Sentences with phrase «chocolate disks»

If using Mexican chocolate disks, use one whole disc (about 1.3 oz).
Then they saw what would happen if they used chocolate disks versus shaved bits of dark chocolate.
Prize Pack # 2: King Arthur Flour ingredients: One bag of all - purpose flour, one package of Guittard bittersweet chocolate disks, and one bottle of pure vanilla extract
«For non-Australians, a Golden Rough is a round milk chocolate disk studded with desiccated coconut» Well thank you for this lesson as I have never heard of a Golden Rough.
The key to producing round chocolate drops, as opposed to super-flat chocolate disks, is that the cookie dough must freeze solid before going into the oven.
Using a spoon, drizzle the melted chocolate (about a teaspoon) onto the mat and then use the spoon to swirl it around to form a delicious dark chocolate disk.
Once you've got your chocolate disks formed, start studding them with your trail mix bits.
They look so hearty and healthy but doesn't seem like they'd taste it with all that goodness happening in those chocolate disks!
You can purchase these Filipino hot chocolate disks at some specialty stores, but if you can't find them, Mexican chocolate disks will do in a pinch.
Love the idea of the chocolate disks, Katerina.
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