Sentences with word «chimaera»

Experts say the Mycobacterium chimaera discovered in the heater - cooler, a device used to control a patient's blood pressure, is slow growing and it may take years for some victims to show symptoms.
Lapping waves might scroll over to an upside - down mountain range, for instance, forming some sort of chimaera of the two for the brief moment they are on screen.
Since it costs nothing to cast, chimaera wings are only needed if the hero is incapacitated.
Instead, the genus is nestled firmly within a group of cartilaginous fish known as chimaera, a lineage that includes species commonly known as ghost sharks and ratfish.
Having quoted the same passage from Hume as did Sandel, Sacks writes of Jimmie: «In some sense, he had been reduced to a «Humean» being — I could not help thinking how fascinated Hume would have been at seeing in Jimmie his own philosophical chimaera incarnate, a gruesome reduction of a man to mere disconnected, incoherent flux and change.»
Compared with the traditional image of a cyborg chimaera, such software hybrids may be more adaptable, perhaps even able to merge several kinds of minds.
This would make the all eukaryotes chimaeras at a cellular level.
We are pleased to announce accreditation for two new qPCR methods: Legionella pneumophila by qPCR and Mycobacterium chimaera by qPCR.
It reveals that one - quarter (249) of 1,041 known shark, ray and chimaera species globally fall under three threatened categories on the IUCN Red List.»
January 4, 2017 280 million - year - old fossil reveals origins of chimaeroid fishes High - definition CT scans of the fossilized skull of a 280 million - year - old fish reveal the origin of chimaeras, a group of cartilaginous fish related to sharks, and allow scientists to firmly anchor them in evolutionary history.
On October 13, 2016 a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Health Advisory and Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Safety Communication announced that the Stöckert 3T heater / cooler devices by LivaNova PLC (formerly the Sorin Group) may have been contaminated with Mycobacterium chimaera (M.Chimaera), a rare type nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM), during manufacturing.
With around 1,100 species, the second most biodiverse group is the cartilaginous fish, which are almost exclusively marine and include sharks, rays and chimaeras.
Background Mycobacterium chimaera (M. chimaera) is a non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) which has been implicated as a causative agent of a small number of infections post-surgery.
On October 13, 2016 a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Advisory and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Safety Communication announced that Stöckert 3T heater / cooler devices by LivaNova PLC (formerly the Sorin Group) may have been contaminated with Mycobacterium chimaera (M. chimaera), a rare type of nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM), during manufacturing.
These look like torties, i.e. red with small black spots or patches but are genetically red / red tabby cats with localised skin mutations or are chimaeras (resulting from 2 fused embryos).
Freezing Blizzard is learned by monster companions such as the chimaera.
The chimaera wing (キメラのつばさ, Kimera no Tsubasa / Chimera wing; originally Wings, Wyvern wing and Warpwing in previous translations) is an item that casts the Zoom spell when used.
Lunar chimaeras debuted in Dragon Quest X and have the appearance of a normal chimaera, however the plumage of this bird is made of golden and night blue feathers, except the ones of the wings, which are silver.
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