Sentences with phrase «choosing by measurements»

On the other hand, you can also be a bit more specific by choosing by measurements.

Not exact matches

When the physicists chose to record the laser light emerging from one of the gates, then the light traversing that route, alone, ended up with deflection angles amplified by a factor of more than 100 in the intermediate measurement step.
eShakti goes the extra mile by requesting your height, and they give you the option to choose between standard dress sizes, or furthering perfecting the dress fit by entering in your measurements.
Tip: This style dress fits closely on the bust and waist, therefore choose the size by using the larger measurement in those areas.
Tip: This dress style fits closely on the bust and waist, therefore choose the size by using the larger measurement in those areas.
In Grainline sizing, my hips are two sizes smaller than my bust, so I just chose the size based on my bust measurement and dropped the hem by 9 ″ to give me this minidress length.
If you're thinking of buying, I'd recommend you choose your size by your waist measurement alone.
According to Van Zutphen, the process was simple — she took the measurements suggested by the website, chose a dress size, paid the invoice and then watched the package via online tracking.
This would be considered a short term measurement by many and was chosen because we want to focus on what relationships exist today, not two or three years ago when market conditions might have been different.
By recognizing your dog's requirement and measurement you can choose the user - friendly dog harness for pulling.
Because emission flux measurements were not possible at the time for OSCs, we chose to estimate fluxes of OSCs from agricultural activities in the SoCAB by simultaneously measuring OSC and NH3 ambient concentrations adjacent to a cattle feedlot in Chino, California (SI Appendix, sections 1 and 2) before dawn to avoid photochemistry.
Based on an examination by independent analysts, after 1990 the U.S. climate agencies chose to start replacing real - world measurements with entirely fabricated (i.e. «estimated») numbers.
The frequent refrain «no warming since 1998» relies on a double cherry - pick: First off, by choosing 1998, the hottest year ever in the satellite record, as a starting point and, secondly, by disregarding the more reliable measurements of the temperature at the Earth's surface where we actually live.
I choose the method suggested by Dr. Chrisy and Dr. Spencer in the post «STILL Epic Fail: 73 Climate Models vs. Measurements» here: Dr. Spencer states;
I chose a downwelling IR value of 300W / m ^ 2, a fairly modest value for planet Earth as shown by measurement (300W / m ^ 2 + has been measured during summer at the North pole).
If you think that you might want to occasionally seat more than six people, it could be that you choose a table that will seat eight people by adding chairs at either end - so make sure you incorporate that in your measurements!
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