Sentences with phrase «choice study the results»

The story behind school choice study The results are more complicated than they are sometimes portrayed.

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I recognize that based on studies that is a less - than - optimal choice on average and that it is not «normal» and could disrupt the birth process and result in complications for the mother and baby.
In a new study commissioned by The March of Dimes Foundation and published in Fertility and Sterility, researchers from The Hastings Center and Yale Fertility Center examined the practical circumstances of infertility treatment in the US that influence patients and their doctors to make treatment choices that too frequently result in multiple births.
In today's New York Times, Jane Brody reports on the recently released results of the CHildhood Obesity Cost - Effectiveness Study (aka «CHOICES»), which examined various possible approaches to curbing childhood obesity and chose two as most likely to help: the imposition of taxes on sugary beverages and curbs on children's junk food advertising, both measures long supported here on The Lunch Tray.
Still, this study's results are unequivocal about the fact that an elective C - section is still the best choice for a breech baby, since a vaginal delivery could kill the infant.
We would have considered it reasonable to combine the results from both if there was little heterogeneity between the study designs and the interaction between the effect of intervention and the choice of randomisation unit was considered to be unlikely.
Mayim Bialik, best know for her roles as «Blossom» and «Amy» in the Big Bang Theory, who holds a PH.D if Neuroscience and is the recent author of «Beyond the Sling», mentioned that while in graduate school studying the hormones of human attachment as part of her thesis, she started seeing the results of these kinds of parenting choices.
The study's author noted (and anti-home-birth advocates are quick to point out) that the outcomes were a result of «a good risk - selection system, good transport in place, and well - trained midwives,» factors that are no doubt influenced by the collaboration of Dutch doctors and midwives and a national health system that support home births as a viable choice for women.
When relating the results of animal studies to human infants, important factors to consider include the choice of animal species for study, the stage of development (eg, prenatal or postnatal), and the duration and severity of deficiency or excessive intake.
The study includes results from 359 multiple - choice test items administered to over 20,000 students in grades 4 through 12 from across the U.S..
Dr Allan Debelle, who conducted the study as part of his PhD under the supervision of Dr Rhonda Snook at the University of Sheffield, said these results suggest that mate choice can be an important driver of the evolution of motor performance, «Our research shows that when, at each generation, females are given a choice among several mates performing energetically costly courtship, the motor performance of males in that population can respond to this selection process and progressively improve.»
The results of this study counter the rational choice models that are currently used in sexual selection theory, suggesting they may prove inadequate to explain decisions in socially complex and dynamic mating arenas.
He points out that the results are contradictory and disparate, while showing that this is mainly due to shortcomings in the design and reporting of the studies — since the choice of methodology, purpose and target group are not clearly presented.
The average educational debt carried by emergency medicine residents is approximately 25 percent higher than the average mortgage in the United States, according to the results of a study published online last Thursday in Annals of Emergency Medicine, and has profound effects on their career and life choices.
«This is the first study to examine mate choice among wild - spawning fish of both hatchery and wild origin, and the results suggest that greater diversity of immune genes between wild - born pairs of coho salmon may increase offspring survival,» said Amelia Whitcomb, who did the research as a master's student at OSU and is lead author on the publication.
Investigator Dr Noor Danhof from the AMC Centre for Reproductive Medicine in Amsterdam says the results of the study, a large randomised trial performed in the Netherlands, now make this «least expensive and least invasive stimulation agent» the drug of choice in IUI.
«Based on the results of our study, there is much to be done to encourage 9 - to -10-year-old children and their families to make healthier food choices.
Steve Jewson, The problem is that the studies that do not use a flat prior wind up biasing the result via the choice of prior.
I agree that no - one should be able to bias the results by their choice of prior: there needs to be a sensible convention for how people choose the prior, and everyone should follow it to put all studies on the same footing and to make them comparable.
«At the moment the great majority of doctors use the braided tape material, and I would say that until the results of that study become available, the material of choice should be the nylon and not the tape,» he said.
Although this may suggest a low - carb diet is the healthier choice of the two, making health - care decisions based on a single study can result in errors, Johnston said.
Due to the sex - related disparities in pharmacokinetics and bioavailability results reported by different authors (Soldin, Chung, & Mattison, 2011; Soldin & Mattison, 2009), the choice of a single genus was chosen to avoid a high dispersion in the data, and the availability of healthy young adult female volunteers for the study.
You don't have to worry about that with Tru Burn Plus; several scientific studies have confirmed that this diet supplement truly does deliver the results, so it is a great choice if you are looking for a safe and reliable weight loss supplement.
