Sentences with phrase «children sleep with»

Will the children sleep with adults or in their own room?
In some societies, children sleep with parents for the first few years and this seems comfortable emotionally for everyone.
There are few empirical studies on the matter, but a 1990 study of 300 families in Worcester, Mass., found that 40 percent let their 2 - and 3 - year - old children sleep with them at least once a week.
As a mother, my babies each slept at my breast for two years and now my growing children sleep with me as they need me.
Children sleep with their parents until late childhood, and many move to a grandparent's bed when a new baby comes along.
Infants are also swaddled for most of the day during the first several months and children sleep with their parents.
Just thought I'd add... our children sleep with us now.
In most places around the world, young children sleep with other people.
Such figures would be almost impossible to calculate because no one knows how many U.S. children sleep with their parents at various times.
Where I'm from, children sleep with their parents or siblings or grandparents or cousins.
I've talked to several parents whose children sleep with them and not by their choice.
Many then either resort to CIO or don't sleep well themselves because they have toddlers or older children sleeping with them.
I know what it's like to have one child sleep with me.
EITHER WAY reading instructions or not everyone should know you shouldn't let your child sleep with anything around them.
My children slept with me and my husband forever.
Holiday Sleep Issue 3: Your Child Wants to Sleep With You Every Night Due to travel or people staying over your home during the holidays, you have your child sleep with you in the same bed.
Consider letting your child sleep with a bare bottom whenever he has a rash.
If your child sleeps with one pillow, just add one more pillow and then have your child lay to the side or facing up.
A child sleeps with parent (s) in the same bed.
My other three children slept with me until they were bigger, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Be aware that if you've had your child sleeping with you all these months, it will be increasingly difficult to coax her back into her own bed.
Some people think that allowing a baby to cry it out sounds awful, but personally, I think that having my child sleep with me until they're 10 sounds awful.
If the child sleeps with the bum up, it is easy for babies to get a diaphragmatic hernia and cause the same symptoms as bowel obstruction, which can make the baby uncomfortable.
Also: If you don't mind having your child sleep with you for a while, until his nighttime fears subside and he's off to another developmental challenge, don't worry about doing it.
I love him no less, I just believe children sleeping with their parents is abnormal.
And don't believe people who insist that the longer your child sleeps with you, the harder it will be to get them out — this is almost always said by people who have never co-slept, think it's dangerous, or know one person with a horror story about how their child snuck in and climbed in bed with them until they were 8 (which breaks rule # 3 anyway).
Now I wouldn't trade a thing for all the wonderful memories we have of our children sleeping with us.
You may have to spend a few nights taking extra steps, perhaps letting your child sleep with you or staying in her room until she falls asleep, but it shouldn't be too long before she's getting to sleep by herself.
Nursing caries is a form of tooth decay that is caused by children sleeping with bottles.
Do you just pick your favorite child to do this with or do you only have one because your child sleeps with you and it takes you an hour to sleep with your kids so you never had the opportunity to create more children?
Alice, My children slept with me (and sometimes Bruce).
It says that some parents choose to have their child sleep with them.
What better feeling than watching your newborn child sleep with that divinely peaceful expression, and being able to snuggle up and reassure her any time during the night.
The cultural value of independence is manifested in the practice of encouraging babies to sleep alone, while children sleeping with parents is viewed with suspicion as potentially pathological.
What better feeling than watching your newborn child sleep with that divinely peaceful expression,... [Continue Reading]
Don't let your child sleep with you some nights.
For example, what type of discipline is best, should the child sleep with you or not, etc...
, Does your child sleep with a bottle?
, Does your child sleep with or without adults?

Not exact matches

Huffington hopes to change sleep attitudes by starting with children.
I would have no problem with the flight attendant asking my child and I to temporarily move to the back, perhaps in an effort to give the child some movement and rock her to sleep.
That encouraging stat also means that many, many children still don't sleep under a bed net or in a house treated with insecticide, according to the WHO.
First of all, comparing the woman you're sleeping with to your child is creepy on its own, but how must Ivanka feel to hear that her own dad is drawing parallels between you and an XXX actress?
It doesn't negate the fact that a judge can, within this last week, put equal blame on a 14 year old girl and the 49 year old teacher who had sex with her, and excuse it as her being «troubled», because apparently it's OK to sleep with a child if that child is troubled.
These ideas come from our own childhood, whether good or bad, from the media and from seeing the experiences of our friends and relatives: pushing prams with sleeping babies along the riverside, teaching our children to walk, training them how to draw with crayons rather than eat them, answering cute questions, making star charts, walking them to school.
Doesn't take away from the fact that he follows the teachings of men who felt they needed 40 wives and especially enjoyed sleeping with children.
Jackson has heard bullets fly through her front door; lost sleep due to the noisy drug - dealing going on nearby; shared her small apartment for months at a time with children taken from crack - addicted mothers; calmed hysterical young women beaten by their drunk boyfriends; wept at the funerals of young boys; and battled obstinate government bureaucracies to get a swingset for the rusty and littered «playground» at the center of the Smith Homes.
The children were reared on the graveyard shift, with the family staying up all night and going to sleep at 4 am, Mr Hestrin said.
They found the house filled with mourners, but Jesus silenced them all and declared that the child was sleeping.
The very appetite proceeding from labor and peace of mind is gone: we eat just enough to keep us alive: our sleep is disturbed by the most frightful dreams; sometimes I start awake, as if the great hour of danger was come; at other times the howling of our dogs seems to announce the arrival of the enemy: we leap out of bed and run to arms; my poor wife with panting bosom and silent tears takes leave of me, as if we were to see each other no more; she snatches the youngest children from their beds, who, suddenly awakened, increase with their innocent questions the horror of the dreadful moment.
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