Sentences with phrase «choose a language calling»

Not exact matches

They will choose a city, use the internet to gather current information, write to a city tourist bureau, call ADAC, find overnight and restaurant accomodations, create a tour poster and mini-souvenirs, and finally present (in the target language) their tour at a city tour festival.
Interviews and observations were chosen primarily because we are former public school teachers who currently spend numerous hours working in public school settings and have what Mischler (1986) called «ordinary language competence» (p. 7).
In this installment of our interview focused on non-objective abstraction, a visual language chosen by Alma Thomas, Beauford Delaney, Charles, Alston, Sam Gilliam, Harold Cousins and other African American abstract artists of the so - called «first generation.»
We take time to carefully choose the language that will cause the hiring manager to call you in for an interview.
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