Sentences with phrase «chlorophyll content»

"Chlorophyll content" refers to the amount of a green pigment called chlorophyll found in plants and algae. Chlorophyll is important for photosynthesis, a process through which plants use sunlight to produce food. Essentially, chlorophyll content tells us how much of this pigment is present in a particular organism, indicating its ability to carry out photosynthesis effectively. Full definition
Also, it contains the highest chlorophyll content of any plant and is often used to make liquid chlorophyll, which is highly nutritious.
Most notably, it contains eight essential amino acids, Vitamin K and has the highest chlorophyll content of any plant (which is why I also use it in my pregnancy tea).
Titanium is not an essential nutrient for plants, Raliya says, but boosts light absorption by increasing chlorophyll content in the leaves and promotes photosynthesis, properties Biswas» lab discovered while creating solar cells.
The researchers also report a lower Chlorophyll content in the backcrossed plants, which probably causes the pale green leaves.
The intense chlorophyll content of phytoplankton increases oxygen uptake which means more fuel to muscles leading to improved performance and endurance.
It has a green tinge to it due to its healthy chlorophyll content.
TA, total alkalinity; DIC, dissolved inorganic carbon; pCO2, carbon dioxide concentration; HCO3 −, bicarbonate concentration; CO32 −, carbonate concentration; POC, particulate organic carbon content per cell; PP, primary production per cell; PIC, particulate inorganic carbon content per cell; CR, calcification rate per cell; Chl a, chlorophyll a content per cell.
Japanese tea leaves grow in the shade to increase chlorophyll content.
What makes the powder such a potent detox is its high chlorophyll content.
Its intense chlorophyll content and its microscopic nano - particulate size means it brings oxygen into all parts of the body, even crossing the blood / brain barrier, quickly.
Not all matcha gets so much protection from the light, thus maximising the chlorophyll content.
Matcha green tea bushes are grown under lots of shade which boosts their chlorophyll content (that's the bright green stuff that contains all the nutrients).
New imagery available through Carnegie Mellon's GigaPan Time Machine lets users move in space and time to explore the sun, a beehive or the chlorophyll content of the oceans
By monitoring bleaching and chlorophyll content, they should be able to predict how corals might respond to potential bleaching conditions.
Expressing GLKs increased the chlorophyll content of fruit, whereas SlGLK2 suppression recapitulated the u mutant phenotype.
In some cases, an attached fluorometer (6) collects data on the water's chlorophyll content, helping researchers understand the vertical distribution of photosynthetic plankton.
The scientists examined growth characteristics including the fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots, shoot - to - root ratio, total leaf area, and chlorophyll content.
Matcha is a special type of green tea produced by shading the leaves of the green tea plant at the end of growing to increase the chlorophyll content and create a very mild and bright green tea.
Most of the benefits from these super-green add - ons are derived from the chlorophyll content.
The green tea leaves are shaded from the sun for the last few weeks of their growth, increasing the chlorophyll content and creating a gorgeous green color.
It gets its name (pronounced «clore - ella,» not to be confused with «Cruella» or «cholera») from its high chlorophyll content.
This action significantly increases the chlorophyll content of the leaves.
The chlorophyll content found in parsley makes this preparation great for aiding digestion.
Before it's processed into an antioxidant - packed fine powder, it grows in a more shaded environment where it's chlorophyll content increases immensely, creating a vibrant green colour.
The darker the leaves, the higher the chlorophyll content, which in turn contributes to the tea's health benefits.
High chlorophyll content is an important factor that assists in tissue regeneration and rebuilding.
An intriguing study published by the Institute of Food Technologies ascertained that overcooking leafy greens, refrigerating them or consuming them when almost spoilt significantly reduces their chlorophyll content.
Spirulina also has more calcium than milk and its chlorophyll content makes it very detoxifying.
This form concentrates the chlorophyll content of spinach, as well as CoQ10, which is responsible for cellular regeneration and energy production.
Also, since it has a high chlorophyll content, it can make your waste matter a dark green color.
Nearly all of chlorella and spirulina's benefits can be attributed to their chlorophyll content.
Wheatgrass The chlorophyll content of wheatgrass makes it the perfect choice for helping your body to detox.
Plus, the vibrant color of matcha is due to its high chlorophyll content, a nutrient that helps detoxify, reduce inflammation and boost immunity.
The darker the green color, the higher the chlorophyll content and the more toxins it will help to dump into the toilet.
Japanese tea leaves are left to grow in the shade in order to up their chlorophyll content.
Spinach appears to be protective in vitro against breast cancer, brain tumor, kidney cancer, lung cancer, pediatric brain tumor, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer cells, due perhaps in part to its chlorophyll content, which may protect DNA against mutations.
Matcha is also used in detoxification, due to its high chlorophyll content, and given it provides a calorie - free energy boost, it's used to promote weight loss.
This increases the chlorophyll content and gives the leaves their vibrant green hue.
The chlorophyll content of a food is a major indicator of the health attributes of any given plant based food.
Greenies may give your dog's stools a greenish color due to the chlorophyll content of the product.
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