they begin to learn to read, they may learn quickly.
Children quickly learn that apologies are a cheap currency with which they can pay for their inappropriate, impulsive, or bad behavior.
Your child can learn how to hold chopsticks properly and quickly!
The process can be stressful and accidents will happen, but many children quickly learn to recognize the signs that they need to go and successfully get themselves to the potty on time.
Children learn very quickly how much effort it takes to burn off specific amounts of calories from their favorite foods, which can and will lead to further, in depth conversations about making healthier food choices.
Depending on reactions of their parents, some children learn very quickly how to use them as a way of manipulation.
You will find that your child learns very quickly.
Interestingly, it is theorized that this underdeveloped «sponginess» is why small children are able to learn new languages more quickly than older children and adults.
If you stay consistent, your child will quickly learn that the behavior will no longer be reinforced.
One thing you learn quickly as a mom is that kids make a lot of art projects, and it can be really hard to throw out your child's creations.
Learning to not jump in too quickly to rescue our children from frustration is difficult, but necessary.
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