Sentences with phrase «choice by policymakers»

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Slated for release in 2013, the new SimCity invites players to grapple with tough choices about energy generation, environmental costs and the responsibilities shouldered by inhabitants of a planet with finite resources — choices faced by real policymakers on the very real planet Earth.
Instead of assuming a strategically located farmer's market, for instance, will by default mean kids in the neighborhood eat less food high in fat, sugar and salt, policymakers might want to also consider emphasizing the downsides of those choices.
In a generally well - meaning effort to impose «accountability,» some policymakers have attempted to regulate school choice programs as they regulate district schools, including by mandating state tests.
Researchers and policymakers may be continuing to debate solutions to the nation's reading woes, but many struggling schools appear to have reached a consensus on the subject, even if not by choice.
Rather, it is a way for policymakers to challenge the «givens» of the existing system by harnessing the powerful dynamics created by choice, competition, standards, and accountability.
An obvious implication of this analysis is that federal policymakers seeking to expand families» access to a larger number of schools (and school types) might seek to accomplish this goal in part by helping families access schools which they are eligible to attend under existing choice policies.
We believe this exactitude is justified by the fact that the conclusions that many policymakers and commentators draw about whether school choice «works» depends on the direction and significance of the effect parameter.
The libertarian Cato Institute is currently circulating a petition calling on reformers and policymakers to «dispense with rigid testing mandates» because «the compelled conformity fostered by centralized standards and tests stifles the very diversity that gives consumer choice its value.»
The growth of online education, in all of its forms, has been driven by the inexorable development of information technology itself and by the competitive dynamic that state policymakers are beginning to create by extending choice to cyberspace.
The FTC program, which is essentially a voucher program funded by business tax credits, is the largest private school choice program in the country and has been held up as a national model by advocates and policymakers.
By reforming Title I to give states the option to make dollars portable, following children from low - income families to schools or education options of choice, policymakers would create much - needed flexibility for schools and families, and increase the likelihood of achieving that goal.
This report, for the first time ever, provides a state - by - state breakdown of the key elements a policymaker needs in order to understand the legal environment for school choice in any given state — and to craft appropriate legislation to expand educational opportunity.
In a generally well - meaning effort to impose «accountability,» some policymakers have attempted to regulate school - choice programs as they regulate district schools, including by mandating state tests.
People — who often rely on intuition instead of reason, make inconsistent choices over time, and can be overloaded by information — are the clients who receive services, the staff who provide them, and the policymakers who create them.
Policymakers can intensify competition by increasing the number of choice schools, the size of these schools, or the financial hit public schools experience when they lose enrollment.
Policymakers can intensify competition by increasing the number of choice schools, the size of these schools, or the financial hit that public schools experience when they lose enrollment.
We look forward to seeing Texas join 25 other states and Washington, D.C. whose policymakers have put the needs of parents and students first by expanding educational choice
However, these amendments, leftover relics of discrimination from more than 100 years ago when a surge of Catholic immigrants caused some to worry about their religious influence in what was then Protestant public schools, continue to be used by opponents of school choice as whips against policymakers who have no interest in inviting litigation.
Last year, this series profiled Educators for Excellence founders Evan Stone and Sydney Morris, who launched Educators for Excellence in New York City and state to engage teachers in education policy issues and provide a platform for teacher voices to be heard by policymakers and the media — with the ultimate goal of elevating the profession and ensuring that teacher expertise informs smart education policy choices.
[1] Each wave of reform has been led by different combinations of leaders and stakeholders: government officials, educators, parents, and activists (focused on equity); business leaders and policymakers (focused on excellence / accountability); and parents (focused on choice and pushing back against assessment).
This initiative, entitled the Public School Choice Initiative (PSCI), is being watched by policymakers and educators across the nation.
Time and time again, policymakers make the claim that the purpose of PSLF is to ensure borrowers are not constrained in their career choices by unaffordable student loan payments.
We believe that policymakers, the media, and the public should pay attention to scientific expert credibility and the well - vetted comprehensive assessment reports prepared by a large number of the leading scientists — in particular the new IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, along with the National Academy of Sciences (4 - volume America's Climate Choices report) and the National Climate Assessment forthcoming from the U.S. Global Change Research Program.
by the CHOICES we make to encourage policymakers to develop universal and accessible home visitation and parent.
«This study provides information for lenders, builders, and policymakers regarding the future shape of housing demand, which the authors clearly show will be substantially impacted by the housing choices of foreign - born households, whether they are renters or home owners.»
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