Sentences with phrase «choice movement»

These legal challenges stalled reform and kept the school choice movement fighting for a clear identity.
Each staff member's biography includes bonus facts about our past schooling experiences and what inspired us to join the educational choice movement.
The roots of choice movement come from a Republican tree.
I joined the school choice movement because I wanted to use what skills I have to make a difference for future families.
It describes how the school choice movement laid the philosophical and institutional foundations upon which virtual education could be built.
The school choice movement still enjoys a great deal of bipartisan support across the nation.
She pushed the private school choice movement to invest in serious political giving much earlier than the mainstream reform groups did, and, so far, with far greater success.
If you're in the educational choice movement, we have a training for you.
Last Friday's 6 - 3 decision by the Washington Supreme Court that declared unconstitutional a charter school law — one approved by 1.5 million voters — is an existential threat to the parental choice movement in the Evergreen State and across the nation.
The Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) is the only Black - led organization focused exclusively on representing the interests of low - income and working class Black families in the education reform and parental choice movement in the U.S.
The year is shaping up to be momentous for the school choice movement as well, though again the long - term implications remain misty.
She serves as Chairman of the Board of American Federation for Children, an organization that has long been at the forefront of the education choice movement in America.
While in office, Senator Duplessis ushered the school choice movement into New Orleans and the entire state.
Students create a movement problem and demonstrate multiple solutions; choose the most interesting solutions and discuss the reasons for their choice
Acknowledging the rise in childless by choice movements, the decline in overall parental happiness, and co-parenting strife among couples, Valenti ambitiously packages a modern portrait of American family that is true to our circumstances, not our daytime television segments.
Nevertheless, when the legislature approved the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program near the end of the 1989 legislative session for implementation in the 1990 - 91 school year, it was a monumental victory for the parent choice movement.
Brandon was a recipient of a significant amount of campaign money from the school choice movement during his 2012 run for office — 25 percent of his campaign contributions came from pro-voucher investors.
Charter schools continue to grow nationally as the school choice movement gains momentum.
Attention theologians and philosophers: a critique of Augustine's theology of time helps the school choice movement develop better political strategy.
The School Choice movement imagines a possible future where the social impulse of Waldorf education and its accessibility to more families of all economic levels might be realized.
Coleman became the North Star of the school choice movement when he reported that students, especially those of minority background, performed at a higher level if they attended Catholic schools.
The private - school - choice movement claimed new momentum last week after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a state court ruling that upheld the pioneering Milwaukee voucher program.
What has made the school choice movement successful is not allowing peripheral issues — however important they are — to interfere with our work to help as many families and children as possible access more and better educational options.
Nor should the school choice movement expect much from Washington.
In Williams, the school choice movement discovered an unexpected ally, motivated by a combination of personal biography, pragmatism, and political survival.
To school choice movement veteran Nina Rees, the decision to provide more funding for public schools as well as vouchers for private tuition was a virtue.
As the school - choice movement accelerates across the country, several major cities — including Cincinnati, Detroit, Memphis, Milwaukee, and Washington, D.C. — are expanding their charter - school portfolios.
Although the charter school and modern private school choice movements began around the same time (in 1991 and 1990, respectively), they've had very different experiences: Some 2.3 million children are enrolled in the charter sector's tuition - free public schools.
Reformers embraced it as a powerful intellectual force for change and used it to propel the budding choice movement forward.
Heilig adds that the school choice movement depends heavily on African American and Latino leaders such as Williams.
In 2002, the school choice movement received one of its biggest victories when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its landmark Zelman v. Simmons - Harris case declaring school voucher programs like those in Milwaukee, WI and Cleveland, OH constitutional.
Critics of the school choice movement fear the call from conservative quarters to expand charters is a dangerous first step to privatization of the public education system.
Overall, May has been a good month for the school choice movement despite a few lawsuits involving the teachers unions (so what else is new?).
She has chronicled problems with standardized - test based school reform and the school choice movement on this blog for years.
For the sake of good governance, federalism, and the school - choice movement writ large, let's continue to let them lead.
The truth: If you follow today's Orwellian nature of the media and politics, you can feel the school choice movement advocates drooling over DeVos» speech.
This week's conference marked the AFC's 8th annual gathering, intended to recap recent gains for the school - choice movement while surveying its upcoming challenges.
Professional development sessions at the National Charter Schools Conference will focus on a variety of issues facing the school choice movement such as finding and funding facilities, special education, and handling pushback against the expanding charter school movement.
Of course there are many different ways of defining freedom and equality, and in a sense the schools of choice movement can be said to promote equality: those with few choices because of their poor economic position will be less constrained by economic circumstances and thus become more «equal» to others.
Kelli Bottger brings a wealth of legislative and educational leadership experience to the educational choice movement in Louisiana.
«We think of the educational choice movement as involving many parts: vouchers and tax credits, certainly, but also virtual schools, magnet schools, homeschooling, and charter schools,» she said in a 2013 interview.
Last Friday's 6 - 3 decision by the Washington Supreme Court that declared unconstitutional a charter school law is an existential threat to the parental choice movement.
Second, magnet schools have been incorporated into the school choice movement as a means of improving achievement and into No Child Left Behind as a way of increasing the opportunities available to children in low - performing schools.
I believe the chartering process is an important element of the parent choice movement, which I fully support.
«Polly was useful to the school choice movement because of her race and party affiliation,» Mitchell told a reporter.
Education leaders and policy makers gathered in Baton Rouge this week to discuss the success and future challenges of Louisiana's school choice movement during the Mini Policy Summit on School Choice.
Yesterday, at an event hosted by the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP) and cosponsored by the American Federation of Teachers, school choice opponents attempted to link today's private school choice movement with Jim Crow - era efforts to resist desegregation by providing white students with vouchers to attend private schools.
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