Sentences with phrase «choice between someone»

With respect to each of them every person is faced with the demand to make choices between better and worse.
These rooms offers choice between king and twin beds and offers services such as access to executive lounge, evening turn down service.
The good news is that they have choices between using human growth hormone and testosterone and the decision will be ultimately made by their qualified doctor.
After these learning sessions, the researchers presented the children with a «standard» water container and a series of choices between different tools.
We decided early on to never make choices between living artists because we support inclusion, not exclusion.
Third, there are no rules for choice between research programmes, but there are independent criteria of assessment.
Now I have to make choices between what's better, the top or bottom.
It's all about the writing, and this is where the film should have made a more clear choice between whether it would be comedic or dramatic.
It assumes elections are straight choices between truth on one side and lies on the other, when they are nothing of the kind.
That will force local governments and school districts to face tough choices between raising taxes and cutting jobs or services.
This was a very, very difficult choice between several front runners at E3 this year.
Instead, we're confronted with arguments framed as a hard, false choice between sound economic policies and social programs, between fiscal realities and compassionate acts.
Very young children can be given simple choices between two things.
In fact, he does not necessarily even tell us what to do with regards to major life choices, including choices between religious and secular life.
A society that expects its elections to provide choices between policies and directions, as well as between candidates, must generate those options in other places.
Students will struggle with the hard choice between standing down and standing up for yourself.
Understanding the differences will help you make the best choice between which of the policies that you want to choose for your needs.
Life insurance is sometimes thought of as being expensive, but there are choices between term life and whole life that can make life insurance very affordable.
It's a fallacy to think that learning is a binary choice between the classroom and the computer.
Sometimes people have to make choices between saving their pet or trying to pay off a large veterinary bill.
With a hungry family to feed, how would they make the impossible choice between spending their last $ 20 on food or diapers?
I can not understand why some people are so dedicated to denying families like mine the simple ability to have a real choice between different public schools.
Part of the daily life as an investor is about making choices between alternatives.
In today's climate, principals seem to face a tough choice between keeping their school safe and ensuring that all students have continued educational opportunity.
The study examined how families made choices between state schools - and why children from deprived families were more likely to be concentrated in the worst performing schools.
Of course not every employee acts this way, but if an employer has a good choice between candidates, they will often avoid this risk.
In the past several years, consumer choices between e-readers have grown rapidly as companies race to produce devices with more features and less bulk.
The best choice between red or green grapes = red grapes!
But, with so many different models to choose from in this segment, making a final choice between them will be difficult.
Most amount to a personal choice between immediate pleasures and lasting ones.
The respondents clearly made different choices between actions taken for a suffering dog versus a suffering person.
Making the right choice between single trip travel insurance and annual multi trip insurance can also help travelers save money.
Fortunately, it is not an either / or choice between public schools and private schools as we know them.
«I think people have over the years come to believe that they have to make this difficult choice between supporting local businesses... or getting a great price,» he said.
I usually give my child choices between two appropriate alternatives rather than telling my child what to do.
This means that some schools and districts are forced to make choices between fully funding evidence - based practices in state standards implementation and other competing priorities.
He would never force someone to make a ridiculous choice between watching graduation or going to a meeting.
Parents in distressed circumstances have to make difficult choices between purchasing diapers, paying bills, or buying groceries.
What if you had to make the simple choice between eating and making your car payment?
It might be a bad idea because it limits choice between experience and novelty.
This requires an understanding of consumer behaviour on the Net and how consumers and clients makes choices between providers when they purchase legal services.
The main advantage for borrowers at TD include flexible choices between points and lender credits, as well as a high rating for customer satisfaction with its mortgage servicing.
When you are shopping for life insurance, get all the facts so you can make an informed choice between whole life and term life insurance.
The right choice between whole and term life insurance depends in large part on the circumstances of the person making the decision.
We observe teacher choices between the traditional defined benefit plan and the hybrid plan during two time periods: 1996 — 1997 and 2008 — 2010.
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