Sentences with phrase «choices someone have made»

These photos confirm a number of choices I've made in our own lake home.
In fact, we like to think that we make the kind of choices you'd make for yourself.
It turned out that these alterations were one of the best choices I've made in my professional life, giving me a tight pump.
I have misunderstood and got it wrong about what choice I have made about that.
You feel bad (and even guilty) about yourself and the eating choices you've made as a result of all the stress and responsibility in your life.
Economic theory suggests that school choice would make it so, in the sense that it would raise demand for highly talented and skilled teachers who receive rewards closely linked to their performance.
Not all seasons of challenge are caused by our own poor choices but many of my times in the valleys were a result of poor choices I had made.
Every other choice you've made in your home is beautiful.
This is your opportunity to ask this person what different choices you would make if you could go back.
I had no idea what choices I would make when the time came.
How often have you taken the time to think about what really interests you at work, what has perhaps shaped the career choices you have made so far?
What choice would you make if you were doing a dangerous performance?
I think we «grow into ourselves» as we age, and the choices we made when in our 20's are not likely the same choices we would make in later years.
Although commercially it was a miss and was not successful, deciding to create and publish that eBook was one of the best choices I've made so far.
And that's just one of the foolish financial choices I've made in my life.
Because if you are rejected by your family, for the ethical choices you have made, for who you are, or whatever reason, it is the ultimate rejection.
For the first time in my life, I recognized that health, wellness, and happiness came from positive choices I'd made in my life.
A lot of bad choices I've made in my life were the result of not feeling loved.
It's clear to me that the food choices I've made have lead me to where I am today.
Best fashion choice I've made this year, hands down!.
The question remains for the viewer, what choice have you made already, or will you make in the future?
This is a family favorite in our house and the variety of play choices have made it so the game does not get old.
Some of the poor management choices you've made can lead to the less desirable outcome — you running around, losing money and searching for a replacement.
«There was no question but that I would support him and honor whatever choice he would make,» she said.
One of the things I've come to realize is that most often the reason I feel rejected and excluded is because of important choices I've made for myself.
Over time I think your second choices would make better candidates.
In many cases, this is true, but if you are putting your confidence in the educational choice you have made, you could be in for rude awakening.
It's the one day of the year when women who have placed their baby for adoption are recognized for the tough choices they've made.
The healthy choices you have made the past few weeks have helped your body to slowly begin changing.
I bought this skirt maybe two years ago and it's one of the best clothing choices I've made.
It is funny that you normally dress to blend in since your current colourful choices would make you stand out... and for all the right reasons.
As they examine choices they've made, they realize that what they said they would do with their lives and what they have done are entirely different.
A more aggressive tire choice would make it even better.
To go with the seating choices you have made, you also need a table or two in your living room as well.
Choose what boosts will best benefit your situation and the element choice you've made.
I like choices they've made that encourage player creativity.
In the event of a catastrophe, the entire budget is dependent on the insurance choices you have made previously.
Well, enrolling in a driving education course of a good driving school is a fine choice you have made.
Even though it may sound unbelievably tough on the parent, making this overall choice has made parenting really, really easy.
Buying this franchise was one of the best business choices I have made to this point in life.
From the glimpse you have shown I love the fabric choices you have made.
I love the tile choices you have made, can't wait to see how this space turns out.
Your home is lovely and the natural greenery choices you have made are so tasteful.
What different choices would you make, if you gave yourself permission to let go the expectations other people push you to be or do?
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