Even though studies have found that the right post-workout meal is important in order to obtain good results, what you eat the rest of the day is important as well — you need to make smart, healthy choices throughout the day for optimal results. has just released the results of its latest Singles in America study, sharing findings about the modern dating habits, sexual preferences and lifestyle choices of American singles.
TECHNOLOGY REVIEW — July 17 — A study published last month in the journal Cyberpsychology and Behavior, shows that having more search results leads to a less careful partner choice.
What this study shows is that, while social media may be allowing individuals to expand their set of choices of a partner, it does not necessarily result in a higher incidence of STDs.
I've written about this at greater length elsewhere (see here and here), but we have eight rigorous studies of school choice programs in which the long - term outcomes of those policies do not align with their short - term achievement test results.
The results reported here are consistent with four similar studies - the 1973 High School Seniors Cohort Study, the National Educational Longitudinal Study, the Latino National Political Survey, and data collected from participants in school - choice programs in Washington, D.C., and Dayton, Ohio.
Because this sector has proven to be such a powerful tool for innovation, choice, and great results, subfields within K — 12 are studying ways to use chartering.
But there is risk of overstating results from any single study, especially on issues as controversial and polarizing as private school choice.
TIP provides a new way to look at what is going on behind the school gate, as Susan Craig states: «Traditional explanations of children's disruptive behaviours often emphasise their volitional aspects, suggesting that they occur as a result of bad choices, or intentional defiance... Recent studies of trauma and self and self - regulation provide an explanation.»
In the absence of a low - stakes check, I'm highly skeptical of whether choice schools suddenly improved in quality when they were required to administer the high - stakes tests that the study subjects had been taking all along with lower results.
Seven of the eight previous studies using similar definitions of segregation found that, on average, students move from more segregated to less segregated schools as a result of school choice.
If the results are largely inconsistent with the hypothesis, as in the case of our study, one retains a healthy amount of doubt regarding the association between achievement and attainment results of school choice evaluations.
The Indiana Choice Scholarship Program, launched in 2011, offers a rich opportunity to study how a large - scale tuition - voucher program works and to analyze the results it has produced in its first few years.
As a result of our findings of no consistent statistical association between the achievement and attainment effects in school choice studies we urged commentators and policymakers «to be more humble» in judging school choice programs or schools of choice based solely or primarily on initial test score effects.
In Mike's fourth post criticizing our study he chastises us for generalizing the results from evaluations of entire school choice programs to regulator behavior regarding individual schools.
In his third post criticizing our study Mike makes much out of the 8 school choice studies (as he defines school choice) with ELA results and college enrollment results and the 7 studies combining math effects and college enrollment effects.
The results of the study should lead to more support for school choice options, Chingos said in an interview with School Reform News.
Looking at longitudinal studies in Milwaukee and Louisiana, she describes them in a way that will leave the impression that the results were negative for school choice: «In both cases, programs were used primarily by black students and generally did not exacerbate segregation in public schools; however, students using vouchers did not gain access to integrated private schools, and segregation in private schools actually increased.»
The introduction of randomized field trials to education research is as much a boon to knowledge as the results from any single study on school choice.
Results from other studies on private school choice, however, do not indicate a relationship.
Policymakers should be cautious about drawing any conclusions based on any study that reports results for only a few years of any program or cohort of students, especially at the beginning of a school choice program, when various stakeholders, such as participating students, their parents, school leaders, and state - level administrators, are on a learning curve.
Fordham rests its claim on the results of but a single year in a single study of a single school choice program: the final year of the School Choice Demonstration Project's five - year analysis of the Milwaukee voucher prchoice program: the final year of the School Choice Demonstration Project's five - year analysis of the Milwaukee voucher prChoice Demonstration Project's five - year analysis of the Milwaukee voucher program.
Whereas school choice programs with a lighter regulatory burden yielded positive results, the technocratic attempt to ensure quality through regulation yielded the first negative results of any school choice program ever studied.
Dr. Matt Chingos of the Urban Institute released a new study that shows very favorable long - term outcomes for students who enroll in the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program — the largest private school choice program in the country.The results are clear: the Florida program significantly increases college matriculation, especially when students were enrolled in the FTC program for a longer period of time.
«We are incredibly pleased to see the results of this study by Dr. Matt Chingos of the Urban Institute, as it confirms what we have known to be true for years: private school choice programs provide families, especially disadvantaged families, greater opportunities to achieve academic success.
There have been 15 gold standard empirical studies of private school choice and academic outcomes: 10 are positive, 3 are neutral, and 2 are negative — only based upon on results in early years of those two studies.
Today, researchers from the School Choice Demonstration Project at the University of Arkansas and the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University will release findings from their study of the third year of results from the Louisiana Scholarship Program at the Urban Institute in Washington.
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